Copyright and Licensing
Copyright Notice
The copyright for the software, documentation, and associated files are
held by the author.
Copyright 2012 Todd A. Jacobs
All rights reserved.
The AUTHORS file is also included in the source tree.
Software License
The software is licensed under the
GPLv3. The LICENSE is also
included in the source tree.
README License
This README is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
This is a calculator for determining how close a user is to being
comment-hellbanned on Stack Overflow. You can find your flag counts at<stackoverflow_userid>.
The flag weight calculation is subject to change, so don't bet the
farm on it.
The flag counts are only visible to logged in users, and (generally)
only your own flag counts. Without authentication, this calculator
can't scrape the values for you; you have to enter them on the command
line. Patches welcome.
Supported Ruby Versions
- The software was tested against Ruby 1.9.3-p194.
- Ruby 1.8.x is unsupported.
so-comment-hellban <declined_flags> <helpful_flags>
These are examples of what you might see when running the tool from the
command line. Runtime results may vary.
With 10 "declined" flags and 90 "helpful" flags:
$ so-comment-hellban 10 90
# Stack Overflow Comment-Hellban Calculator
- Current Flag Weight: 90
- Hellban Status: You aren't banned...yet.
With 11 "declined" flags and 1 "helpful" flag:
$ so-comment-hellban 11 1
# Stack Overflow Comment-Hellban Calculator
- Current Flag Weight: 0
- Hellban Status: You are hellbanned.
for more information.
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