PyWiliot: wiliot-api
wiliot-api is a python library for accessing Wiliot's cloud APIs from Python
Installing pyWiliot
pip install wiliot-api
Using pyWiliot
Wiliot package location can be found, by typing in the command line:
pip show wiliot-api
Code examples for using PyWiliot-api (scroll down)
For more documentation and instructions, please contact us:
Release Notes:
Version 4.10.5:
- Fixed a bug in setting new labels or updating existing ones
Version 4.10.4:
- Fixed a bug with updating the values of multiple labels in a single call
Version 4.10.3:
- Updated copyright formatting and requirements
- Added support for conversation yield tester
Version 4.10.2:
- Added a function to call API endpoint to delete bridge non-dismissed commands
- Fixed a bug in the function to delete labels
- Added an option for keeping cloud connection alive in between requests, as a default.
- Added a function to upload files to S3 for Wiliot's partners
Version 4.10.1:
- Added a function to unclaim multiple bridges
- Updated the function to unclaim a single bridge
Version 4.10.0:
- Added a function to get available bridge versions
- Added a function to get a bridge's with non-dismissed commands
- Removed functions related to asset labels due to deprecation
Version 4.9.4:
- Changed delay of retry in case of rate limit error (429) to use the value in the retry-after header of the response
Version 4.9.3:
- Better handling for API call failing due to rate limiting (automatic retries)
- Added functions to stop a debug survey, get all surveys and get a specific survey details (without downloading)
Version 4.9.0:
- Added functions to call the API endpoints for starting a debug survey and for getting a debug survey results
- Added a function for disassociating and associating multiple pixels from an asset in a single call
Version 4.8.7:
- Fixed bug when assigning a new value to an existing key with new labels
- Updated copyright notice
- Added text to this README to advise examples on this page (internal links don't work on PyPi)
Version 4.8.6:
- Fixed bug for get reel id api
- Added support to upload data for new tester
Version 4.8.4:
- Added support with the new get reel id cloud api
- Added support for new sensors api - upload and get sensors data
- Fixed route for getting categories
Version 4.8.3:
- Added a function to get all key values for an entity types
Version 4.8.2:
- Fixed a bug in updating bridge configuration
Version 4.8.1:
- Fixed a bug in setting multiple key value pairs in a single call
Version 4.8.0:
- Added support for new labels (key:value pairs for platform entities)
Version 4.7.1:
- Added option to upload testers data to cloud
- Added option to get a new and unique reel id for manufacturing
- Added the option to get post process tables for manufacturing partners
- Added the option to add temperature calibration point to a tag
Version 4.6.4:
- Changed get_asset() implementation to use dedicated endpoint instead of metadataFetch
Version 4.6.3:
- Fixed a bug in functions to get all bridges and gateways that prevented all results from being returned on subsequent calls after the first one
Version 4.6.2:
- Added optional parameters to filter returned gateways and bridges
Version 4.5.0:
- Added option to change gateway name when updating its configuration
- Added functionality to filter the list of returned pixels by sub strings
- Implemented function to get pixel count
- Added function to batch create assets using a CSV file
- Added a function to get event counts in a time range
Version 4.4.4:
- Added support for updating bridges with ### Version 3.16 and newer (MEL)
Version 4.4.3:
- Added shipment api support
- Improved post function to handle different type of payload
Version 4.4.2:
- Improved support for alternate clouds and regions
Version 4.4.0:
- Forcing a token refresh when an access token is less than a minute from expiry
- Added support for alternate clouds and regions
- Streamlined API paths to match between the platform and edge modules
Version 4.3.2:
- Added an option to get a binary file from the API
- Added a function for sending actions to a gateway
Version 4.3.1:
* Added a function for sending actions to a gateway
Version 4.3.0:
- Change code to match the changes in asset label API endpoint
- All 2xx status code returned by the API are considered a success
Version 4.2.0:
- Changed API URLs to support new cloud environment
- Added support for pulling paginated bridge and gateway lists (when an owner has more than 100 bridges/gateways)
- Added a function to update multiple bridges' configuration in one call
- Removed GATEWAY as an association type for location - not supported by the platform
- Requiring at least one pixel to be provided when creating an asset
Version 4.1.2:
- Changed additional functions use the metadataFetch API to support larger returned data sets:
- Get Locations
- Get zones
- Get location associations
- Get zone associations
- Added the ability to associate pixels to zones
- Added the ability to associate bridges and gateways to locations
Version 4.1.0:
- Changed get_locations and get_categories to use the metadataFetch API endpoint to support:
- Fetching more than the first 100 items
- To return the underlying zones for each location when fetching locations
- Added calls to get, create and delete asset labels
- Changed get_asset function call to use the metdataFetch endpoint for compatibility with the get_assets call
- Removed an unsupported event type (geolocation)
Version 4.0.3:
- Changed logic for get_assets in Platform module to remove limitation of only getting back the first 100 assets
- Fixed bug in call to add pixel to asset
Version 4.0.2:
The package previous content was published under the name 'wiliot' package.
for more information please read 'wiliot' package's release notes
Platform API
from wiliot_api.platform.platform import *
import os
owner_id = "test_owner1"
platform = PlatformClient(api_key=os.environ.get("WILIOT_PLATFORM_API_KEY"), owner_id=owner_id)
pixels = []
next_p = None
while True:
p, next_p = platform.get_pixels(next=next_p)
pixels += p
if next_p is None:
platform.create_category(name="Black_box", asset_type_id='Default', category_id="black-box-sku",
description="A generic black box")
platform.create_asset(name="Black-box-118763", category_id="black-box-sku",
tags=[{"tagId": "pixel-1-id", "role": TagRole.DEFAULT},
{"tagId": "pixel-2-id", "role": TagRole.DEFAULT}])
platform.associate_pixel_to_asset("my-asset-id", pixel_id="pixel-id")
platform.disassociate_pixel_from_asset(asset_id="my-asset-id", pixel_id="pixel-id")
platform.update_pixel_to_asset_association(asset_id="my-asset-id", pixels_to_disassociate=["pixel-id-1", "pixel-id-2"],
pixels_to_associate=["pixel-id-3", "pixel-id-4"])
platform.create_zone_association(location_id="my-location-id", zone_id="my-zone-id",
association_type=ZoneAssociationType.BRIDGE, association_value="my-bridge-id")
entity_ids=["gateway-id-1", "gateway-id-2"],
keys_values={"special_gateway": "True"})
entity_ids=["gateway-id-1", "gateway-id-2"],
keys_values={"special_gateway": "True"},
entity_ids=["location-1-id", "location-2-id"],
Edge API
from wiliot_api.edge.edge import *
import os
owner_id = "test_owner"
edge = EdgeClient(api_key=os.environ.get('WILIOT_EDGE_API_KEY'), owner_id=owner_id)
config = edge.get_gateway("my-gateway-id")["reportedConf"]
config["additional"]["pacerInterval"] = 15
edge.update_gateways_configuration(gateways=["my-gateway-id"], config=config)
edge.unclaim_bridges(bridge_ids=["bridge1-id", "bridge2-id"])
config = edge.get_bridge(bridge_id="my-bridge-id")["config"]
edge.update_bridge_configuration(bridge_id="my-bridge-id", config={'energyPattern': 63})
edge.update_bridges_configuration(bridge_ids=["bridge1-id", "bridge2-id"], config={'energyPattern': 63})
edge.update_bridge_configuration(bridge_id="my-bridge-id", name="my_bridge_name")
res = edge.start_survey(name="my-unique-survey-name", duration_ms=300000, bridges=["bridge-id-1", "bridge-id-2"])
output_file_path = edge.get_survey_result(survey_id=res['id'], output_directory="/path/to/output/directory")
print(f"Debug survey results stored in {output_file_path}")
surveys = edge.get_surveys()
Manufacturing API
(for Wiliot's manufacturing clients)
from wiliot_api.manufacturing.manufacturing import *
import os
wiliot_manufacturing = ManufacturingClient(os.environ.get('WILIOT_MANUFACTURING_API_KEY'))
req = wiliot_manufacturing.change_pixel_owner_by_range("first_pixel_id", "last_pixel_id", "from_owner_id",
req = wiliot_manufacturing.change_pixel_owner_by_list(["tag_1", "tag_2", "tag_3"], "from_owner_id", "to_owner_id")
req = wiliot_manufacturing.change_pixel_owner_by_file("from_owner_id", "to_owner_id", "/path/to/file")