Radix Engine Toolkit
A Python wrapper around the Radix Engine Toolkit that provides Radix Ledger primitives to Python
The (Python) Radix Engine Toolkit is a wrapper around the Radix Engine Toolkit library which exposes the Radix Engine and Scrypto primitives to Python. These primitives include: manifests, transactions, transaction construction and building, access rules, metadata, the SBOR codec, derivations, and many others. The purpose this and the other wrappers around the toolkit is to provide developers with the freedom of constructing transactions and interacting with the ledger in their language of their choice instead of being limited to using Rust .
This library uses UniFFI for interoperability between the core Rust Radix Engine Toolkit and Radix Engine Toolkit wrappers such as this Python wrapper. Thus, the entire codebase of this library is automatically generated and the Python code does not live in a repo by itself. Instead, this library is published directly to PyPi with each push that's made to the Radix Engine Toolkit repo. If you would like to submit an issue or open a PR then head to: https://github.com/radixdlt/radix-engine-toolkit/
Example Usage
from radix_engine_toolkit import *
from typing import Tuple
import secrets
def new_account(network_id: int) -> Tuple[PrivateKey, PublicKey, Address]:
Creates a new random Ed25519 private key and then derives the public key and
the account address associated with it
private_key_bytes: bytes = secrets.randbits(256).to_bytes(32)
private_key: PrivateKey = PrivateKey.new_ed25519(list(private_key_bytes))
public_key: PublicKey = private_key.public_key()
account: Address = derive_virtual_account_address_from_public_key(
public_key, network_id
return (private_key, public_key, account)
def random_nonce() -> int:
Generates a random secure random number between 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF (u32::MAX)
return secrets.randbelow(0xFFFFFFFF)
NETWORK_ID: int = 0x02
(private_key1, public_key1, account1) = new_account(NETWORK_ID)
(private_key2, public_key2, account2) = new_account(NETWORK_ID)
print(f"Address of account 1: {account1.as_str()}")
print(f"Address of account 1: {account2.as_str()}")
address_book: KnownAddresses = known_addresses(NETWORK_ID)
faucet_address: Address = address_book.component_addresses.faucet
xrd_address: Address = address_book.resource_addresses.xrd
manifest: TransactionManifest = (
.take_from_worktop(xrd_address, Decimal("5000"), ManifestBuilderBucket("bucket1"))
.take_from_worktop(xrd_address, Decimal("5000"), ManifestBuilderBucket("bucket2"))
.account_deposit(account1, ManifestBuilderBucket("bucket1"))
.account_deposit(account2, ManifestBuilderBucket("bucket2"))
header: TransactionHeader = TransactionHeader(
transaction: NotarizedTransaction = (
print(f"Transaction Hash: {transaction.intent_hash().as_str()}")
f"Transaction Payload to submit to the network: {bytearray(transaction.compile()).hex()}"
The Python Radix Engine Toolkit code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Binaries are licensed under the Radix Generic EULA.