= Staticify
Staticify is a tool for creating static sites in Ruby.
There are lots of tools out there already for creating static sites, eg:
Jekyll:: http://jekyllrb.com
StaticMatic:: http://staticmatic.rubyforge.org
webgen:: http://webgen.rubyforge.org
Webby:: http://webby.rubyforge.org
The problem with these tools, in my opinion, is that they make you code
your sites in a certain way.
What if you want to code your blog in Rails or Sinatra or something?
Staticify is intended to solve this problem for you. If you want
to code your static site in any Rack-based web framework, go right ahead!
You can use Staticify to statically cache responses to your app.
== Installation
$ gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
$ sudo gem install remi-staticify
== Usage
Simple script for staticifying your Rack applications
staticify == %{ For staticifying your Rack applications }
echo 'paths' | staticify # print this usage information
echo 'paths' | staticify . # staticify Rack app in current directory
staticify expects to get the paths to hit via STDIN
-d, --dir some/directory # directory to save files to
-a, --app "MyApp.new" # ruby to eval to get Rack app
-r, --require file[.rb] # ruby file(s) to require
== Notes
Checks for config.ru / Rails by default, otherwise you can:
$ staticify -r myapp.rb --app 'lambda {|env| [200, {}, "hi!"] }' info
$ staticify -r myapp.rb,another-file.rb --app 'Sinatra::Application' get '/'
$ staticify -r myapp --app 'MyApp.new' '/'