Short Description
Contains high entropy strings. This could be a sign of encrypted data, leaked secrets or obfuscated code.
View packages with this alert.Suggestion
Please inspect these strings to check if they are benign. Maintainers should clarify the purpose and existence of high entropy strings if there is a legitimate purpose.
High entropy strings are strings with a high level of randomness, often used in cryptographic contexts or as obfuscated content. While such strings may have legitimate uses (e.g., API keys, encrypted payloads, or binary data), they can also indicate potential security risks, such as:
Inspect the High Entropy Strings:
Clarify Their Purpose:
Remove or Replace Secrets:
Audit the Codebase:
Communicate with Maintainers:
Here is an example of a package flagged for high entropy stringsdue to its dense and seemingly random nature (a large collection of unrelated Chinese characters), which could resemble obfuscated data. It's best to review these instances to ensure they are benign before including these dependencies in your code base.
Socket detects high entropy strings by analyzing the randomness and structure of the strings within the code or package. Entropy can be calculated with a length threshold and detected via common patterns and contextual indicators.