Short Description
Package has not been updated in more than 5 years and may be unmaintained. Problems with the package may go unaddressed.
View packages with this alert.Suggestion
Package should publish periodic maintenance releases if they are maintained, or deprecate if they have no intention in further maintenance.
Unmaintained packages are those that have essentially been abandoned but have not been officially deprecated. The risks to your code base are similar to using outdated or deprecated dependencies:
Using software flagged as Unmaintained is never a good idea, even if it has been stable for years. You will involuntarily take on this maintenance burden whenever it causes issues with your code base.
The more concerning problem is that you do not have control of the package, and it is reasonable to assume there is no maintainer looking after it. The maintainer's account may become compromised or the package may be passed off to an individual or organization that is not trustworthy.
Update to a Supported Version:
Find an Alternative Package:
Fork and Maintain the Package:
Minimize Dependencies:
In this example of a package flagged as Unmaintained, you may not even see the alert on the Socket packet page as it's buried in dozens of high and critical alerts. (Clicking through the alerts banner will show each individual alert.)
Most unmaintained packages are accompanied by a slew of other alerts for CVEs, maintenance issues, and supply chain risks.
These are packages that have not received an update in five years or longer.