A web based patio awning control on Raspberry Pi.
Currently supported are TB6612FNG powered motors as
The specific motor configuration(s) are defined using a configuration file as shown below.
# name, gpio_forward, gpio_backward, step_duration_in_sec
lane1, 2, 3, 0.5
lane2, 19, 26, 0.5
lane3, 5, 6, 0.5
lane4, 10, 9, 0.5
For motors with TB6612FNG, the file name must contain the term tb6612fng, e.g. tb6612fng_motors.config. Concerning the
hardware setup and wiring please read Example Hardware Setup.
To install this software, you can use the Docker or PIP package manager as shown below
Docker approach
sudo docker run --privileged -p 9500:9500 -v /etc/awning/:/etc/awning/ -e filename=/etc/awning/tb6612fng_motors.config grro/pi_awning_webthing:0.2.0
PIP approach
sudo pip install pi-awning-webthing
After installation, you can start the Webthing http endpoint in your Python code or from the command line by typing
sudo awning --command listen--port 9500 --filename /etc/awning/tb6612fng_motors.config
This binds the Webthing API to the local port 9500.
As an alternative to the list command, you can also use the register command to register and start the webthing service as a systemd entity.
This will automatically start the webthing service at boot time. Starting the server manually with the listen command is no longer necessary.
sudo awning --command register --port 9500 --filename /etc/awning/tb6612fng_motors.config
The awning service provides an http webthing endpoint that supports the awning properties. E.g.
# webthing has been started on host
"title":"awning lane1 target position",
"description":"awning lane1 target position",
"title":"awning lane1 current position",
"description":"awning lane1 current position",
"title":"lane1 is retracting",
"description":"lane1 is retracting",
"title":"lane1 is extending",
"description":"lane1 is extending",
"description":"A web connected patio awnings controller on Raspberry Pi",