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🎥 moneti
for motion picture use, etc.
This is an implementation of possibly one of the most
secure authentication mechanisms, an edward's elliptic curve 448 (EEC448).
[ZSH] pip install moneti
key generation
import moneti.modules.EEC448.private_key.creator as EEC448_private_key_creator
import moneti.modules.EEC448.public_key.creator as EEC448_public_key_creator
import pathlib
from os.path import dirname, join, normpath
import os
seed = "4986888b11358bf3d541b41eea5daece1c6eff64130a45fc8b9ca48f3e0e02463c99c5aedc8a847686d669b7d547c18fe448fc5111ca88f4e8"
format = "PEM"
private_key_path = normpath (join (pathlib.Path (__file__).parent.resolve (), "EEC448_private_key")) + "." + format
public_key_path = normpath (join (pathlib.Path (__file__).parent.resolve (), "EEC448_public_key")) + "." + format
private_key = EEC448_private_key_creator.create (seed, format, private_key_path)
private_key_instance = private_key ["instance"]
private_key_string = private_key ["string"]
public_key = EEC448_public_key_creator.create (
private_key_path = private_key_path,
public_key_path = public_key_path,
public_key_format = format
public_key_instance = public_key ["instance"]
public_key_string = public_key ["string"]
signatures and verification
import moneti.modules.EEC448.sign as sign
unsigned_bytes = b"{}"
signed = sign.start (
private_key_path = "",
unsigned_bytes = unsigned_bytes
signed_bytes = signed.bytes
import moneti.modules.EEC448.verify as verify
unsigned_bytes = b"{}"
signed_bytes = signed.bytes
# returns a boolean
verification_status = verify.start (
public_key_path = "",
signed_bytes = signed_bytes,
unsigned_bytes = unsigned_bytes
assert (verification_status == True), verification_status