NSO NED device configuration to OpenConfig
This python package will read in a json configuration for a device and translate to OpenConfig
- Decide whether pulling configuration from NSO or reading from file and set the appropriate envars
export NSO_URL="http://x.x.x.x:8080"
export NSO_USERNAME=admin
export NSO_PASSWORD=admin
export NSO_DEVICE=router1
export DEVICE_OS=xe
export TEST=False <- if True, the generated OC configuration is sent back to NSO
export ACL_USE_EXISTING_SEQ=False <- if True, existing ACL sequence numbers will be used. Could cause remark errors
- For a file (to be used if you've previously pulled the NSO configuration)
export NSO_NED_FILE="./device_configurations/$device_name/$device_name.json"
export DEVICE_OS=xe
- Execute script
python3 main.py
- The below files will be placed in a new directory names "output_data"
- device_name.json = the full configuration is pulled from NSO
- device_name_notes.txt = notes resulting from converting NSO config to OpenConfig
- device_name_openconfig.json = New OpenConfig config
- device_name_remaining.json = Remaining configuration from NSO
Ideally device_name_openconfig.json + device_name_remaining.json = device_name.json