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This library provides a Python interface for building BitcoinSV scripts and transactions.

  • 0.6.15
  • PyPI
  • Socket score


TX Engine

This library provides a Python interface for building BitcoinSV scripts and transactions.

For documentation of the Python Classes see below.

Python Installation

As this library is hosted on PyPi ( and is installed using:

pip install tx-engine

Example Tx class usage

So to parse a hex string to Tx:

from tx_engine import Tx

src_tx = "0100000001c7151ebaf14dbfe922bd90700a7580f6db7d5a1b898ce79cb9ce459e17f12909000000006b4830450221008b001e8d8110804ac66e467cd2452f468cba4a2a1d90d59679fe5075d24e5f5302206eb04e79214c09913fad1e3c0c2498be7f457ed63323ac6f2d9a38d53586a58d41210395deb00349c0ae73412a55bec70a7793fc6860a193d29dd61d73c6271ffcbd4cffffffff0103000000000000001976a91496795fb99fd6c0f214f7a0e96019f642225f52d288ac00000000"

tx = tx.parse_hexstr(src_tx)

> PyTx { version: 1, tx_ins: [PyTxIn { prev_tx: "0929f1179e45ceb99ce78c891b5a7ddbf680750a7090bd22e9bf4df1ba1e15c7", prev_index: 0, sequence: 4294967295, script_sig: [0x48 0x30450221008b001e8d8110804ac66e467cd2452f468cba4a2a1d90d59679fe5075d24e5f5302206eb04e79214c09913fad1e3c0c2498be7f457ed63323ac6f2d9a38d53586a58d41 0x21 0x0395deb00349c0ae73412a55bec70a7793fc6860a193d29dd61d73c6271ffcbd4c] }], tx_outs: [PyTxOut { amount: 3, script_pubkey: [OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0x14 0x96795fb99fd6c0f214f7a0e96019f642225f52d2 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG] }], locktime: 0 }

Overview of the tx-engine Classes

The tx-engine provides the following classes:

tx-engine classes

Python Classes

This provides an overview of the Python Classes their properties and methods, including:


The Script class represents bitcoin script. For more details about bitcoin script see

Script has the following property:

  • cmds - byte arrary of bitcoin operations

Script has the following methods:

  • __init__(self, cmds: bytes=[]) -> Script - Constructor that takes an array of bytes
  • append_byte(self, byte: byte) - Appends a single opcode or data byte
  • append_data(self, data: bytes) - Appends data (without OP_PUSHDATA)
  • append_pushdata(self, data: bytes) - Appends the opcodes and provided data that push it onto the stack
  • raw_serialize(self) -> bytes - Return the serialised script without the length prepended
  • serialize(self) -> bytes - Return the serialised script with the length prepended
  • get_commands(self) -> bytes - Return a copy of the commands in this script
  • __add__(self, other: Script) -> Script - Enable script addition e.g. c_script = a_script + b_script
  • to_string(self) -> String - return the script as a string, that can be parsed by parse_string(). Note also that you can just print the script (print(script))
  • is_p2pkh(self) -> bool - returns True if script is a Pay to Public Key Hash script
  • append_integer(self, i64) - adds an integer to the stack (assumes base 10)
  • append_big_integer(self, arbitrary_sized_integer) - adds an arbitrary sized integer to the stack (assumes base 10)

Script has the following class methods:

  • Script.parse_string(in_string: str) -> Script - Converts a string of OP_CODES into a Script
  • Script.parse(in_bytes: bytes) -> Script - Converts an array of bytes into a Script


The 'Stack' python class provides the python user direct access to the Stack structures used by the intepreter

Stack has the following methods:

  • __init__(self, items: List[List[bytes]]) -> Stack - Constructor that takes a List of List of bytes
  • push_bytes_integer(self, List[bytes]) - push a arbitrary number in bytes onto the stack
  • decode_element(self, index: option<Int>) - returns the item at stack location index. Assumption is its an arbitrary sized number
  • size(self) - returns the size of the stack
  • __getitem__(self, index: int) - allows array subscript syntax e.g. stack[i]
  • __eq__(&self, other: Stack) - allows an equality test on Stack objects


The context is the environment in which bitcoin scripts are executed.

Context has the following properties:

  • cmds - the commands to execute
  • ip_start - the byte offset of where to start executing the script from (optional)
  • ip_limit - the number of commands to execute before stopping (optional)
  • z - the hash of the transaction
  • stack - main data stack
  • alt_stack - seconary stack

Context has the following methods:

  • __init__(self, script: Script, cmds: Commands = None, ip_limit: int , z: bytes) - constructor
  • evaluate_core(self, quiet: bool = False) -> bool - evaluates the script/cmds using the the interpreter and returns the stacks (tack, alt_stack). if quiet is true, dont print exceptions
  • evaluate(self, quiet: bool = False) -> bool - executes the script and decode stack elements to numbers (stack, alt_stack). Checks stack is true on return. if quiet is true, dont print exceptions.
  • get_stack(self) -> Stack - Return the stack as human readable
  • get_altstack(self) -> Stack- Return the alt_stack as human readable
  • set_ip_start(self, start: int) - sets the start location for the intepreter.
  • set_ip_limit(self, limit: int) - sets the end location for the intepreter

Example from unit tests of using evaluate_core and raw_stack:

script = Script([OP_PUSHDATA1, 0x01, b"\x85", OP_4, OP_NUM2BIN])
context_py_stack = Context_PyStack(script=script)
self.assertEqual(context_py_stack.get_stack(), Stack([[0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]]))

context_py_stack = Context_PyStack(script=script1)
self.assertEqual(context_py_stack.get_stack(), Stack([[1]])

script = Script([OP_1, OP_2, OP_3, OP_4, OP_5, OP_6, OP_2ROT])
context_py_stack = Context_PyStack(script=script)
self.assertEqual(context_py_stack.get_stack(), Stack([[3], [4], [5], [6], [1], [2]]))

Quiet Evalutation

Both evaluate and evaluate_core have a parameter quiet. If the quiet parameter is set to True the evaluate function does not print out exceptions when executing code. This quiet parameter is currently only used in unit tests.


Tx represents a bitcoin transaction.

Tx has the following properties:

  • version - unsigned integer
  • tx_ins - array of TxIn classes,
  • tx_outs - array of TxOut classes
  • locktime - unsigned integer

Tx has the following methods:

  • __init__(version: int, tx_ins: [TxIn], tx_outs: [TxOut], locktime: int=0) -> Tx - Constructor that takes the fields

  • id(self) -> str - Return human-readable hexadecimal of the transaction hash

  • hash(self) -> bytes - Return transaction hash as bytes

  • is_coinbase(self) -> bool - Returns true if it is a coinbase transaction

  • serialize(self) -> bytes - Returns Tx as bytes

  • to_hexstr(self) -> str - Returns Tx as hex string

  • copy(self) -> Tx - Returns a copy of the Tx

  • to_string(self) -> String - return the Tx as a string. Note also that you can just print the tx (print(tx)).

  • validate(self, [Tx]) -> Result - provide the input txs, returns None on success and throws a RuntimeError exception on failure. Note can not validate coinbase or pre-genesis transactions.

Tx has the following class methods:

  • Tx.parse(in_bytes: bytes) -> Tx - Parse bytes to produce Tx
  • Tx.parse_hexstr(in_hexstr: String) -> Tx - Parse hex string to produce Tx

So to parse a hex string to Tx:

from tx_engine import Tx

src_tx = "0100000001c7151ebaf14dbfe922bd90700a7580f6db7d5a1b898ce79cb9ce459e17f12909000000006b4830450221008b001e8d8110804ac66e467cd2452f468cba4a2a1d90d59679fe5075d24e5f5302206eb04e79214c09913fad1e3c0c2498be7f457ed63323ac6f2d9a38d53586a58d41210395deb00349c0ae73412a55bec70a7793fc6860a193d29dd61d73c6271ffcbd4cffffffff0103000000000000001976a91496795fb99fd6c0f214f7a0e96019f642225f52d288ac00000000"

tx = tx.parse_hexstr(src_tx)

PyTx { version: 1, tx_ins: [PyTxIn { prev_tx: "0929f1179e45ceb99ce78c891b5a7ddbf680750a7090bd22e9bf4df1ba1e15c7", prev_index: 0, sequence: 4294967295, script_sig: [0x48 0x30450221008b001e8d8110804ac66e467cd2452f468cba4a2a1d90d59679fe5075d24e5f5302206eb04e79214c09913fad1e3c0c2498be7f457ed63323ac6f2d9a38d53586a58d41 0x21 0x0395deb00349c0ae73412a55bec70a7793fc6860a193d29dd61d73c6271ffcbd4c] }], tx_outs: [PyTxOut { amount: 3, script_pubkey: [OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0x14 0x96795fb99fd6c0f214f7a0e96019f642225f52d2 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG] }], locktime: 0 }


TxIn represents is a bitcoin transaction input.

TxIn has the following properties:

  • prev_tx - Transaction Id as hex string
  • prev_index - unsigned int
  • script_sig - Script
  • sequence - int

TxIn has the following constructor method:

  • __init__(prev_tx: String, prev_index: int, script_sig: Script=[], sequence: int=0xFFFFFFFF) -> TxIn - Constructor that takes the fields

Note txin can be printed using the standard print, for example:

PyTxIn { prev_tx: "5c866b70189008586a4951d144df93dcca4d3a1b701e3786566f819450eca9ba", prev_index: 0, sequence: 4294967295, script_sig: [] }


TxOut represents a bitcoin transaction output.

TxOut has the following properties:

  • amount - int
  • script_pubkey - Script

TxOut has the following constructor method:

  • __init__(amount: int, script_pubkey: Script) -> TxOut - Constructor that takes the fields

Note txin can be printed using the standard print, for example:

PyTxOut { amount: 100, script_pubkey: [OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0x14 0x10375cfe32b917cd24ca1038f824cd00f7391859 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG] }


This class represents the Wallet functionality, including handling of private and public keys and signing transactions.

Wallet class has the following methods:

  • __init__(wif_key: str) -> Wallet - Constructor that takes a private key in WIF format

  • sign_tx(self, index: int, input_tx: Tx, tx: Tx) -> Tx - Sign a transaction input with the provided previous tx and sighash flags, Returns new signed tx

  • sign_tx_sighash(self, index: int, input_tx: Tx, tx: Tx, sighash_type: int) -> Tx - Sign a transaction input with the provided previous tx and sighash flags, Returns new signed tx

  • get_locking_script(self) -> Script - Returns a locking script based on the public key

  • get_public_key_as_hexstr(self) -> String - Return the public key as a hex string

  • get_address(self) -> String - Return the address based on the public key

  • to_wif(self) -> String - Return the private key in WIF format

  • get_network(self) -> String - Returns the current network associated with this keypair

  • to_int(self) -> Integer - Returns the scaler value of the private key as a python integer

  • to_hex(self) -> String - Returns the scaler value of the private key as a string in hex format

  • Wallet.generate_keypair(network) -> Wallet - Given network (BSV_Testnet) return a keypair in Wallet format

  • Wallet.from_hexstr(network, hexstr) -> Wallet - Given a network identifier and scalar value as a hex string, return a keypair in Wallet format

  • Wallet.from_bytes(network, bytes) -> Wallet - Given a network identifier and a scalar value as a byte array, return a keypair in Wallet format

  • Wallet.from_int(network, integer) -> Wallet - Given a network identifier and a scaler value as an integer, return a keypair in Wallet format

The library provides some additional helper functions to handle keys in different formats.

  • wif_to_bytes(wif: string) -> bytes - Given a key in WIF format, it returns a byte array of the scalar value of the private key
  • bytes_to_wif(key_bytes, network) -> String - Given a byte array and a network identifier, returns the WIF format for the private key
  • wif_from_pw_nonce(password, nonce, optional<network>) -> WIF - Given a password, nonce (strings) return a WIF format for the private key. The default for the network is BSV_Mainnet. For a testnet format, please use BSv_Testnet
  • create_wallet_from_pem_file -> Wallet - Given a path to PEM format file, return a keypair in Wallet format
  • create_pem_from_wallet -> String - Given a Wallet, returns a PEM (pkcs8) formatted string of the private key

Bitcoin Keys

Interface Factory

The InterfaceFactory is class for creating interfaces to the BSV blockchain (BlockchainInterface).

The InterfaceFactory class one method:

  • set_config(self, config: ConfigType) -> BlockchainInterface - This reads the configuration interface_type field and returns the configured BlockchainInterface

Blockchain Interface

The BlockchainInterface class provides an interface to the BSV network.

BlockchainInterface class has the following methods:

  • __init__(self) - Constructor that takes no parameters
  • set_config(self, config) - configures the interface based on the provide config
  • get_addr_history(self, address) - Return the transaction history with this address
  • is_testnet(self) -> bool - Return true if this interface is connected to BSV Testnet
  • get_utxo(self, address) - Return the utxo associated with this address
  • get_balance(self, address) - Return the balance associated with this address
  • get_block_count(self) - Return the height of the chain
  • get_best_block_hash(self) - Return the hash of the latest block
  • get_merkle_proof(self, block_hash: str, tx_id: str) -> str - Given the block hash and tx_id return the merkle proof
  • get_transaction(self, txid: str) - Return the transaction (as Dictionary) associated with this txid
  • get_raw_transaction(self, txid: str) -> Optional[str] - Return the transaction (as kexstring) associated with this txid, use cached copy if available.
  • broadcast_tx(self, transaction: str) - broadcast this tx to the network
  • get_block(self, blockhash: str) -> Dict - Return the block given the block hash
  • get_block_header(self, blockhash: str) -> Dict - Returns te block_header for a given block hash

WoC Interface

The WoCInterface is a BlockchainInterface that communicates with the WhatsOnChain API. Note that if you are using this you will need to install the python library requests.

Mock Interface

The Mock Interface is a BlockchainInterface that is used for unit testing.

RPC Interface

The RPC Interface is a BlockchainInterface that is used for connecting to the RPC interface of mining nodes.

SIGHASH Functions

  • sig_hash(tx: Tx, index: int, script_pubkey: Script, satoshi: int, sighash_flags: int) - Return the transaction digest/hash
  • sig_hash_preimage(tx: Tx, index: int, script_pubkey: Script, satoshi: int, sighash_flags: int) - Return the transaction data prior to the hash function


  • tx - Spending transaction
  • index - Spending input index
  • script_pubkey - The lock_script of the output being spent
  • satoshis - The satoshi amount in the output being spent
  • sighash_flags - Sighash flags

Note the sighash flags can be obtained from the SIGHASH class which supports the following flags:


For further details see

Example usage:

sig_hash_value = sig_hash(own_tx, 0, script_pubkey, 99904, SIGHASH.ALL_FORKID)

Other Functions

These are public key and address functions that are likely to be used if you don't have the private key and are not using the Wallet class.

  • address_to_public_key_hash(address: str) -> bytes - Given the address return the hash160 of the public key
  • hash160(data: bytes) -> bytes - Returns the hash160 of the provided data (usually the public key)
  • p2pkh_script(h160: bytes) -> Script - Takes the hash160 of the public key and returns the locking script
  • public_key_to_address(public_key: bytes, network: str) -> String - Given the public key and the network (either BSV_Mainnet or BSV_Testnet) return the address



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