S3-Compatible file output plugin for Embulk
This plugin is developed based on https://github.com/llibra/embulk-output-s3
- Plugin type: file output
- Load all or nothing: no
- Resume supported: yes
- Cleanup supported: yes
- path_prefix: prefix of target keys (string, required)
- file_ext: suffix of target keys (string, required)
- sequence_format: format for sequence part of target keys (string, default: '.%03d.%02d')
- bucket: S3 bucket name (string, required)
- region: S3 region (string, default: 'us-east-1')
- endpoint: S3 endpoint login user name (string, optional)
- access_key_id: AWS access key id. This parameter is required when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role. (string, defualt: null)
- secret_access_key: AWS secret key. This parameter is required when your agent is not running on EC2 instance with an IAM Role. (string, defualt: null)
- tmp_path: temporary file directory. If null, it is associated with the default FileSystem. (string, default: null)
- tmp_path_prefix: prefix of temporary files (string, default: 'embulk-output-s3-')
- canned_acl: canned access control list for created objects (enum, default: null)
- proxy_host: proxy host to use when accessing AWS S3 via proxy. (string, default: null )
- proxy_port: proxy port to use when accessing AWS S3 via proxy. (string, default: null )
- path_style_access: whether to enable path style access, enable it if you are on minio. (boolean, default: false )
- signer: AWS S3 signer type to override. (string, default: null )
you can choose one of the below list.
- AuthenticatedRead
- AwsExecRead
- BucketOwnerFullControl
- BucketOwnerRead
- LogDeliveryWrite
- Private
- PublicRead
- PublicReadWrite
cf. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/CannedAccessControlList.html
path_prefix: logs/out
file_ext: .csv
bucket: my-s3-bucket
region: us-east-1
endpoint: s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com
access_key_id: ABCXYZ123ABCXYZ123
secret_access_key: AbCxYz123aBcXyZ123
type: csv
$ ./gradlew gem