AutoRecorder for Robot Framework
!!! This repository is not actively maintained, but I am open to help and fixing issues, just let me know by submitting issue !!!
RobotFramework library allowing to automatically start video recording of desktop when test or (and) suite starts. Based on ScreenCapLibrary
Using pip
The recommended installation tool is pip.
Install pip.
Enter the following:
pip install robotframework-autorecorder
To work with library only importing it is needed. By default video for each test case is created, by it is possible to create video per whole suite or create videos for test cases and for whole suite.
Import arguments can be also used for tuning underlaying ScreenCapLibrary.
*** Settings ***
Documentation This example demonstrates how to use current library
Library AutoRecorder
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Example Test
Open Browser http://example.local gc
Sleep 5s
*** Settings ***
Documentation This example demonstrates how to use current library
Library AutoRecorder mode=suite
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Example Test
Open Browser http://example.local gc
Sleep 5s
*** Settings ***
Documentation This example demonstrates how to use current library
Library AutoRecorder mode=suite,test
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Example Test
Open Browser http://example.local gc
Sleep 5s