This is an unofficial API for controlling Neato Botvac Connected vacuum robots.
The code is based on and credit for reverse engineering the API goes to
Lars Brillert @kangguru
This API is experimental. Use at your own risk. Feel free to contribute if things are not working.
Install using pip
pip install pybotvac
Alternatively, clone the repository and run
python install
If the serial and secret for your robot is known, simply run
>>> from pybotvac import Robot
>>> robot = Robot('OPS01234-0123456789AB', '0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF', 'my_robot_name')
>>> print(robot)
Name: sample_robot, Serial: OPS01234-0123456789AB, Secret: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
The format of the serial should be 'OPSxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', and the secret should be a string of hex characters 32 characters long.
These can be found by using the Account class.
To start cleaning
If no exception occurred, your robot should now get to work.
Currently the following methods are available in the Robot class:
- get_robot_state()
- start_cleaning()
- start_spot_cleaning()
- pause_cleaning()
- stop_cleaning()
- send_to_base()
- enable_schedule()
- disable_schedule()
- get_schedule()
For convenience, properties exist for state and schedule
state = robot.state
robot.schedule_enabled = False
If the serial and secret are unknown, they can be retrieved using the Account class.
You need a session instance to create an account.
There are three different types of sessions available.
It depends on your provider which session is suitable for you.
- PasswordSession lets you authenticate via E-Mail and Password. Even though this works fine, it is not recommended.
- OAuthSession lets you authenticate via OAuth2. You have to create an application here in order to generate
, client_secret
and redirect_url
. - PasswordlessSession is known to work for users of the new MyKobold App. The only known
is KY4YbVAvtgB7lp8vIbWQ7zLk3hssZlhR
from pybotvac import Account, Neato, OAuthSession, PasswordlessSession, PasswordSession, Vorwerk
email = "Your email"
password = "Your password"
client_id = "Your client it"
client_secret = "Your client secret"
redirect_uri = "Your redirect URI"
password_session = PasswordSession(email=email, password=password, vendor=Neato())
oauth_session = OAuthSession(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, vendor=Neato())
authorization_url = oauth_session.get_authorization_url()
print("Visit: " + authorization_url)
authorization_response = input("Enter the full callback URL: ")
token = oauth_session.fetch_token(authorization_response)
passwordless_session = PasswordlessSession(client_id=client_id, vendor=Vorwerk())
code = input("Enter the code: ")
passwordless_session.fetch_token_passwordless(email, code)
account = Account(password_session)
for robot in account.robots:
Information about maps and download of maps can be done from the Account class:
>>> from pybotvac import Account
>>> for map_info in Account(PasswordSession('', 'sample_password')).maps:
... print(map_info)
A cleaning map can be downloaded with the account class. Returns the raw image response. Example shows latest map.
You need the url from the map output to do that:
>>> from pybotvac import Account
>>> map = Account(PasswordSession('', 'sample_password')).maps
>>> download_link = map['robot_serial']['maps'][0]['url']
>>> Account('', 'sample_password').get_map_image(download_link)