Package dropy implements a higher-level Dropbox API on top of go-dropbox. Upload and read a file.
Main entrypoint for Artifact Server. This is a REST API (no html frontend) implemented using Martini. Database: Postgresql Storage: S3
Package dropbox implements the Dropbox core and datastore API. Downloading a file
Package dropbox provides an afero implementation to the dropbox API
Package dropbox implements the Dropbox core and datastore API. Downloading a file
Package dropbox implements the Dropbox core and datastore API. Downloading a file
Package kafka a provides high level client API for Apache Kafka. Use 'Broker' for node connection management, 'Producer' for sending messages, and 'Consumer' for fetching. All those structures implement Client, Consumer and Producer interface, that is also implemented in kafkatest package.
Filesystem abstraction layer for Golang, that works with Local file system and Amazon S3 with a unified API. You can even copy-paste files from different sources. FTP, Dropbox etc. will follow soon. Full documentation:
Package dropy implements a higher-level Dropbox API on top of go-dropbox. Upload and read a file.
Package dropbox implements the Dropbox core and datastore API. Downloading a file
Llama client to pull metrics from Llama collectors LLAMA Collector sends UDP probes to a set of target reflectors and provides statistics about their latency and reachability via an API. Mock Llama client used in `client_test.go` Functionality for sending and receiving UDP probes on a socket. portgroup defines PortGroup, which is used to multiplex UDPAddr structs to multiple ports via parallel channels. LLAMA Scraper pulls stats from Collectors and then writes them to the indicated database. Tags is a helper description for a structure that stores a map of attributes and values for a given key. Example: Tags[""]["dst_hostname"] = "localhost" Tags[""]["dst_cluster"] = "mycluster"
Filesystem abstraction layer for Golang, that works with Local file system and Amazon S3 with a unified API. You can even copy-paste files from different sources. FTP, Dropbox etc. will follow soon. Full documentation:
Package dropy implements a higher-level Dropbox API on top of go-dropbox. Upload and read a file.
Filesystem abstraction layer for Golang, that works with Local file system and Amazon S3 with a unified API. You can even copy-paste files from different sources. FTP, Dropbox etc. will follow soon. Full documentation:
Package dropy implements a higher-level Dropbox API on top of go-dropbox. Upload and read a file.
Package dropy implements a higher-level Dropbox API on top of go-dropbox. Upload and read a file.
Package dropbox implements the Dropbox core and datastore API. Downloading a file
Package out is for easy and flexible CLI output and log handling. It has taken ideas from the Go author log package, spf13's jwalterweatherman package, Dropbox errors package and other packages out there (many thanks to all the talented folks!!!). Goals of this pkg: - Leveled output: trace, debug, verbose, print, note, issue, error, fatal - Works out of box for screen output (stdout/stderr), any io.Writer supported - Trivial to "mirror" screen output to log file (any io.Writer, eg: buffer) - Ability to dynamically filter debugging output by function or pkg path - Screen and logfile targets can be independently managed, eg: screen gets normal output and errors, log gets full trace/debug output and is augmented with timestamps, Go file/line# for all log entry types, etc - Does not insert carriage returns in output, does clean formatting of prefixes and meta-data with multiline or non-newline terminated output (vs Go's 'log' pkg which uses newlines after all output) - Stack traces on issues/errors/fatals easily available (via env or api) - Extended errors with "closer to the issue" stack tracing, error codes (optional/extensible), error "stacking/wrapping" still providing easy "constant" error matching matching from Go stdlib packages - Custom formatter: if existing formatting options are not enough, can be used to produce custom output formats or even do things like suppress output while pushing that into some other mechanism (eg: if in JSON output mode push output into the pkg forming up the JSON response so errors show up in JSON output or warnings are stored there, etc) - Ability to set up a "deferred" function that will be called just before os.Exit is called (assumes you are exiting via out.Exit(), out.Fatal() and related out mechanisms for exitting), receives exit value for tool. Eg: use this when client uses a tool generated tmp logfile name to record the tools output... so the tmp logfile name is printed at the bottom of their output just before exit and so the note is sent only to the screen on STDERR. - Future: for prompting/paging The 'out' package is designed as a singleton (currently) although one could make it more generic... but as I have no need for that currently I've avoided that effort. If done maybe group []*LvlOutput in an "Outputter" struct, add methods for all desired functions like 'out.Print()' on (*Outputter) and move the logic into that and have the singleton function call these methods. Then perhaps clean up the *Newline stuff (should be done anyhow) so it drives off the io.Writers targets (consider os.Stdout and os.Stderr to be the same tgt no matter how many writers point at it, and consider any other io.Writer like a file or a buffer to be the same if the same "handle"... anyhow, needs to be better than what's here now). What could go wrong? ;) Anyhow, for true screen mirroring to logfile type controls it's pretty effective as a singleton so have some fun. Also, as a more powerful error mechanism (wrapped/nested errors with stack traces near the source of the err available, still easy to check constant err values, optional ability to add err codes if desired) it can be of use. Usage: (Note: each is like 'fmt' syntax for Print, Printf, Println) Note: logfile format defaults to: <pid> <LEVEL> <date/time> <shortfile/line#> [Level: ]msg Aside: for CLI tool options I like "[-D|--debug]" and "[-v|--verbose]" to control tool output verbosity, ie: "-Dv" (both) is the "output everything" mode via the Trace level, just "-D" is the Debug level and all levels below, only "-v" sets the Verbose level and all levels below and Info/Print is the default level with none of those options. Quick Plug: I like spf13's viper&cobra pkgs for CLI and config file mgmt