= YamlSeeder
Seeds your ActiveRecord models from Foxy Fixture-like YAML files
== YAML seed files
YamlSeeder works upon seed files which are very similar to fixtures - the foxy-fixtures introduced in Rails 2.0. For example, consider a Company model and an Employee model, where an employee belongs to a company:
=== companies.yml
name: Dunder Mifflin
=== employees.yml
name: Michael Scott
company: dunder
It's a good idea to put these seed files in their own directory, say "db/seeds".
For more information, google "foxy fixtures" or see http://ryandaigle.com/articles/2007/10/26/what-s-new-in-edge-rails-fixtures-just-got-a-whole-lot-easier
== Installation
gem install yaml_seeder
== Usage
Use YamlSeeder to seed your Rails database. If you're using Rails 2.3.4 or later, add the following to your "db/seeds.rb" file
Dir.glob(RAILS_ROOT + '/db/seeds/.yml').each do |file|
YamlSeeder.seed('db/seeds', File.basename(file, '.'))
Alternatively, or if you're using an earlier version of Rails, you can create a rake task (eg. called "db:yaml_seed"):
namespace :db do
desc "Load seed files (from db/seeds) into the current environment's database."
task :yaml_seed => :environment do
Dir.glob(RAILS_ROOT + '/db/seeds/.yml').each do |file|
YamlSeeder.seed('db/seeds', File.basename(file, '.'))
== Notes
- If ID's are not specified in the YAML seed files, then they will be assigned by the normal creation of saving an ActiveRecord (ie. the next ID available).
- Currently, YamlSeeder only supports belong-to associations.
Copyright (c) 2010 Paul Fedory, released under the MIT license