This is an implementation of http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/.
What is JsonPath?
JsonPath is a way of addressing elements within a JSON object. Similar to xpath
of yore, JsonPath lets you traverse a json object and manipulate or access it.
There is stand-alone usage through the binary jsonpath
jsonpath [expression] (file|string)
If you omit the second argument, it will read stdin, assuming one valid JSON
object per line. Expression must be a valid jsonpath expression.
To use JsonPath as a library simply include and get goin'!
require 'jsonpath'
json = <<-HERE_DOC
{"price":19.95, "color":"red"},
{"price":8.95, "category":"reference", "title":"Sayings of the Century", "author":"Nigel Rees"},
{"price":12.99, "category":"fiction", "title":"Sword of Honour", "author":"Evelyn Waugh"},
{"price":8.99, "category":"fiction", "isbn":"0-553-21311-3", "title":"Moby Dick", "author":"Herman Melville","color":"blue"},
{"price":22.99, "category":"fiction", "isbn":"0-395-19395-8", "title":"The Lord of the Rings", "author":"Tolkien"}
Now that we have a JSON object, let's get all the prices present in the object.
We create an object for the path in the following way.
path = JsonPath.new('$..price')
Now that we have a path, let's apply it to the object above.
Or reuse it later on some other object (thread safe) ...
path.on('{"books":[{"title":"A Tale of Two Somethings","price":18.88}]}')
You can also just combine this into one mega-call with the convenient
JsonPath.on(json, '$..author')
Of course the full JsonPath syntax is supported, such as array slices
...and evals, including those with conditional operators
JsonPath.new("$..price[?(@ < 10)]").on(json)
JsonPath.new("$..book[?(@['price'] == 8.95 || @['price'] == 8.99)].title").on(json)
JsonPath.new("$..book[?(@['price'] == 8.95 && @['price'] == 8.99)].title").on(json)
There is a convenience method, #first
that gives you the first element for a
JSON object and path.
As well, we can directly create an Enumerable
at any time using #[]
enum = JsonPath.new('$..color')[json]
enum.any?{ |c| c == 'red' }
For more usage examples and variations on paths, please visit the tests. There
are some more complex ones as well.
Querying ruby data structures
If you have ruby hashes with symbolized keys as input, you
can use :use_symbols
to make JsonPath work fine on them too:
book = { title: "Sayings of the Century" }
JsonPath.new('$.title', use_symbols: true).on(book)
JsonPath also recognizes objects responding to dig
in ruby 2.3), and therefore works out of the box with Struct,
OpenStruct, and other Hash-like structures:
book_class = Struct.new(:title)
book = book_class.new("Sayings of the Century")
JsonPath is able to query pure ruby objects and uses __send__
on them. The option is enabled by default in JsonPath 1.x, but
we encourage to enable it explicitly:
book_class = Class.new{ attr_accessor :title }
book = book_class.new
book.title = "Sayings of the Century"
JsonPath.new('$.title', allow_send: true).on(book)
Other available options
By default, JsonPath does not return null values on unexisting paths.
This can be changed using the :default_path_leaf_to_null
JsonPath.new('$..book[*].isbn', default_path_leaf_to_null: true).on(json)
When JsonPath returns a Hash, you can ask to symbolize its keys
using the :symbolize_keys
JsonPath.new('$..book[0]', symbolize_keys: true).on(json)
Selecting Values
It's possible to select results once a query has been defined after the query. For
example given this JSON data:
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
... and this query:
... the result can be filtered as such:
"category" : "reference",
"author" : "Nigel Rees"
"category" : "fiction",
"author" : "Evelyn Waugh"
If you'd like to do substitution in a json object, you can use #gsub
or #gsub!
to modify the object in place.
JsonPath.for('{"candy":"lollipop"}').gsub('$..candy') {|v| "big turks" }.to_hash
The result will be
{'candy' => 'big turks'}
If you'd like to remove all nil keys, you can use #compact
and #compact!
To remove all keys under a certain path, use #delete
or #delete!
. You can
even chain these methods together as follows:
json = '{"candy":"lollipop","noncandy":null,"other":"things"}'
o = JsonPath.for(json).
gsub('$..candy') {|v| "big turks" }.
Fetch all paths
To fetch all possible paths in given json, you can use `fetch_all_path`` method.
"store": {
"book": [
"category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees"
"category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh"
... and this query:
... the result will be:
["$", "$.store", "$.store.book", "$.store.book[0].category", "$.store.book[0].author", "$.store.book[0]", "$.store.book[1].category", "$.store.book[1].author", "$.store.book[1]"]
Please feel free to submit an Issue or a Pull Request any time you feel like
you would like to contribute. Thank you!
Running an individual test
ruby -Ilib:../lib test/test_jsonpath.rb --name test_wildcard_on_intermediary_element_v6