PyLnk 3
Python library for reading and writing Windows shortcut files (.lnk).
Converted to support python 3.
This library can parse .lnk files and extract all relevant information from
them. Parsing a .lnk file yields a LNK object which can be altered and saved
again. Moreover, .lnk file can be created from scratch be creating a LNK
object, populating it with data and then saving it to a file. As that
process requires some knowledge about the internals of .lnk files, some
convenience functions are provided.
Limitation: Windows knows lots of different types of shortcuts which all have
different formats. This library currently only supports shortcuts to files and
folders on the local machine.
Mainly tool has two basic commands.
Parse existed lnk file
pylnk3 parse [-h] filename [props [props ...]]
positional arguments:
filename lnk filename to read
props props path to read
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Create new lnk file
usage: pylnk3 create [-h] [--arguments [ARGUMENTS]] [--description [DESCRIPTION]] [--icon [ICON]]
[--icon-index [ICON_INDEX]] [--workdir [WORKDIR]] [--mode [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}]]
target name
positional arguments:
target target path
name lnk filename to create
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--arguments [ARGUMENTS], -a [ARGUMENTS]
additional arguments
--description [DESCRIPTION], -d [DESCRIPTION]
--icon [ICON], -i [ICON]
icon filename
--icon-index [ICON_INDEX], -ii [ICON_INDEX]
icon index
--workdir [WORKDIR], -w [WORKDIR]
working directory
--mode [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}], -m [{Maximized,Normal,Minimized}]
window mode
pylnk3 p filename.lnk
pylnk3 c c:\prog.exe shortcut.lnk
pylnk3 c \\\share\file.doc doc.lnk
pylnk3 create c:\1.txt text.lnk -m Minimized -d "Description"
changed logic for Lnk.path choose (in case of different paths presents at different structures)
read links with root as GUID of KNOWN_FOLDER
[FIX] disabled padding for writing LinkInfo.local_base_path
added support for network links
reworked CLI (added more options for creating links)
added entry point for call tool just like pylnk3
[FIX] allow build links for non-existed (from this machine) paths
[FIX] correct building links on Linux (now expect Windows-like path)
[FIX] fixed path priority at parsing with both local & remote presents
added support links to UWP apps
released to PyPI
converted to python 3