Logstash Plugin
This plugin is a heavily butchered and modified version of the standard logstash http output plugin. That plugin is available here.
It has been modified to only support JSON, but also supports batching of messages into JSON lists.
Please note that the name of the plugin when used is json_batch
, since it only supports json in its current form. If further output formats are added in the future, this might change back to http_batch.
output {
json_batch {
headers => ["Authorization", "Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM="]
url => "http://your.site/your/json/update/endpoint"
Default batch size is 50, with a wait of at most 5 seconds per send. These can be tweaked with the parameters flush_size
and idle_flush_time
Installation & build
To build the gem yourself, use gem build logstash-output-json_batch.gemspec
in the root of this repository. Alternatively, you can download a built version of the gem from the dist
branch of this repository.
To install, run the following command, assuming the gem is in the local directory: $LOGSTASH_HOME/bin/plugin install logstash-output-json_batch-X.Y.Z.gem
Direct links to the built versions of the gems are available on the releases page