= Tiny CMS
Is a minimal CMS Rails Engine or more likelly a "static" pages manager.
Pages can be created, deleted, edited and arranged into sections using a file tree like interface courtesy of jQuery tree (http://jstree.com).
It attempts to be as minimal, flexible and unobtrusive as posible leaving a lot of functionality like templating languages
and authentication/authorization for page creation, deletion and editing for the Rails app developer to implement.
== Dependencies
== Installation
$ [sudo] gem install tiny_cms
== Usage
Configure in your app:
config.gem 'tiny_cms'
Run the tiny_cms_assets generator, this will copy jquery-1.4.1, jquery-tree, a minimal version of jquery-ui
and tiny_cms.js and some stylesheets to your app's public folder and a locale file to config/locales:
$ script/generate tiny_cms_assets
Run tiny_cms generator passing a resource name to generate model, controller and migration files and write the routes:
$ script/generate tiny_cms page
Run the migrations
If you wan't to customize the views or use a templating language you can copy the views to your app:
$ script/generate tiny_cms_views
In your application layout or the layout for the resource you created include jquery and the tiny_cms.js file:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-1.4.2.min' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'tiny_cms' %>
Visit /pages of your app
Use right mouse button for functions related to nodes
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Macario Ortega. See LICENSE for details.