- A Hashie::Mash knockoff
- This is a prototype
- Built and tested with Ruby 2.2.3
Add it to your Gemfile or...
gem install hashie_mash_knockoff
bundle exec rspec
require 'hashie_mash_knockoff'
# access hash keys with method calls
hash = { a: 'b', c: { d: 'e' }, f: {} }
hashie_mash_knockoff = HashieMashKnockoff.new(hash)
hashie_mash_knockoff.a # returns 'b'
hashie_mash_knockoff.a = '' # raises NoMethodError
hashie_mash_knockoff[:a] # returns 'b'
hashie_mash_knockoff[:a] = '' # raises NoMethodError
hashie_mash_knockoff.c # returns instance of HashIsh w/ hash of { d: 'e' }
hashie_mash_knockoff.c.class # returns HashIsh
hashie_mash_knockoff[:c] # returns { d: 'e' }
hashie_mash_knockoff[:c].class # returns Hash
hashie_mash_knockoff.c.d # returns 'e'
hashie_mash_knockoff.f # returns {}
hashie_mash_knockoff.f.class # returns Hash
hashie_mash_knockoff[:f] # returns {}
hashie_mash_knockoff[:f].class # returns Hash
# set default values
hash = { a: nil, b: { c: false }, d: { e: '>_<' } }
defaults = { a: 123, b: { c: true }, d: { e: 'ಠ_ಠ' } }
hashie_mash_knockoff = HashieMashKnockoff.new(hash, defaults)
hashie_mash_knockoff.a # returns 123, overrides falsey nil
hashie_mash_knockoff.b.c # returns true, overrides falsey false
hashie_mash_knockoff.d.e # returns 'lol', not overriden due to 'lol' being truthy
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.