= Ruby GPSSerial
This library provides an easy way to get GPS data from your serial GPS unit.
== Description
Uses ruby-serialport to connect to a standard serial GPS unit and parses the NMEA sentences into an easy to use hash.
=== NMEA Sentences
Currently it only parses the following NMEA sentences:
=== GPS Data Hash
Calling read
or get_data
will return a hash with some or all of the keys listed below. Each time
you call one of those methods, more NMEA sentences will be parsed and added to the hash.
You may have to call read
multiple times in a loop until your data is available.
is a wrapper function that will call read
in a loop until at least the $GPGGA and $GPRMC
sentences are read.
last_nmea:: The last NMEA sentence name (without "$GP") parsed with the read method.
quality:: 0 = invalid, 1 = GPS fix, 2 = DGPS fix
validity:: A = ok, V = invalid
latitude:: Latitude
lat_ref:: North/South (N/S)
longitude:: Longitude
long_ref:: East/West (E/W)
altitude:: Current altitude
alt_unit:: Altitude height unit of measure (i.e. M = Meters)
speed:: Speed over ground in knots
heading:: Heading, in degrees
course:: Course over ground in degrees
time:: Current time formated as HHMMSS.SS -- use date_time to get the parsed version
date:: Current date formated as DDMMYY -- use date_time to get the parsed version
local_hour_offset:: Local zone description, 00 to +/- 13 hours
local_minute_offset:: Local zone minutes description (same sign as hours)
num_sat:: The number of satellites in view
satellites:: An array with id, elevation, azimuth and SNR for each satellite
height_geoid:: Height of geoid above WGS84 ellipsoid
height_geoid_unit:: Unit of measure (i.e. M = Meters)
last_dgps:: Time since last DGPS update
dgps:: DGPS reference station id
mode:: M = Manual (forced to operate in 2D or 3D) A = Automatic (3D/2D)
mode_dimension:: 1 = Fix not available, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D
hdop:: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
pdop:: Positional Dilution of Precision
vdop:: Vertical Dilution of Precision
msg_count:: Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
msg_num:: Message number
variation:: Magnetic variation
var_direction:: Magnetic variation direction (i.e E = East)
== Date and Time
GPS modules provide the current time and date (UTC) strings in the following format:
Instead of parsing these yourself, the date_time
method will convert
these strings into a DateTime object with the timezone set to UTC.
require "serialgps"
gps = SerialGPS.new("/dev/ttyUSB0")
puts gps.date_time
== Install
=== Remotely
You need RubyGems 1.2.0 to install it remotely from the GitHub repository.
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install jgillick-ruby-serialgps
=== Locally
After downloading ruby-serialgps.gem
gem install ruby-serialgps.gem
== Examples
Here's a simple example of
=== Simple GPS dump
This uses the internal live_gps_dump method to show live GPS data in the console
require "serialgps"
device = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
gps = SerialGPS.new(device)
=== Print Latitude and Longitude
A program that prints latitude and longitude data to the console as soon as it's available.
require "serialgps"
device = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
gps = SerialGPS.new(device)
puts "Your current position:"
while true
data = gps.read
if data.key?(:latitude)
puts "Latitude: #{data[:latitude]}#{data[:lat_ref]}\t"
puts "Longitude: #{data[:longitude]}#{data[:long_ref]}\n"