cb_studio_game v1.0.0
This gem contains the the program 'cb_studio_game' that was written as part of the Pragmatic Studio
Ruby Programming course.
Start the game by entering 'cb_studio_game' at the command prompt.
The game requires the user to input the number of rounds to be played. The game's players are
are housed within the 'players.csv' file which may be modified as desired to add/remove players and their initial health.
Players can also be added within the 'cb_studio_game' file by removing the '#' from the appropriate lines and changing the player names and health values as needed.
When the desired number of rounds have been played, the game's stats can be viewed by entering 'quit'.
The name of the game can also be changed within the 'cb_studio_game' file.
High scores obtained during the game are saved and can be found in the 'high_scores.txt' file.
This gem is hosted at the the following URL: 'https://rubygems.org/gems/cb_studio_game'
This gem may be used as outlined in the included 'LICENSE' file.
A special thank you to the folks at Pramatic Studio for providing their Ruby Programming course
without which this gem could not have been written and published.