= merb_cache_more
Extends merb-cache to use params, work with pagination, auto-cache all actions and use many key formats
This plugin is a fork of merb-cache written by Alex Boussinet. Much of the
cache-store stuff is unchanged (I only added it so people can run the tests
and use this plugin without any dependencies on merb-cache).
Currently supported methods:
- page caching:
- action caching
- fragment caching
- object caching
Implemented cache stores:
- memory
- memcache
- file
- database (sequel, datamapper, activerecord)
== Installation
git clone git://github.com/bchiu/merb_cache_more.git
cd merb_cache_more
rake install
remove: dependency 'merb-cache' from init.rb
add: dependency 'merb_cache_more' to init.rb
== Quick intro
With fragment caching, you can mix dynamic and static content.
With action caching, the whole template is cached
but the before filters are still processed.
With page caching, the whole template is put in html files in a special
directory in order to be handled directly without triggering Merb.
== Quick API
=== Merb::Controller class methods
cache_action(action, expiration)
cache_action(action, expiration, options)
cache_actions(action, [action, expiration], ...)
cache_actions(action, [action, expiration], [action, expiration, options], ...)
cache_page(action, expiration)
cache_page(action, expiration, options)
cache_pages(action, [action, expiration], ...)
cache_pages(action, [action, expiration], [action, expiration, options], ...)
=== Merb::Controller instance methods
cache_set(key, data, expiration)
=== Inside your template
cache(key, expiration) do ... end
expiration is given in minutes
key can be a string or a hash
possible keys when it's a hash:
:key (full key)
:params (array of params to be added to the key)
:action, :controller
:match (true or partial key)
Don't forget to look at the specs !!
== Specs
$ rake specs:<cache_store>
$ rake specs:memory
$ rake specs:file
or just:
$ cd spec
$ STORE=<cache_store> spec merb-cache_spec.rb
cache_store can be:
memory, memcache, file, sequel, datamapper, activerecord
== Sample configuration
Merb::Plugins.config[:merb_cache] = {
:cache_html_directory => Merb.dir_for(:public) / "cache",
#:store => "database",
#:table_name => "merb_cache",
#:disable => "development", # disable caching for development
#:disable => true, # disable caching for all environments
:store => "file",
:cache_directory => Merb.root_path("tmp/cache"),
#:store => "memcache",
#:host => "",
#:namespace => "merb_cache",
#:no_tracking => "false",
#:store => "memory",
# store could be: file, memcache, memory, database, dummy, ...
# can be nil|:snake|:tree|:hash|:query or a custom string
# such as ":paramname1/:paramname2_and_:paramname3"
#:cache_key_format => nil,
# expiration time in minutes
#:cache_action_ttl => 10,
#:cache_page_ttl => 10
== Quick Example
==== controller part
class Users < Merb::Controller
cache_page :action_name
# this will cache the action in public/cache/something.html
# this cache entry will never expire (no expiration provided)
# for permanent caching you could set your lighty/nginx so as to handle
# the .html file directly
# for multiple page caching:
# cache_pages :action_name, [:another_action, 5], :some_action
cache_action :another_action, 10
# this will cache the action using the cache store
# this cache entry will expire in 10 minutes
# for multiple action caching:
# cache_actions :action_name, [:another_action, 5], :some_action
cache_action :action_with_config
# this will cache the action using the config settings:
# :cache_action_ttl => 10
# :cache_key_format => nil|:snake|:tree|:query|:hash or custom
cache_action :action_with_params, 10, :format => :snake, :params => [:id, :name]
# config settings may be overriden per action
# this will cache the action using a snake case key
# key will only include only the params :id and :name
# this cache entry will expire in 10 minutes
def list
unless @users = cache_get("active_users")
@users = User.all(:active => true)
cache_set("active_users", @users)
# object caching can be used to avoid pulling huge amounts of data
# from the database.
# you could have calle cache_set with an expiration time as well:
# cache_set("active_users", @users, 10)
def some_action_that_invalidates_cache
def delete
def archives
@archives = User.archives unless cached?("users_archives")
def index
cache_actions :all, 10, :exclude => [:list]
# this will cache all actions in the current controller
# except for the :list action
# cache entries will expire in 10 minutes
# note: this line must appear at the end of the class declaration
this entry will expire in 10 minutes
<%- cache "users_index", 10 do %>
some big template
<% end -%>
<%- cache "users_archives" do %>
some big template
<% end -%>
== Credits
This plugin is a fork of merb-cache written by Alex Boussinet.