stdf tamer
This package was originally developed at DC Jona / ams-OSRAM.
It is a general purpose stdf file parser / generator / simulator / analyser and converter.
But mainly it is used for these use cases.:
- write STDF files from robotframework test cases
- analyse STDF file content
- convert STDF files to other file formats
For the use case of converting files on windows
py -m pip install pipx
py -m pipx install stdf-tamer[fileformats]
py -m pipx ensurepath
to remove
py -m pipx uninstall stdf-tamer
to update
- remove
- install
This has the pruprose that we only need to suport the install use case.
stdfconvert --help
stdfanalyse --help
stdfrenamer --help
stdfrerunwithnewlimits --help
API Documentation.:
Tips and tricks
Conversion Speed
In order to speed up conversion of STDF files to other file formats use 2 stdf-tamer installations,
one in pypy for the actuall parsing of hte STDF files, and one in CPython to perform the acutall
converison using polars. For this please use a /etc/stdf-tamer.toml config file like this
on windows, or to use a personal configuration, please use the location specified by.:
pathlib.Path(os.path.expanduser("~")) / ".config/stdf-tamer.toml
stdf_to_pickle_cmd = "/path2pypywithstdf-tamer/bin/pypy -m ams_rw_stdf.convert stdf2pickle"
Windows example:
stdf_to_pickle_cmd = "C:\\pypy3.10-v7.3.13-win64\\pypy.exe -m ams_rw_stdf.convert stdf2pickle"