.. image:: https://bytebucket.org/tt-lab/ttlab/raw/07af7e037611c6d2b47aef425bc7e078519c04ce/assets/header.png?token=9425964a76732a6a54d81fb58935ae6dc8acbfa4
TT - lab
Easy to use import scripts for the most common physics equipments such as XPS, mass spectrometer, light spectrometers.
Functions for the most typical analysis procedures.
.. code-block:: console
$ pip install ttlab
How to use
For full explanation, see the documentation at 'link'.
Example with mass spectrometer data:
.. code-block:: python
from ttlab import MassSpectrometer
# Create a mass spec object
filename = 'path/filename.asc'
MS = MassSpectrometer(filename)
# Check what gases are included in the data
# Plot one of the gases, using matploltlib, returns the axes
ax = MS.plot_gas('Ar')
# Get the ion current and the relative time for the gas, returns np arrays with the data
ion_current_argon = MS.get_ion_current('Ar')
time_relative = MS.get_relative_time('Ar')
MIT license
Feel free to use ttlab in whatever way you want to.