Geoloqi Library for Ruby
Powerful, flexible, lightweight interface to the Geoloqi Platform API.
This library was developed with two goals in mind: to be as simple as possible, but also to be very powerful to allow for much higher-end development (multiple Geoloqi apps per instance, concurrency, performance, thread-safety).
gem install geoloqi
##Basic Usage
Geoloqi uses OAuth2 for authentication, but if you're only working with your own account, you don't need to go through the authorization steps. Simply go to your account settings on the Geoloqi Developers Site, click on "Get Started" and copy the permanent access token. You can use this token to run the following examples.
If you just need to make simple requests, you can just make a simple get or post request from Geoloqi:
require 'geoloqi'
result = Geoloqi.get 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN', 'layer/info/Gx'
p result
# or a POST!
result = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN', 'layer/create', :name => 'Test Layer'
If you're using Geoloqi with OAuth or making multiple requests, we recommend using the Geoloqi::Session class:
require 'geoloqi'
geoloqi = :access_token => 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
response = geoloqi.get 'layer/info/Gx'
puts response.inspect
Which returns a hash with the following:
{:layer_id => "Gx",
:user_id => "4",
:type => "normal",
:name => "USGS Earthquakes",
:description => "Real-time notifications of earthquakes near you.",
:icon => "",
:public => "1",
:url => "",
:subscription => false,
:settings => false}
Both GET and POST are supported. To send a POST to create a place (in this case, the entire city of Portland, Oregon):
response = 'place/create', {
:layer_id => "1Wn",
:name => "3772756364",
:latitude => "45.5037078163837",
:longitude => "-122.622699737549",
:radius => "3467.44",
:extra => {
:description => "Portland",
:url => ""
You can send query string parameters with get requests too:
geoloqi.get 'location/history', :count => 2
# or
geoloqi.get 'location/history?count=2'
##Hashie::Mash support
Want to access in a more OOP/JSON style way? Use Hashie::Mash as the response object:
require 'hashie'
require 'geoloqi'
geoloqi = :access_token => 'YOUR OAUTH2 ACCESS TOKEN GOES HERE', :config => {:use_hashie_mash => true}
response = geoloqi.get 'layer/info/Gx'
response.layer_id # this works
response['layer_id'] # this works too
response[:layer_id] # so does this
##Implementing OAuth2
We have integrated OAuth2 support into the gem for your convenience, and provided a Geoloqi plugin for Sinatra. This is all it takes to get a "Hello World" for OAuth2 with Geoloqi:
Implementing OAuth2 is not difficult, because we've done all the hard work for you. Here is a code example:
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/geoloqi'
set :geoloqi_client_id, 'YOUR_APP_ID_GOES_HERE'
set :geoloqi_client_secret, 'YOUR_APP_SECRET_GOES_HERE'
set :geoloqi_redirect_uri, ''
set :session_secret, 'ENTER_RANDOM_TEXT_HERE'
before do
get '/?' do
username = geoloqi.get('account/username')[:username]
"You have successfully logged in as #{username}!"
Visit the Geoloqi Sinatra plugin page to see instructions on usage.
A lower-level demonstration of the OAuth2 code can be found in the examples folder. This may be useful for anyone working to embed with other frameworks (such as Ruby on Rails).
##Making requests on behalf of the application
Some actions (such as creating a user account for your application) require escalated privileges. To use these, call app_get and app_post:
geoloqi.app_post 'user/create_anon'
API Documentation
The API has been extensively documented at our developers site.
RDoc/YARD Documentation
The code has been fully documented, and the latest version is always available at the Rubydoc Site.
Running the Tests
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake
In addition to a full test suite, there is Travis integration for 1.9, JRuby and Rubinius. 1.8 is supported, however Travis tests have been disabled because 1.8's random hashing sometimes breaks Webmock. I highly recommend looking into upgrading to Ruby 1.9.. it's awesomer.
##Found a bug?
Let us know! Send a pull request or a patch. Questions? Ask! We're here to help. File issues, we'll respond to them!
##TODO / Possible projects
- Rails plugin (works fine as-is, but maybe we can make it easier?)
- More Concrete API in addition to the simple one?