This is a SHA-256 implementation that allows for setting and getting
the mid-state information. This was needed to enable repeated hashing
against a (potentially large) fixed prefix.
The original version of this was written in Python. While the Cython
version will be much faster, this is not a highly optimized library and
relies on the native C compiler for optimization.
This repository does not contain the generated C code from Cython. To
recreate the C code run the cytnonize step via::
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
The original author was Thomas Dixon for a python version of this code.
Sam Rushing added the midstate access and converted it to Cython_.
Nigel Drego added the context state setter/getter.
This is licensed under the MIT license
_ based on the original
license from Thomas Dixon.
.. _Cython:
.. _MIT license