Python package created for
This package relies on praw library to communicate with Reddit API. To install it:
pip install praw==7.1.4
pip install redditreport
It represents a Reddit account to interact with the Reddit API. Its only method get_reddit_instance
returns a praw
Reddit instance.
It represents the Reddit post. It contains a praw
submission object and some post data:
- sub_name
- title
- url
- score
- num_comments
Its only method as_dict
returns a Python dict object with the data stored in it.
You don't need to use this class unless you want to modify what the report contains.
It represents the actual Reddit report. In order to work, it needs to be passed in some initial attributes:
-> a praw
Reddit instance. You can get it usig RedditUser's get_reddit_instance
-> a Python list object with the names (as strings) of the subreddits you do want to include in the report.lines_per_sub
-> a maximum post limit per sub in the report.
The report data is stored in its report_data
attribute as a Python dict.
It has two methods:
which populates report_data
dict with RedditPost's objects.serialize
which transform every object inside report_data
into a dict of strings.
from redditreport.core import RedditUser as ru
from redditreport.core import RedditReport as rr
# Your Reddit API credentials.
# More info:
client_id = 'your-client-id'
client_secret = 'your-client-secret'
user_agent = 'your-user-agent'
reddit_user = ru.RedditUser(client_id, client_secret, user_agent)
# Reddit object instance from praw library
reddit_instance = reddit_user.get_reddit_instance()
# RedditReport instance
subs_list = ['pics', 'askreddit'] # must be a list
lines_per_sub = 3 # must be an integer
reddit_report = rr.RedditReport(reddit_instance, subs_list, lines_per_sub)
# Pulls data from Reddit
report_data = reddit_report.generate_data()
# Serializes it
serialized_report_data = reddit_report.serialize()