This package is malware. We have asked the package registry to remove it.
Package contains a shrinkwrap file. This may allow the package to bypass normal install procedures.
Contains a dependency which resolves to a remote git URL. Dependencies fetched from git URLs are not immutable and can be used to inject untrusted code or reduce the likelihood of a reproducible install.
Contains a dependency which resolves to a remote HTTP URL which could be used to inject untrusted code and reduce overall package reliability.
Suspicious Stars on GitHub
The GitHub repository of this package may have been artificially inflated with stars (from bots, crowdsourcing, etc.).
A new collaborator has begun publishing package versions. Package stability and security risk may be elevated.
Obfuscated files are intentionally packed to hide their behavior. This could be a sign of malware.
Contains a dependency which resolves to a GitHub URL. Dependencies fetched from GitHub specifiers are not immutable can be used to inject untrusted code or reduce the likelihood of a reproducible install.
This package contains telemetry which tracks how it is used.
Initial human review suggests the presence of a vulnerability in this package. It is pending further analysis and confirmation.
Package uses dynamic code execution (e.g., eval()), which is a dangerous practice. This can prevent the code from running in certain environments and increases the risk that the code may contain exploits or malicious behavior.
Install scripts are run when the package is installed. The majority of malware in npm is hidden in install scripts.
The package was published by an npm account that no longer exists.
AI-detected possible typosquat
AI has identified this package as a potential typosquat of a more popular package. This suggests that the package may be intentionally mimicking another package's name, description, or other metadata.
This module accesses the system shell. Accessing the system shell increases the risk of executing arbitrary code.
Contains native code (e.g., compiled binaries or shared libraries). Including native code can obscure malicious behavior.
This package has inconsistent metadata. This could be malicious or caused by an error when publishing the package.
This module accesses the network.
Packages less than 10 lines of code are easily copied into your own project and may not warrant the additional supply chain risk of an external dependency.
Uses debug, reflection and dynamic code execution features.
Dynamic require can indicate the package is performing dangerous or unsafe dynamic code execution.
A new npm collaborator published a version of the package for the first time. New collaborators are usually benign additions to a project, but do indicate a change to the security surface area of a package.
Accesses the file system, and could potentially read sensitive data.
Contains high entropy strings. This could be a sign of encrypted data, leaked secrets or obfuscated code.