To read a linked version of this README, {click here}[].
== Description
Hirb provides a mini view framework for console applications and uses it to improve ripl(irb)'s default inspect output.
Given an object or array of objects, hirb renders a view based on the object's class and/or ancestry. Hirb offers reusable
views in the form of helper classes. The two main helpers, Hirb::Helpers::Table and Hirb::Helpers::Tree, provide several options
for generating ascii tables and trees. Using Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, hirb has useful default views for at least ten popular database gems
i.e. Rails' ActiveRecord::Base. Other than views, hirb offers a smart pager and a console menu. The smart pager
only pages when the output exceeds the current screen size. The menu is used in conjunction with tables to offer
{two dimensional menus}[].
== Install
Install the gem with:
gem install hirb
For people using full-width unicode characters, install {hirb-unicode}[]:
gem install hirb-unicode
== View Tutorials
== Printing Ascii Tables
To print ascii tables from an array of arrays, hashes or any objects:
puts Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable.render(ARRAY_OF_OBJECTS)
Hirb will intelligently pick up on field names from an array of hashes and create properly-aligned
fields from an array of arrays. See
{here}[] for examples.
== Rails Example
Let's load and enable the view framework:
$ rails console
Loading local environment (Rails 3.0.3)
require 'hirb'
=> true
=> nil
The default configuration provides table views for ActiveRecord::Base descendants.
If a class isn't configured, Hirb reverts to irb's default echo mode.
=> {:class=>Hirb::Helpers::AutoTable, :ancestor=>true}
Tag is a model class and descendant of ActiveRecord::Base
| id | created_at | description | name | namespace | predicate | value |
| 907 | 2009-03-06 21:10:41 UTC | | gem:tags=yaml | gem | tags | yaml |
1 row in set
=> nil
'plain ol irb'
=> 'plain ol irb'
=> nil
=> :blah
From above you can see there are no views configured for a String or a Symbol so Hirb defaults to
irb's echo mode. On the other hand, Tag has a view thanks to being a descendant of ActiveRecord::Base
and there being an :ancestor option.
Having seen hirb display views based on an output object's class, let's see it handle an array of objects:
Tag.all :limit=>3, :order=>"id DESC"
| id | created_at | description | name | namespace | predicate | value |
| 907 | 2009-03-06 21:10:41 UTC | | gem:tags=yaml | gem | tags | yaml |
| 906 | 2009-03-06 08:47:04 UTC | | gem:tags=nomonkey | gem | tags | nomonkey |
| 905 | 2009-03-04 00:30:10 UTC | | article:tags=ruby | article | tags | ruby |
3 rows in set
At any time you can disable Hirb if you really like irb's lovely echo mode:
=> nil
Tag.all :limit=>3, :order=>"id DESC"
=> [#<Tag id: 907, name: "gem:tags=yaml", description: nil, created_at: "2009-03-06 21:10:41",
namespace: "gem", predicate: "tags", value: "yaml">, #<Tag id: 906, name: "gem:tags=nomonkey",
description: nil, created_at: "2009-03-06 08:47:04", namespace: "gem", predicate: "tags", value:
"nomonkey">, #<Tag id: 905, name: "article:tags=ruby", description: nil, created_at: "2009-03-04
00:30:10", namespace: "article", predicate: "tags", value: "ruby">]
== Views: Anytime, Anywhere
While preconfigured tables are great for database records, sometimes you just want to create
tables/views for any output object:
#These examples don't need to have Hirb::View enabled.
=> nil
Imports table() and view()
extend Hirb::Console
=> main
Create a unicode table
table [[:a, :b, :c]], :unicode => true
│ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │
│ a ╎ b ╎ c │
1 row in set
Create a table of Dates comparing them with different formats.
table [,], :fields=>[:to_s, :ld, :ajd, :amjd, :asctime]
| to_s | ld | ajd | amjd | asctime |
| 2009-03-11 | 155742 | 4909803/2 | 54901 | Wed Mar 11 00:00:00 2009 |
| 2009-04-11 | 155773 | 4909865/2 | 54932 | Sat Apr 11 00:00:00 2009 |
2 rows in set
Same table as the previous method. However view() will be able to call any helper.
view [,], :class=>:object_table,
:fields=>[:to_s, :ld, :ajd, :amjd, :asctime]
If these console methods weren't convenient enough, try:
Imports view() to all objects.
require 'hirb/import_object'
=> true
Yields same table as above examples.
[,].view :class=>:object_table,
:fields=>[:to_s, :ld, :ajd, :amjd, :asctime]
Although views by default are printed to STDOUT, they can be easily modified to write anywhere:
Setup views to write to file 'console.log'.
Hirb::View.render_method = lambda {|output|"console.log", 'w') {|f| f.write(output) } }
Writes to file with same table output as above example.
view [,], :class=>:object_table,
:fields=>[:to_s, :ld, :ajd, :amjd, :asctime]
Doesn't write to file because Symbol doesn't have a view and thus defaults to irb's echo mode.
=> :blah
Go back to printing Hirb views to STDOUT.
== Pager
Hirb has both pager and formatter functionality enabled by default.
If you want to turn off the functionality of either you can pass that in at startup:
Hirb.enable :pager=>false
Hirb.enable :formatter=>false
or toggle their state at runtime:
== Sharing Helpers and Views
If you have tested helpers you'd like to share, fork Hirb and put them under lib/hirb/helpers. To share
views for certain classes, put them under lib/hirb/views. Please submit views for gems that have a nontrivial
number of users.
== Limitations
If using Wirble and irb, you should call Hirb after it since they both override irb's default output.
== Motivation
Table code from and {my console app's needs}[].
== Credits
- Chrononaut for vertical table helper.
- janlelis for unicode table helper.
- crafterm, spastorino, xaviershay, bogdan, asanghi and joshua for patches.
== Bugs/Issues
Please report them {on github}[].
== Contributing
{See here}[]
== Links