rgd_client - Resonant GeoDataClient
The rgd_client Python package is a well typed, easy to use, and extendable Python client for Resonant GeoData APIs.
To install the core client
pip install rgd-client
To use other core modules or plugins, install the corresponding client packages. For example, the imagery client plugin is installed with
pip install rgd-imagery-client
All the functions added via a plugin are namespaced under a name defined by that plugin. For the imagery client plugin, this is imagery
, so all of these plugin's features are accessed through client.imagery.*
. Examples of this are shown below.
Search and display results
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from rgd_client import create_rgd_client
def plot_geojson(gjs, *args, **kwargs):
points = np.array(gjs['coordinates'])
if points.ndim == 3:
points = points[0]
if points.ndim == 1:
points = points.reshape((1, points.size, ))
return plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], *args, **kwargs)
client = create_rgd_client(username='username', password='password')
bbox = {
q = client.rgd.search(query=json.dumps(bbox), predicate='intersects')
for s in q:
plot_geojson(bbox, 'k--', label='Search Region')
for s in q:
plot_geojson(s['footprint'], label=s['subentry_name'])
plt.title(f'Count: {len(q)}')
Inspect raster
Preview thumbnails of the raster
import imageio
from io import BytesIO
raster = client.imagery.get_raster(q[0])
plot_geojson(bbox, 'k--')
plot_geojson(raster['outline'], 'r')
load_image = lambda imbytes: imageio.imread(BytesIO(imbytes))
count = len(raster['parent_raster']['image_set']['images'])
for i in range(count):
thumb_bytes = client.imagery.download_raster_thumbnail(q[0], band=i)
thumb = load_image(thumb_bytes)
plt.subplot(1, count, i+1)
Download Raster
Download the entire image set of the raster
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
paths = client.imagery.download_raster(q[0])
rasters = [rasterio.open(im) for im in paths.images]
for i, src in enumerate(rasters):
plt.subplot(1, len(rasters), i+1)
ax = plt.gca()
show(src, ax=ax)
STAC Item Support
The Python client has a search endpoint specifically for Raster data that
returns each record in the search results as a STAC Item.
q = client.imagery.search_raster_stac(query=json.dumps(bbox), predicate='intersects')
paths = client.imagery.download_raster(q[0])
We can also upload new data in the STAC Item format. Here we simply pass back
the same STAC Item JSON which will not actually do anything because RGD
recognizes that these files are already present with a Raster.
Please note that the assets in the STAC Item must already be uploaded to a
cloud storage provider with either s3://
or https://
URLs. Further, the
images must have the data
tag on each asset. e.g.:
'assets': {
'image-15030': {
'href': 'http://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/tiles/17/S/MS/S2A_MSIL1C_20210302T161201_N0209_R140_T17SMS_20210302T200521.SAFE/GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/IMG_DATA/T17SMS_20210302T161201_B01.jp2',
'title': 'GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/IMG_DATA/T17SMS_20210302T161201_B01.jp2',
'eo:bands': [{'name': 'B1'}],
'roles': ['data'],
'image-15041': {
'href': 'http://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/tiles/17/S/MS/S2A_MSIL1C_20210302T161201_N0209_R140_T17SMS_20210302T200521.SAFE/GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/IMG_DATA/T17SMS_20210302T161201_B02.jp2',
'title': 'GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/IMG_DATA/T17SMS_20210302T161201_B02.jp2',
'eo:bands': [{'name': 'B1'}],
'roles': ['data'],
'ancillary-30687': {
'href': 'http://storage.googleapis.com/gcp-public-data-sentinel-2/tiles/17/S/MS/S2A_MSIL1C_20210302T161201_N0209_R140_T17SMS_20210302T200521.SAFE/GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/QI_DATA/MSK_TECQUA_B03.gml',
'title': 'GRANULE/L1C_T17SMS_A029738_20210302T161751/QI_DATA/MSK_TECQUA_B03.gml',
'roles': ['metadata'],
Plugin Development
For instructions on how to develop a plugin for rgd_client
, see PLUGINS.md