= unsavory -- get rid of those stale bookmarks!
unsavory is a little Ruby script which checks your Delicious bookmarks for dead links (HTTP status code 404) and removes them. Additionally it will also inform you about links which return a status code other than 200 (OK).
== Usage
After installing unsavory with
$ gem install citizen428-unsavory
you can start it from the command-line like this:
$ unsavory
First the script will check if it can find the configuration file '~/.unsavory', which should have the following format:
In case this file doesn't exist, HighLine will be used to prompt for login credentials. If this gem isn't available, the script will display an error message and abort.
When run, unsavory will generate output similar to this (the real code does show the URLs):
Enter Delicious username: username
Enter Delicious password: *********
username has 664 bookmarks.
Processing URL #0001: OK
Processing URL #0002: OK
Processing URL #0003: OK
Processing URL #0004: OK
Processing URL #0005: OK
Processing URL #0013: 405: http://...
Processing URL #0074: 302: http://...
Processing URL #0086: Connection reset by peer - https://...
== Warning
Any link that returns an HTTP status code of 404 will be deleted without warning! There's no undo, use at your own risk!
== Todo
None right now
== Author
Michael Kohl <citizen428[at]gmail[dot]com>