WePay Ruby SDK
To use this SDK:
creates a wepay object you can use to make calls.
Set use_stage to true for test/stage, false for production.
wepay = WePay.new(client_id, client_secret, use_stage)
get the authorization url
you send the user to this url to authorize the application, they will return to your redirect with a code in the get parameters
redirect_uri = "http://myexamplesite.com/wepay"
url = wepay.oauth2_authorize_url(redirect_uri)
once you have the code you can get an access token
response = wepay.oauth2_token(code, redirect_uri)
access_token = response['access_token']
makes a call to the /user endpoint (which requires no parameters)
response = wepay.call('/user', access_token)
you can also open a payment account for the user
response = wepay.call('/account/create', access_token, {:name => "test account", "description" => "this is only a test" })
switching to production
When you want to switch to production, change the _use_stage parameter on the WePay constructer to false.
check out our developer docs at https://stage.wepay.com/developer for more info
or email api@wepay.com if you have any questions.