= RingyDingy
home :: https://github.com/drbrain/RingyDingy
rdoc :: http://docs.seattlerb.org/RingyDingy
bugs :: https://github.com/drbrain/RingyDingy/issues
RingyDingy is a little boat that keeps your DRb service afloat!
RingyDingy automatically registers a service with a RingServer. If
communication between the RingServer and the RingyDingy is lost,
RingyDingy will re-register its service with the RingServer when it
Similarly, the RingServer will automatically drop registrations by a
RingyDingy that it can't communicate with after a short timeout.
RingyDingy also includes a RingServer wrapper that adds verbose mode
to see what services as they register and expire and an option to list
all available services on the network.
== Installing RingyDingy
Just install the gem:
$ sudo gem install RingyDingy
== Using RingyDingy
require 'rubygems'
require 'ringy_dingy'
require 'my_drb_service'
my_drb_service = MyDRbService.new
== Using RingyDingy::RingServer
To start a RingServer:
$ ring_server
To list services on the network:
$ ring_server -l
To enable or disable verbose mode remotely:
$ ring_server --set-logging=true/false