BrevoRuby::AccountApi | get_account | GET /account | Get your account information, plan and credits details |
BrevoRuby::AccountApi | get_account_activity | GET /organization/activities | Get user activity logs |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_attributes_get | GET /companies/attributes | Get company attributes |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_get | GET /companies | Get all companies |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_id_delete | DELETE /companies/{id} | Delete a company |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_id_get | GET /companies/{id} | Get a company |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_id_patch | PATCH /companies/{id} | Update a company |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_link_unlink_id_patch | PATCH /companies/link-unlink/{id} | Link and Unlink company with contacts and deals |
BrevoRuby::CompaniesApi | companies_post | POST /companies | Create a company |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | add_contact_to_list | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/add | Add existing contacts to a list |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | create_attribute | POST /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Create contact attribute |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | create_contact | POST /contacts | Create a contact |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | create_doi_contact | POST /contacts/doubleOptinConfirmation | Create Contact via DOI (Double-Opt-In) Flow |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | create_folder | POST /contacts/folders | Create a folder |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | create_list | POST /contacts/lists | Create a list |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | delete_attribute | DELETE /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Delete an attribute |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | delete_contact | DELETE /contacts/{identifier} | Delete a contact |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | delete_folder | DELETE /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder (and all its lists) |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | delete_list | DELETE /contacts/lists/{listId} | Delete a list |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_attributes | GET /contacts/attributes | List all attributes |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_contact_info | GET /contacts/{identifier} | Get a contact's details |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_contact_stats | GET /contacts/{identifier}/campaignStats | Get email campaigns' statistics for a contact |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_contacts | GET /contacts | Get all the contacts |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_contacts_from_list | GET /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts | Get contacts in a list |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_folder | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Returns a folder's details |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_folder_lists | GET /contacts/folders/{folderId}/lists | Get lists in a folder |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_folders | GET /contacts/folders | Get all folders |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_list | GET /contacts/lists/{listId} | Get a list's details |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_lists | GET /contacts/lists | Get all the lists |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | get_segments | GET /contacts/segments | Get all the Segments |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | import_contacts | POST /contacts/import | Import contacts |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | remove_contact_from_list | POST /contacts/lists/{listId}/contacts/remove | Delete a contact from a list |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | request_contact_export | POST /contacts/export | Export contacts |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | update_attribute | PUT /contacts/attributes/{attributeCategory}/{attributeName} | Update contact attribute |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | update_batch_contacts | POST /contacts/batch | Update multiple contacts |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | update_contact | PUT /contacts/{identifier} | Update a contact |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | update_folder | PUT /contacts/folders/{folderId} | Update a folder |
BrevoRuby::ContactsApi | update_list | PUT /contacts/lists/{listId} | Update a list |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_agent_online_ping_post | POST /conversations/agentOnlinePing | Sets agent’s status to online for 2-3 minutes |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_messages_id_delete | DELETE /conversations/messages/{id} | Delete a message sent by an agent |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_messages_id_get | GET /conversations/messages/{id} | Get a message |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_messages_id_put | PUT /conversations/messages/{id} | Update a message sent by an agent |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_messages_post | POST /conversations/messages | Send a message as an agent |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_pushed_messages_id_delete | DELETE /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} | Delete an automated message |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_pushed_messages_id_get | GET /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} | Get an automated message |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_pushed_messages_id_put | PUT /conversations/pushedMessages/{id} | Update an automated message |
BrevoRuby::ConversationsApi | conversations_pushed_messages_post | POST /conversations/pushedMessages | Send an automated message to a visitor |
BrevoRuby::CouponsApi | create_coupon_collection | POST /couponCollections | Create а coupon collection |
BrevoRuby::CouponsApi | create_coupons | POST /coupons | Create coupons for a coupon collection |
BrevoRuby::CouponsApi | get_coupon_collection | GET /couponCollections/{id} | Get a coupon collection by id |
BrevoRuby::CouponsApi | get_coupon_collections | GET /couponCollections | Get all your coupon collections |
BrevoRuby::CouponsApi | update_coupon_collection | PATCH /couponCollections/{id} | Update a coupon collection by id |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_attributes_deals_get | GET /crm/attributes/deals | Get deal attributes |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_get | GET /crm/deals | Get all deals |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_id_delete | DELETE /crm/deals/{id} | Delete a deal |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_id_get | GET /crm/deals/{id} | Get a deal |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_id_patch | PATCH /crm/deals/{id} | Update a deal |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_link_unlink_id_patch | PATCH /crm/deals/link-unlink/{id} | Link and Unlink a deal with contacts and companies |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_deals_post | POST /crm/deals | Create a deal |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_pipeline_details_get | GET /crm/pipeline/details | Get pipeline stages |
BrevoRuby::DealsApi | crm_pipeline_details_pipeline_id_get | GET /crm/pipeline/details/{pipelineID} | Get pipelines and their details |
BrevoRuby::DomainsApi | authenticate_domain | PUT /senders/domains/{domainName}/authenticate | Authenticate a domain |
BrevoRuby::DomainsApi | create_domain | POST /senders/domains | Create a new domain |
BrevoRuby::DomainsApi | delete_domain | DELETE /senders/domains/{domainName} | Delete a domain |
BrevoRuby::DomainsApi | get_domain_configuration | GET /senders/domains/{domainName} | Validate domain configuration |
BrevoRuby::DomainsApi | get_domains | GET /senders/domains | Get the list of all your domains |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_batch_order | POST /orders/status/batch | Create orders in batch |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_order | POST /orders/status | Managing the status of the order |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_update_batch_category | POST /categories/batch | Create categories in batch |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_update_batch_products | POST /products/batch | Create products in batch |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_update_category | POST /categories | Create/Update a category |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | create_update_product | POST /products | Create/Update a product |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | ecommerce_activate_post | POST /ecommerce/activate | Activate the eCommerce app |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | get_categories | GET /categories | Return all your categories |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | get_category_info | GET /categories/{id} | Get a category details |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | get_product_info | GET /products/{id} | Get a product's details |
BrevoRuby::EcommerceApi | get_products | GET /products | Return all your products |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | create_email_campaign | POST /emailCampaigns | Create an email campaign |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | delete_email_campaign | DELETE /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete an email campaign |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | email_export_recipients | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients | Export the recipients of an email campaign |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | get_ab_test_campaign_result | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/abTestCampaignResult | Get an A/B test email campaign results |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | get_email_campaign | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get an email campaign report |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | get_email_campaigns | GET /emailCampaigns | Return all your created email campaigns |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | get_shared_template_url | GET /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sharedUrl | Get a shared template url |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | send_email_campaign_now | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow | Send an email campaign immediately, based on campaignId |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | send_report | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport | Send the report of a campaign |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | send_test_email | POST /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest | Send an email campaign to your test list |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | update_campaign_status | PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId}/status | Update an email campaign status |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | update_email_campaign | PUT /emailCampaigns/{campaignId} | Update an email campaign |
BrevoRuby::EmailCampaignsApi | upload_image_to_gallery | POST /emailCampaigns/images | Upload an image to your account's image gallery |
BrevoRuby::ExternalFeedsApi | create_external_feed | POST /feeds | Create an external feed |
BrevoRuby::ExternalFeedsApi | delete_external_feed | DELETE /feeds/{uuid} | Delete an external feed |
BrevoRuby::ExternalFeedsApi | get_all_external_feeds | GET /feeds | Fetch all external feeds |
BrevoRuby::ExternalFeedsApi | get_external_feed_by_uuid | GET /feeds/{uuid} | Get an external feed by UUID |
BrevoRuby::ExternalFeedsApi | update_external_feed | PUT /feeds/{uuid} | Update an external feed |
BrevoRuby::FilesApi | crm_files_get | GET /crm/files | Get all files |
BrevoRuby::FilesApi | crm_files_id_data_get | GET /crm/files/{id}/data | Get file details |
BrevoRuby::FilesApi | crm_files_id_delete | DELETE /crm/files/{id} | Delete a file |
BrevoRuby::FilesApi | crm_files_id_get | GET /crm/files/{id} | Download a file |
BrevoRuby::FilesApi | crm_files_post | POST /crm/files | Upload a file |
BrevoRuby::InboundParsingApi | get_inbound_email_attachment | GET /inbound/attachments/{downloadToken} | Retrieve inbound attachment with download token. |
BrevoRuby::InboundParsingApi | get_inbound_email_events | GET /inbound/events | Get the list of all the events for the received emails. |
BrevoRuby::InboundParsingApi | get_inbound_email_events_by_uuid | GET /inbound/events/{uuid} | Fetch all events history for one particular received email. |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_master_account_get | GET /corporate/masterAccount | Get the details of requested master account |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_get | GET /corporate/subAccount | Get the list of all the sub-accounts of the master account. |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_id_delete | DELETE /corporate/subAccount/{id} | Delete a sub-account |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_id_get | GET /corporate/subAccount/{id} | Get sub-account details |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_id_plan_put | PUT /corporate/subAccount/{id}/plan | Update sub-account plan |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_key_post | POST /corporate/subAccount/key | Create an API key for a sub-account |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_post | POST /corporate/subAccount | Create a new sub-account under a master account. |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | corporate_sub_account_sso_token_post | POST /corporate/subAccount/ssoToken | Generate SSO token to access Brevo |
BrevoRuby::MasterAccountApi | get_account_activity | GET /organization/activities | Get user activity logs |
BrevoRuby::NotesApi | crm_notes_get | GET /crm/notes | Get all notes |
BrevoRuby::NotesApi | crm_notes_id_delete | DELETE /crm/notes/{id} | Delete a note |
BrevoRuby::NotesApi | crm_notes_id_get | GET /crm/notes/{id} | Get a note |
BrevoRuby::NotesApi | crm_notes_id_patch | PATCH /crm/notes/{id} | Update a note |
BrevoRuby::NotesApi | crm_notes_post | POST /crm/notes | Create a note |
BrevoRuby::ProcessApi | get_process | GET /processes/{processId} | Return the informations for a process |
BrevoRuby::ProcessApi | get_processes | GET /processes | Return all the processes for your account |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | add_credits | POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/add | Add Email and/or SMS credits to a specific child account |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | associate_ip_to_child | POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/associate | Associate a dedicated IP to the child |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | create_child_domain | POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains | Create a domain for a child account |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | create_reseller_child | POST /reseller/children | Creates a reseller child |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | delete_child_domain | DELETE /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} | Delete the sender domain of the reseller child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | delete_reseller_child | DELETE /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Delete a single reseller child based on the child identifier supplied |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | dissociate_ip_from_child | POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/ips/dissociate | Dissociate a dedicated IP to the child |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | get_child_account_creation_status | GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountCreationStatus | Get the status of a reseller's child account creation, whether it is successfully created (exists) or not based on the identifier supplied |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | get_child_domains | GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains | Get all sender domains for a specific child account |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | get_child_info | GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Get a child account's details |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | get_reseller_childs | GET /reseller/children | Get the list of all children accounts |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | get_sso_token | GET /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/auth | Get session token to access Brevo (SSO) |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | remove_credits | POST /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/credits/remove | Remove Email and/or SMS credits from a specific child account |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | update_child_account_status | PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/accountStatus | Update info of reseller's child account status based on the childIdentifier supplied |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | update_child_domain | PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier}/domains/{domainName} | Update the sender domain of reseller's child based on the childIdentifier and domainName passed |
BrevoRuby::ResellerApi | update_reseller_child | PUT /reseller/children/{childIdentifier} | Update info of reseller's child based on the child identifier supplied |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | create_sms_campaign | POST /smsCampaigns | Creates an SMS campaign |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | delete_sms_campaign | DELETE /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete an SMS campaign |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | get_sms_campaign | GET /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get an SMS campaign |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | get_sms_campaigns | GET /smsCampaigns | Returns the information for all your created SMS campaigns |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | request_sms_recipient_export | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/exportRecipients | Export an SMS campaign's recipients |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | send_sms_campaign_now | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendNow | Send your SMS campaign immediately |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | send_sms_report | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendReport | Send an SMS campaign's report |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | send_test_sms | POST /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/sendTest | Send a test SMS campaign |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | update_sms_campaign | PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId} | Update an SMS campaign |
BrevoRuby::SMSCampaignsApi | update_sms_campaign_status | PUT /smsCampaigns/{campaignId}/status | Update a campaign's status |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | create_sender | POST /senders | Create a new sender |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | delete_sender | DELETE /senders/{senderId} | Delete a sender |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | get_ips | GET /senders/ips | Get all the dedicated IPs for your account |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | get_ips_from_sender | GET /senders/{senderId}/ips | Get all the dedicated IPs for a sender |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | get_senders | GET /senders | Get the list of all your senders |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | update_sender | PUT /senders/{senderId} | Update a sender |
BrevoRuby::SendersApi | validate_sender_by_otp | PUT /senders/{senderId}/validate | Update a sender |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasks_get | GET /crm/tasks | Get all tasks |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasks_id_delete | DELETE /crm/tasks/{id} | Delete a task |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasks_id_get | GET /crm/tasks/{id} | Get a task |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasks_id_patch | PATCH /crm/tasks/{id} | Update a task |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasks_post | POST /crm/tasks | Create a task |
BrevoRuby::TasksApi | crm_tasktypes_get | GET /crm/tasktypes | Get all task types |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | block_new_domain | POST /smtp/blockedDomains | Add a new domain to the list of blocked domains |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | create_smtp_template | POST /smtp/templates | Create an email template |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | delete_blocked_domain | DELETE /smtp/blockedDomains/{domain} | Unblock an existing domain from the list of blocked domains |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | delete_hardbounces | POST /smtp/deleteHardbounces | Delete hardbounces |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | delete_scheduled_email_by_id | DELETE /smtp/email/{identifier} | Delete scheduled emails by batchId or messageId |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | delete_smtp_template | DELETE /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Delete an inactive email template |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_aggregated_smtp_report | GET /smtp/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your transactional email activity aggregated over a period of time |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_blocked_domains | GET /smtp/blockedDomains | Get the list of blocked domains |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_email_event_report | GET /smtp/statistics/events | Get all your transactional email activity (unaggregated events) |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_scheduled_email_by_batch_id | GET /smtp/emailStatus/{batchId} | Fetch scheduled emails by batchId |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_scheduled_email_by_message_id | GET /smtp/emailStatus/{messageId} | Fetch scheduled email by messageId |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_smtp_report | GET /smtp/statistics/reports | Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_smtp_template | GET /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Returns the template information |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_smtp_templates | GET /smtp/templates | Get the list of email templates |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_transac_blocked_contacts | GET /smtp/blockedContacts | Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_transac_email_content | GET /smtp/emails/{uuid} | Get the personalized content of a sent transactional email |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | get_transac_emails_list | GET /smtp/emails | Get the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filters |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | send_test_template | POST /smtp/templates/{templateId}/sendTest | Send a template to your test list |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | send_transac_email | POST /smtp/email | Send a transactional email |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | smtp_blocked_contacts_email_delete | DELETE /smtp/blockedContacts/{email} | Unblock or resubscribe a transactional contact |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | smtp_log_message_id_delete | DELETE /smtp/log/{messageId} | Delete an SMTP transactional log |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalEmailsApi | update_smtp_template | PUT /smtp/templates/{templateId} | Update an email template |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalSMSApi | get_sms_events | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/events | Get all your SMS activity (unaggregated events) |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalSMSApi | get_transac_aggregated_sms_report | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/aggregatedReport | Get your SMS activity aggregated over a period of time |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalSMSApi | get_transac_sms_report | GET /transactionalSMS/statistics/reports | Get your SMS activity aggregated per day |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalSMSApi | send_transac_sms | POST /transactionalSMS/sms | Send SMS message to a mobile number |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalWhatsAppApi | get_whatsapp_event_report | GET /whatsapp/statistics/events | Get all your WhatsApp activity (unaggregated events) |
BrevoRuby::TransactionalWhatsAppApi | send_whatsapp_message | POST /whatsapp/sendMessage | Send a WhatsApp message |
BrevoRuby::UserApi | get_invited_users_list | GET /organization/invited/users | Get the list of all your users |
BrevoRuby::UserApi | get_user_permission | GET /organization/user/{email}/permissions | Check user permission |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Create a webhook |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete a webhook |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | export_webhooks_history | POST /webhooks/export | Export all transactional events |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | get_webhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get a webhook details |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | get_webhooks | GET /webhooks | Get all webhooks |
BrevoRuby::WebhooksApi | update_webhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update a webhook |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | create_whats_app_campaign | POST /whatsappCampaigns | Create and Send a WhatsApp campaign |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | create_whats_app_template | POST /whatsppCampaigns/template | Create a WhatsApp template |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | delete_whats_app_campaign | DELETE /whatsappCampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a WhatsApp campaign |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | get_whats_app_campaign | GET /whatsappCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get a WhatsApp campaign |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | get_whats_app_campaigns | GET /whatsappCampaigns | Return all your created WhatsApp campaigns |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | get_whats_app_config | GET /whatsappCampaigns/config | Get your WhatsApp API account information |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | get_whats_app_templates | GET /whatsappCampaigns/template-list | Return all your created WhatsApp templates |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | send_whats_app_template_approval | POST /whatsappCampaigns/template/approval/{templateId} | Send your WhatsApp template for approval |
BrevoRuby::WhatsAppCampaignsApi | update_whats_app_campaign | PUT /whatsappCampaigns/{campaignId} | Update a WhatsApp campaign |