Package log is a drop-in replacement for the standard Go logging library "log" which is fully source code compatible support all the standard library API while at the same time offering advanced logging features through an extended API. The design goals of gonelog was: Out of the box the default logger with package level methods works like the standard library *log.Logger with all the standard flags and methods: Under the hood the default *log.Logger is however a log context object which can have key/value data and which generate log events with a syslog level and hands them of to a log Handler for formatting and output. The default Logger supports all this as well, using log level constants source code compatible with the "log/syslog" package through the package: Logging with key/value data is (in its most simple form) done by calling level specific functions. First argument is the message, subsequenct arguments key/value data: Earch *log.Logger object has a current "log level" which determines the maximum log level for which events are actually generated. Logging above that level will be ignored. This log level can be controlled: Calling Fatal*() and Panic*() will in addition to Fataling/panicing log at level ALERT. The Print*() methods will log events with a configurable "default" log level - which default to INFO. Per default the Logger *will* generate log event for Print*() calls even though the log level is lower. The Logger can be set to respect the actual log level also for Print*() statements by the second argument to SetPrintLevel() A new custom Logger with its own behavior and formatting handler can be created: A customer Logger will not per default spend time timestamping events or registring file/line information. You have to enable that explicitly (it's not enabled by setting the flags on a formatting handler). When having key/value data which you need to have logged in all log events, but don't want to remember to put into every log statement, you can create a "child" Logger: To simply set the standard logger in a minimal mode where it only outputs <level>message to STDOUT and let an external daemon supervisor/log system do the rest (including timestamping) just do: Having many log statements can be expensive. Especially if the arguments to be logged are resource intensive to compute and there's no log events generated anyway. There are 2 ways to get around that. The first is do do Lazy evaluation of arguments: The other is to pick an comma-ok style log function: Sometimes it can be repetitive to make a lot of log statements logging many attributes of the same kinda of object by explicitly accessing every attribute. To make that simpler, every object can implement the Logable interface by creating a LogValues() function returning the attributes to be logged (with keys). The object can then be logged by directly providing it as an argument to a log function: Loggers can have names, placing them in a global "/" separated hierarchy. It's recommended to create a Logger by mentioning it by name using GetLogger("logger/name") - instead of creating unnamed Loggers with NewLogger(). If such a logger exists you will get it returned, so you can configure it and set the formatter/output. Otherwise a new logger by that name is created. Libraries are encouraged to published the names of their Loggers and to name Loggers after their Go package. This works exactly like the Python "logging" library - with one exception: When Logging an event at a Logger the tree of Loggers by name are only traversed towards to root to find the first Logger having a Handler attached, not returning an error. The log-event is then sent to that handler. If that handler returns an error, the parent Logger and its Handler is tried. This allows to contruct a "Last Resort" parent for errors in the default log Handler. The Python behaviour is to send the event to all Handlers found in the Logger tree. This is not the way it's done here. Only one Handler will be given the event to log. If you wan't more Handlers getting the event, use a MultiHandler. Happy logging.
AWS API and CloudFormation parser. Get the package Build as docker image Update Base Parsers Generate a cloudformation template from: ./configs/test.yaml: Upsert a cloudformation template from: ./compiled/test.yaml: Delete a cloudformation stack (stackName: test) Print all the events for a stack (stackName: test) Using Roles and MFA Kombustion utilizes package plugin ( By default kombustion will look for plugins in the ./plugins directory. You can also Specify custom plugins directory:
AWS API and CloudFormation parser. Get the package Build as docker image Update Base Parsers Generate a cloudformation template from: ./configs/test.yaml: Upsert a cloudformation template from: ./compiled/test.yaml: Delete a cloudformation stack (stackName: test) Print all the events for a stack (stackName: test) Using Roles and MFA Kombustion utilizes package plugin ( By default kombustion will look for plugins in the ./plugins directory. You can also Specify custom plugins directory:
Package hotkey provides the basic facility to register a system-level global hotkey shortcut so that an application can be notified if a user triggers the desired hotkey. A hotkey must be a combination of modifiers and a single key. Note platform specific details: On macOS, due to the OS restriction (other platforms does not have this restriction), hotkey events must be handled on the "main thread". Therefore, in order to use this package properly, one must start an OS main event loop on the main thread, For self-contained applications, using mainthread package. is possible. It is uncessary or applications based on other GUI frameworks, such as fyne, ebiten, or Gio. See the "examples" for more examples. On Linux (X11), when AutoRepeat is enabled in the X server, the Keyup is triggered automatically and continuously as Keydown continues. On Linux (X11), some keys may be mapped to multiple Mod keys. To correctly register the key combination, one must use the correct underlying keycode combination. For example, a regular Ctrl+Alt+S might be registered as: Ctrl+Mod2+Mod4+S. If this package did not include a desired key, one can always provide the keycode to the API. For example, if a key code is 0x15, then the corresponding key is `hotkey.Key(0x15)`. THe following is a minimum example:
Package tge core contains interfaces and core implementation for supported targets: TGE Core should not be used directly, it only defines interfaces and is used by TGE Command Line Tool : An App is the main entry point of TGE, the main() function should normally just starts the Runtime, any other code not handled by the Runtime is potenitally not portable: The App interface is described here and the implementation details in the auto generated app.go using tge-cli. The Runtime instance is initialized through the Run(*App) function of main package. At startup, the Runtime looks for registered plugins and initializes them. Then the App instance is initialized and started. The Runtime instance also exposes API for loading assets and subscribing to events in a generic way. Runtime exposes none portable objects like Host (backend) and Renderer (graphical context), they can be used to implement custom behaviour depending on target in Apps or Plugins, the implementations are as follows: TGE uses Go channel mechanism to handle rendering, two loops are running side by side: Both loops are synchronized using a dedicated channel passed in parameter of each method. As this method allows to make CPU/GPU treatments asynchronous, shared objects between contexts must correctly handled to avoid conflicts. The sync channel is typed as interface{}, it can also be used to pass content and select specific treatments based on underlying interface type. See examples for more details. A good candidate for copy if the reflect.Copy() function: If your data is based on something else than slices but its size justifies low level memory copy, you can also put ticker data in a single element slice and use reflect.Copy() on it. Minimal set of events is handled by Runtime at the most possible portable way. Events are then propagated through publish/subscribe: Events are in their raw form (ie modifiers or gestures are not handled). It's up to the application to implement specific needs. The aim of this approach is to keep the runtime generic and fast by limiting treatments. A dedicated plugin to generate advanced events will be available soon. As TGE core is intended to be as light as possible, all heavy treatments are deported to plugins. The goal is to offer a portable API from Plugins by relying on Runtime. Plugins are automatically registered at Go init() step, to use it, just import them as standard Go packages, ex: It's also possible to create custom plugins by implementing Plugin interface and registering it in the Go init() function :
Package cadence and its subdirectories contain the Cadence client side framework. The Cadence service is a task orchestrator for your application’s tasks. Applications using Cadence can execute a logical flow of tasks, especially long-running business logic, asynchronously or synchronously. They can also scale at runtime on distributed systems. A quick example illustrates its use case. Consider Uber Eats where Cadence manages the entire business flow from placing an order, accepting it, handling shopping cart processes (adding, updating, and calculating cart items), entering the order in a pipeline (for preparing food and coordinating delivery), to scheduling delivery as well as handling payments. Cadence consists of a programming framework (or client library) and a managed service (or backend). The framework enables developers to author and coordinate tasks in Go code. The root cadence package contains common data structures. The subpackages are: The Cadence hosted service brokers and persists events generated during workflow execution. Worker nodes owned and operated by customers execute the coordination and task logic. To facilitate the implementation of worker nodes Cadence provides a client-side library for the Go language. In Cadence, you can code the logical flow of events separately as a workflow and code business logic as activities. The workflow identifies the activities and sequences them, while an activity executes the logic. Dynamic workflow execution graphs - Determine the workflow execution graphs at runtime based on the data you are processing. Cadence does not pre-compute the execution graphs at compile time or at workflow start time. Therefore, you have the ability to write workflows that can dynamically adjust to the amount of data they are processing. If you need to trigger 10 instances of an activity to efficiently process all the data in one run, but only 3 for a subsequent run, you can do that. Child Workflows - Orchestrate the execution of a workflow from within another workflow. Cadence will return the results of the child workflow execution to the parent workflow upon completion of the child workflow. No polling is required in the parent workflow to monitor status of the child workflow, making the process efficient and fault tolerant. Durable Timers - Implement delayed execution of tasks in your workflows that are robust to worker failures. Cadence provides two easy to use APIs, **workflow.Sleep** and **workflow.Timer**, for implementing time based events in your workflows. Cadence ensures that the timer settings are persisted and the events are generated even if workers executing the workflow crash. Signals - Modify/influence the execution path of a running workflow by pushing additional data directly to the workflow using a signal. Via the Signal facility, Cadence provides a mechanism to consume external events directly in workflow code. Task routing - Efficiently process large amounts of data using a Cadence workflow, by caching the data locally on a worker and executing all activities meant to process that data on that same worker. Cadence enables you to choose the worker you want to execute a certain activity by scheduling that activity execution in the worker's specific task-list. Unique workflow ID enforcement - Use business entity IDs for your workflows and let Cadence ensure that only one workflow is running for a particular entity at a time. Cadence implements an atomic "uniqueness check" and ensures that no race conditions are possible that would result in multiple workflow executions for the same workflow ID. Therefore, you can implement your code to attempt to start a workflow without checking if the ID is already in use, even in the cases where only one active execution per workflow ID is desired. Perpetual/ContinueAsNew workflows - Run periodic tasks as a single perpetually running workflow. With the "ContinueAsNew" facility, Cadence allows you to leverage the "unique workflow ID enforcement" feature for periodic workflows. Cadence will complete the current execution and start the new execution atomically, ensuring you get to keep your workflow ID. By starting a new execution Cadence also ensures that workflow execution history does not grow indefinitely for perpetual workflows. At-most once activity execution - Execute non-idempotent activities as part of your workflows. Cadence will not automatically retry activities on failure. For every activity execution Cadence will return a success result, a failure result, or a timeout to the workflow code and let the workflow code determine how each one of those result types should be handled. Asynch Activity Completion - Incorporate human input or thrid-party service asynchronous callbacks into your workflows. Cadence allows a workflow to pause execution on an activity and wait for an external actor to resume it with a callback. During this pause the activity does not have any actively executing code, such as a polling loop, and is merely an entry in the Cadence datastore. Therefore, the workflow is unaffected by any worker failures happening over the duration of the pause. Activity Heartbeating - Detect unexpected failures/crashes and track progress in long running activities early. By configuring your activity to report progress periodically to the Cadence server, you can detect a crash that occurs 10 minutes into an hour-long activity execution much sooner, instead of waiting for the 60-minute execution timeout. The recorded progress before the crash gives you sufficient information to determine whether to restart the activity from the beginning or resume it from the point of failure. Timeouts for activities and workflow executions - Protect against stuck and unresponsive activities and workflows with appropriate timeout values. Cadence requires that timeout values are provided for every activity or workflow invocation. There is no upper bound on the timeout values, so you can set timeouts that span days, weeks, or even months. Visibility - Get a list of all your active and/or completed workflow. Explore the execution history of a particular workflow execution. Cadence provides a set of visibility APIs that allow you, the workflow owner, to monitor past and current workflow executions. Debuggability - Replay any workflow execution history locally under a debugger. The Cadence client library provides an API to allow you to capture a stack trace from any failed workflow execution history.
Package nakadi is a client library for the Nakadi event broker. It provides convenient access to many features of Nakadi's API. The package can be used to manage event type definitions. The EventAPI can be used to inspect existing event types and allows further to create new event types and to update existing ones. The SubscriptionAPI provides subscription management: existing subscriptions can be fetched from Nakadi and of course it is also possible to create new ones. The PublishAPI of this package is used to broadcast event types of all event type categories via Nakadi. Last but not least, the package also implements a StreamAPI, which enables event processing on top of Nakadi's subscription based high level API. To make the communication with Nakadi more resilient all sub APIs of this package can be configured to retry failed requests using an exponential back-off algorithm.
Package iris provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website, API, or distributed app. Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub: 11.1.1 The only requirement is the Go Programming Language, at least version 1.8 but 1.11.1 and above is highly recommended. Example code: You can start the server(s) listening to any type of `net.Listener` or even `http.Server` instance. The method for initialization of the server should be passed at the end, via `Run` function. Below you'll see some useful examples: UNIX and BSD hosts can take advantage of the reuse port feature. Example code: That's all with listening, you have the full control when you need it. Let's continue by learning how to catch CONTROL+C/COMMAND+C or unix kill command and shutdown the server gracefully. In order to manually manage what to do when app is interrupted, we have to disable the default behavior with the option `WithoutInterruptHandler` and register a new interrupt handler (globally, across all possible hosts). Example code: Access to all hosts that serve your application can be provided by the `Application#Hosts` field, after the `Run` method. But the most common scenario is that you may need access to the host before the `Run` method, there are two ways of gain access to the host supervisor, read below. First way is to use the `app.NewHost` to create a new host and use one of its `Serve` or `Listen` functions to start the application via the `iris#Raw` Runner. Note that this way needs an extra import of the `net/http` package. Example Code: Second, and probably easier way is to use the `host.Configurator`. Note that this method requires an extra import statement of "" when using go < 1.9, if you're targeting on go1.9 then you can use the `iris#Supervisor` and omit the extra host import. All common `Runners` we saw earlier (`iris#Addr, iris#Listener, iris#Server, iris#TLS, iris#AutoTLS`) accept a variadic argument of `host.Configurator`, there are just `func(*host.Supervisor)`. Therefore the `Application` gives you the rights to modify the auto-created host supervisor through these. Example Code: Read more about listening and gracefully shutdown by navigating to: All HTTP methods are supported, developers can also register handlers for same paths for different methods. The first parameter is the HTTP Method, second parameter is the request path of the route, third variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: In order to make things easier for the user, iris provides functions for all HTTP Methods. The first parameter is the request path of the route, second variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: A set of routes that are being groupped by path prefix can (optionally) share the same middleware handlers and template layout. A group can have a nested group too. `.Party` is being used to group routes, developers can declare an unlimited number of (nested) groups. Example code: iris developers are able to register their own handlers for http statuses like 404 not found, 500 internal server error and so on. Example code: With the help of iris's expressionist router you can build any form of API you desire, with safety. Example code: At the previous example, we've seen static routes, group of routes, subdomains, wildcard subdomains, a small example of parameterized path with a single known parameter and custom http errors, now it's time to see wildcard parameters and macros. iris, like net/http std package registers route's handlers by a Handler, the iris' type of handler is just a func(ctx iris.Context) where context comes from Iris has the easiest and the most powerful routing process you have ever meet. At the same time, iris has its own interpeter(yes like a programming language) for route's path syntax and their dynamic path parameters parsing and evaluation, We call them "macros" for shortcut. How? It calculates its needs and if not any special regexp needed then it just registers the route with the low-level path syntax, otherwise it pre-compiles the regexp and adds the necessary middleware(s). Standard macro types for parameters: if type is missing then parameter's type is defaulted to string, so {param} == {param:string}. If a function not found on that type then the "string"'s types functions are being used. i.e: Besides the fact that iris provides the basic types and some default "macro funcs" you are able to register your own too!. Register a named path parameter function: at the func(argument ...) you can have any standard type, it will be validated before the server starts so don't care about performance here, the only thing it runs at serve time is the returning func(paramValue string) bool. Example Code: Last, do not confuse ctx.Values() with ctx.Params(). Path parameter's values goes to ctx.Params() and context's local storage that can be used to communicate between handlers and middleware(s) goes to ctx.Values(), path parameters and the rest of any custom values are separated for your own good. Run Static Files Example code: More examples can be found here: Middleware is just a concept of ordered chain of handlers. Middleware can be registered globally, per-party, per-subdomain and per-route. Example code: iris is able to wrap and convert any external, third-party Handler you used to use to your web application. Let's convert the net/http external middleware which returns a `next form` handler. Example code: Iris supports 5 template engines out-of-the-box, developers can still use any external golang template engine, as `context/context#ResponseWriter()` is an `io.Writer`. All of these five template engines have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more. Example code: View engine supports bundled( template files too. go-bindata gives you two functions, asset and assetNames, these can be setted to each of the template engines using the `.Binary` func. Example code: A real example can be found here: Enable auto-reloading of templates on each request. Useful while developers are in dev mode as they no neeed to restart their app on every template edit. Example code: Note: In case you're wondering, the code behind the view engines derives from the "" package, access to the engines' variables can be granded by "" package too. Each one of these template engines has different options located here: . This example will show how to store and access data from a session. You don’t need any third-party library, but If you want you can use any session manager compatible or not. In this example we will only allow authenticated users to view our secret message on the /secret page. To get access to it, the will first have to visit /login to get a valid session cookie, which logs him in. Additionally he can visit /logout to revoke his access to our secret message. Example code: Running the example: Sessions persistence can be achieved using one (or more) `sessiondb`. Example Code: More examples: In this example we will create a small chat between web sockets via browser. Example Server Code: Example Client(javascript) Code: Running the example: Iris has first-class support for the MVC pattern, you'll not find these stuff anywhere else in the Go world. Example Code: // GetUserBy serves // Method: GET // Resource: http://localhost:8080/user/{username:string} // By is a reserved "keyword" to tell the framework that you're going to // bind path parameters in the function's input arguments, and it also // helps to have "Get" and "GetBy" in the same controller. // // func (c *ExampleController) GetUserBy(username string) mvc.Result { // return mvc.View{ // Name: "user/username.html", // Data: username, // } // } Can use more than one, the factory will make sure that the correct http methods are being registered for each route for this controller, uncomment these if you want: Iris web framework supports Request data, Models, Persistence Data and Binding with the fastest possible execution. Characteristics: All HTTP Methods are supported, for example if want to serve `GET` then the controller should have a function named `Get()`, you can define more than one method function to serve in the same Controller. Register custom controller's struct's methods as handlers with custom paths(even with regex parametermized path) via the `BeforeActivation` custom event callback, per-controller. Example: Persistence data inside your Controller struct (share data between requests) by defining services to the Dependencies or have a `Singleton` controller scope. Share the dependencies between controllers or register them on a parent MVC Application, and ability to modify dependencies per-controller on the `BeforeActivation` optional event callback inside a Controller, i.e Access to the `Context` as a controller's field(no manual binding is neede) i.e `Ctx iris.Context` or via a method's input argument, i.e Models inside your Controller struct (set-ed at the Method function and rendered by the View). You can return models from a controller's method or set a field in the request lifecycle and return that field to another method, in the same request lifecycle. Flow as you used to, mvc application has its own `Router` which is a type of `iris/router.Party`, the standard iris api. `Controllers` can be registered to any `Party`, including Subdomains, the Party's begin and done handlers work as expected. Optional `BeginRequest(ctx)` function to perform any initialization before the method execution, useful to call middlewares or when many methods use the same collection of data. Optional `EndRequest(ctx)` function to perform any finalization after any method executed. Session dynamic dependency via manager's `Start` to the MVC Application, i.e Inheritance, recursively. Access to the dynamic path parameters via the controller's methods' input arguments, no binding is needed. When you use the Iris' default syntax to parse handlers from a controller, you need to suffix the methods with the `By` word, uppercase is a new sub path. Example: Register one or more relative paths and able to get path parameters, i.e Response via output arguments, optionally, i.e Where `any` means everything, from custom structs to standard language's types-. `Result` is an interface which contains only that function: Dispatch(ctx iris.Context) and Get where HTTP Method function(Post, Put, Delete...). Iris has a very powerful and blazing fast MVC support, you can return any value of any type from a method function and it will be sent to the client as expected. * if `string` then it's the body. * if `string` is the second output argument then it's the content type. * if `int` then it's the status code. * if `bool` is false then it throws 404 not found http error by skipping everything else. * if `error` and not nil then (any type) response will be omitted and error's text with a 400 bad request will be rendered instead. * if `(int, error)` and error is not nil then the response result will be the error's text with the status code as `int`. * if `custom struct` or `interface{}` or `slice` or `map` then it will be rendered as json, unless a `string` content type is following. * if `mvc.Result` then it executes its `Dispatch` function, so good design patters can be used to split the model's logic where needed. Examples with good patterns to follow but not intend to be used in production of course can be found at: By creating components that are independent of one another, developers are able to reuse components quickly and easily in other applications. The same (or similar) view for one application can be refactored for another application with different data because the view is simply handling how the data is being displayed to the user. If you're new to back-end web development read about the MVC architectural pattern first, a good start is that wikipedia article: But you should have a basic idea of the framework by now, we just scratched the surface. If you enjoy what you just saw and want to learn more, please follow the below links: Examples: Middleware: Home Page: Book (in-progress):
Package partnercentralselling provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Partner Central Selling API. This Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Central API reference is designed to help AWS Partnersintegrate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with AWS Partner Central. Partners can automate interactions with AWS Partner Central, which helps to ensure effective engagements in joint business activities. The API provides standard AWS API functionality. Access it by either using API Actions or by using an AWS SDK that's tailored to your programming language or platform. For more information, see Getting Started with AWSand Tools to Build on AWS. Features offered by AWS Partner Central API Opportunity management: Manages coselling opportunities through API actions such as CreateOpportunity , UpdateOpportunity , ListOpportunities , GetOpportunity , and AssignOpportunity . AWS referral management: Manages referrals shared by AWS using actions such as ListEngagementInvitations , GetEngagementInvitation , StartEngagementByAcceptingInvitation , and RejectEngagementInvitation . Entity association: Associates related entities such as AWS Products, Partner Solutions, and AWS Marketplace Private Offers with opportunities using the actions AssociateOpportunity , and DisassociateOpportunity . View AWS opportunity details: Retrieves real-time summaries of AWS opportunities using the GetAWSOpportunitySummary action. List solutions: Provides list APIs for listing partner offers using ListSolutions . Event subscription: Subscribe to real-time opportunity updates through AWS EventBridge by using actions such as Opportunity Created, Opportunity Updated, Engagement Invitation Accepted, Engagement Invitation Rejected, and Engagement Invitation Created.
Package disgord provides Go bindings for the documented Discord API, and allows for a stateful Client using the Session interface, with the option of a configurable caching system or bypass the built-in caching logic all together. Create a Disgord client to get access to the REST API and gateway functionality. In the following example, we listen for new messages and respond with "hello". Session interface: You don't have to use a callback function, channels are supported too! Never close a channel without removing the handler from Disgord, as it will cause a panic. You can control the lifetime of a handler or injected channel by in injecting a controller: disgord.HandlerCtrl. Since you are the owner of the channel, disgord will never close it for you. Disgord handles sharding for you automatically; when starting the bot, when discord demands you to scale up your shards (during runtime), etc. It also gives you control over the shard setup in case you want to run multiple instances of Disgord (in these cases you must handle scaling yourself as Disgord can not). Sharding is done behind the scenes, so you do not need to worry about any settings. Disgord will simply ask Discord for the recommended amount of shards for your bot on startup. However, to set specific amount of shards you can use the `disgord.ShardConfig` to specify a range of valid shard IDs (starts from 0). starting a bot with exactly 5 shards Running multiple instances each with 1 shard (note each instance must use unique shard ids) Handle scaling options yourself You can inject your own cache implementation. By default a read only LFU implementation is used, this should be sufficient for the average user. But you can overwrite certain methods as well! Say you dislike the implementation for MESSAGE_CREATE events, you can embed the default cache and define your own logic: > Note: if you inject your own cache, remember that the cache is also responsible for initiating the objects. > See disgord.CacheNop Whenever you call a REST method from the Session interface; the cache is always checked first. Upon a cache hit, no REST request is executed and you get the data from the cache in return. However, if this is problematic for you or there exist a bug which gives you bad/outdated data, you can bypass it by using Disgord flags. In addition to disgord.IgnoreCache, as shown above, you can pass in other flags such as: disgord.SortByID, disgord.OrderAscending, etc. You can find these flags in the flag.go file. `disgord_diagnosews` will store all the incoming and outgoing JSON data as files in the directory "diagnose-report/packets". The file format is as follows: unix_clientType_direction_shardID_operationCode_sequenceNumber[_eventName].json
Stateful Functions Go SDK Stateful Functions is an API that simplifies the building of **distributed stateful applications** with a **runtime built for serverless architectures**. It brings together the benefits of stateful stream processing, the processing of large datasets with low latency and bounded resource constraints, along with a runtime for modeling stateful entities that supports location transparency, concurrency, scaling, and resiliency. It is designed to work with modern architectures, like cloud-native deployments and popular event-driven FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda and KNative, and to provide out-of-the-box consistent state and messaging while preserving the serverless experience and elasticity of these platforms. The JVM-based Stateful Functions implementation has a RequestReply extension (a protocol and an implementation) that allows calling into any HTTP endpoint that implements that protocol. Although it is possible to implement this protocol independently, this is a minimal library for the Go programing language that: - Allows users to define and declare their functions in a convenient way. - Dispatches an invocation request sent from the JVM to the appropriate function previously declared.
Package tk9.0 is a CGo-free, cross platform GUI toolkit for Go. It is similar to Tkinter for Python. Also available in _examples/hello.go To execute the above program on any supported target issue something like The CGO_ENABLED=0 is optional and here it only demonstrates the program can be built without CGo. Windows: How to build an executable that doesn't open a console window when run? From the documentation for cmd/link: On Windows, -H windowsgui writes a "GUI binary" instead of a "console binary.". To pass the flag to the Go build system use 'go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui somefile.go', for example. Consider this program in _examples/debugging.go: Execute the program using the tags as indicated, then close the window or click the Hello button. With the tk.dmesg tag the package initialization prints the debug messages path. So we can view it, for example, like this: 18876 was the process PID in this particular run. Using the tags allows to inspect the Tcl/Tk code executed during the lifetime of the process. These combinations of GOOS and GOARCH are currently supported Specific to FreeBSD: When building with cross-compiling or CGO_ENABLED=0, add the following argument to `go` so that these symbols are defined by making fakecgo the Cgo. Builder results available at At the moment the package is a MVP allowing to build at least some simple, yet useful programs. The full Tk API is not yet usable. Please report needed, but non-exposed Tk features at the issue tracker, thanks. Providing feedback about the missing building blocks, bugs and your user experience is invaluable in helping this package to eventually reach version 1. See also RERO. The ErrorMode variable selects the behaviour on errors for certain functions that do not return error. When ErrorMode is PanicOnError, the default, errors will panic, providing a stack trace. When ErrorMode is CollectErrors, errors will be recorded using errors.Join in the Error variable. Even if a function does not return error, it is still possible to handle errors in the usual way when needed, except that Error is now a static variable. That's a problem in the general case, but less so in this package that must be used from a single goroutine only, as documented elsewhere. This is obviously a compromise enabling to have a way to check for errors and, at the same time, the ability to write concise code like: There are altogether four different places where the call to the Button function can produce errors as additionally to the call itself, every of its three arguments can independently fail as well. Checking each and one of them separately is not always necessary in GUI code. But the explicit option in the first example is still available when needed. There is a centralized theme register in Themes. Theme providers can opt in to call RegisterTheme at package initialization to make themes discoverable at run-time. Clients can use ActivateTheme to apply a theme by name. Example in _examples/azure.go. There is a VNC over wbesockets functionality available for X11 backed hosts. See the tk9.0/vnc package for details. Package initialization is done lazily. This saves noticeable additional startup time and avoids screen flicker in hybrid programs that use the GUI only on demand. Early package initialization can be enforced by Initialize. Initialization will fail if a Unix process starts on a machine with no X server or the process is started in a way that it has no access to the X server. On the other hand, this package may work on Unix machines with no X server if the process is started remotely using '$ ssh -X foo@bar' and the X forwarding is enabled/supported. Darwin port uses the macOS GUI API and does not use X11. Zero or more options can be specified when creating a widget. For example or Tcl/Tk uses widget pathnames, image and font names explicitly set by user code. This package generates those names automatically and they are not directly needed in code that uses this package. There is, for a example, a Tcl/tk 'text' widget and a '-text' option. This package exports the widget as type 'TextWidget', its constructor as function 'Text' and the option as function 'Txt'. The complete list is: This package should be used from the same goroutine that initialized the package. Package initialization performs a runtime.LockOSThread, meaning func main() will start execuing locked on the same OS thread. The Command() and similar options expect an argument that must be one of: - An EventHandler or a function literal of the same signature. - A func(). This can be used when the handler does not need the associated Event instance. When passing an argument of type time.Durarion to a function accepting 'any', the duration is converted to an integer number of milliseconds. When passing an argument of type []byte to a function accepting 'any', the byte slice is converted to a encoding/base64 encoded string. When passing an argument of type []FileType to a function accepting 'any', the slice is converted to the representation the Tcl/Tk -filetypes option expects. At least some minimal knowledge of reading Tcl/Tk code is probably required for using this package and/or using the related documentation. However you will not need to write any Tcl code and you do not need to care about the grammar of Tcl words/string literals and how it differs from Go. There are several Tcl/Tk tutorials available, for example at tutorialspoint. Merge requests for known issues are always welcome. Please send merge requests for new features/APIs after filling and discussing the additions/changes at the issue tracker first. Most of the documentation is generated directly from the Tcl/Tk documentation and may not be entirely correct for the Go package. Those parts hopefully still serve as a quick/offline Tcl/Tk reference. Parts of the documentation are copied and/or modified from the site, see the LICENSE-TCLTK file for details. Parts of the documentation are copied and/or modified from the tkinter.ttk site which is You can support the maintenance and further development of this package at jnml's LiberaPay (using PayPal). "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "border" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "alt" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 active #ececec} -embossed {disabled 1} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -highlightcolor {alternate black} -relief { {pressed !disabled} sunken {active !disabled} raised } Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #aaaaaa disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {1.5p 1.5p 0.75p 0}} -background {selected #d9d9d9} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #aaaaaa disabled #d9d9d9} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #c3c3c3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 selected #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe "Button.button" style element options: "Checkbutton.button" style element options: "Combobox.button" style element options: "DisclosureButton.button" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "GradientButton.button" style element options: "HelpButton.button" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "InlineButton.button" style element options: "Labelframe.border" style element options: "Menubutton.button" style element options: "Notebook.client" style element options: "" style element options: "Progressbar.track" style element options: "Radiobutton.button" style element options: "RecessedButton.button" style element options: "RoundedRectButton.button" style element options: "Scale.slider" style element options: "Scale.trough" style element options: "Searchbox.field" style element options: "SidebarButton.button" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Toolbar.background" style element options: "Toolbutton.border" style element options: "Treeheading.cell" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeview.treearea" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "background" style element options: "field" style element options: "fill" style element options: "hseparator" style element options: "separator" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "vseparator" style element options: "aqua" theme style list Style map: -selectforeground { background systemSelectedTextColor !focus systemSelectedTextColor} -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor background systemLabelColor} -selectbackground { background systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor !focus systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor} Layout: DisclosureButton.button -sticky nswe Layout: GradientButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -side top -sticky {} Layout: HelpButton.button -sticky nswe Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side right -sticky {}} Layout: Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe} Style map: -foreground { pressed systemLabelColor !pressed systemSecondaryLabelColor } Layout: InlineButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemWindowBackgroundColor } Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -side left -sticky {}} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: RecessedButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -font { selected RecessedFont active RecessedFont pressed RecessedFont } -foreground { {disabled selected} systemWindowBackgroundColor3 {disabled !selected} systemDisabledControlTextColor selected systemTextBackgroundColor active white pressed white } Layout: RoundedRectButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Searchbox.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Layout: SidebarButton.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { {disabled selected} systemWindowBackgroundColor3 {disabled !selected} systemDisabledControlTextColor selected systemTextColor active systemTextColor pressed systemTextColor } Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { pressed white {alternate !pressed !background} white disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor} Layout: Checkbutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Combobox.button -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground { {background !selected} systemControlTextColor {background selected} black {!background selected} systemSelectedTabTextColor disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor} Layout: Progressbar.track -sticky nswe Layout: Radiobutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.label -side left -sticky {}}} - Layout: Spinbox.buttons -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.field -sticky we -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky we} Style map: -foreground { disabled systemDisabledControlTextColor } -selectbackground { !focus systemUnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Toolbar.background -sticky nswe Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -background { selected systemSelectedTextBackgroundColor } Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side bottom -sticky {}} "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.field" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "bar" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "hgrip" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "pbar" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "trough" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vgrip" style element options: "clam" theme style list Style map: -selectforeground {!focus white} -foreground {disabled #999999} -selectbackground {!focus #9e9a91} -background {disabled #dcdad5 active #eeebe7} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Sash.hsash -sticky nswe -children {Sash.hgrip -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -lightcolor {pressed #bab5ab} -background {disabled #dcdad5 pressed #bab5ab active #eeebe7} -bordercolor {alternate #000000} -darkcolor {pressed #bab5ab} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {pressed #dcdad5 {!disabled alternate} #5895bc {disabled alternate} #a0a0a0 disabled #dcdad5} Layout: Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {{readonly focus} #ffffff} -fieldbackground {{readonly focus} #4a6984 readonly #dcdad5} -background {active #eeebe7 pressed #eeebe7} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} -arrowcolor {disabled #999999} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -lightcolor {focus #6f9dc6} -background {readonly #dcdad5} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -lightcolor {selected #eeebe7 {} #cfcdc8} -padding {selected {4.5p 3p 4.5p 1.5p}} -background {selected #dcdad5 {} #bab5ab} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {pressed #dcdad5 {!disabled alternate} #5895bc {disabled alternate} #a0a0a0 disabled #dcdad5} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -background {readonly #dcdad5} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} -arrowcolor {disabled #999999} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -lightcolor {pressed #bab5ab} -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {disabled #dcdad5 pressed #bab5ab active #eeebe7} -darkcolor {pressed #bab5ab} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #999999 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #dcdad5 selected #4a6984} -bordercolor {focus #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sash.vsash -sticky nswe -children {Sash.vgrip -sticky nswe} "Button.border" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "highlight" style element options: "hsash" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "slider" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vsash" style element options: "classic" theme style list Style map: -highlightcolor {focus black} -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 active #ececec} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Horizontal.Scale.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.label -side left -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -indicatorrelief {alternate raised selected sunken pressed sunken} -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #b05e5e selected #b03060} Layout: Combobox.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Entry.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -background {selected #d9d9d9} - Layout: Radiobutton.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.label -side left -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -indicatorrelief {alternate raised selected sunken pressed sunken} -indicatorcolor {pressed #d9d9d9 alternate #b05e5e selected #b03060} Style map: -sliderrelief {{pressed !disabled} sunken} Style map: -relief {{pressed !disabled} sunken} Layout: Spinbox.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.field -sticky nswe -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #d9d9d9 disabled #d9d9d9} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #b3b3b3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #000000} -background {disabled #d9d9d9 selected #c3c3c3} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Vertical.Scale.highlight -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} "" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Menubutton.indicator" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Treeheading.cell" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeitem.row" style element options: "Treeitem.separator" style element options: "arrow" style element options: "background" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "ctext" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "fill" style element options: "focus" style element options: "hsash" style element options: "hseparator" style element options: "image" style element options: "indicator" style element options: "label" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "padding" style element options: "pbar" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "separator" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "text" style element options: "textarea" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "treearea" style element options: "trough" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "vsash" style element options: "vseparator" style element options: "default" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3} -background {disabled #edeceb active #ececec} Layout: Treedata.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Sash.hsash -sticky we Layout: Horizontal.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar -side left -sticky ns Horizontal.Progressbar.ctext -side left -sticky {}} Layout: Horizontal.Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.padding -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side left -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.row -sticky nswe - Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {{alternate disabled} #a3a3a3 {alternate pressed} #5895bc alternate #4a6984 {selected disabled} #a3a3a3 {selected pressed} #5895bc selected #4a6984 disabled #edeceb pressed #c3c3c3} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} Layout: Frame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Label.padding -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Label.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Style map: -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -highlightcolor {selected #4a6984} -highlight {selected 1} -background {selected #edeceb} Layout: Panedwindow.background -sticky {} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -indicatorbackground {{alternate disabled} #a3a3a3 {alternate pressed} #5895bc alternate #4a6984 {selected disabled} #a3a3a3 {selected pressed} #5895bc selected #4a6984 disabled #edeceb pressed #c3c3c3} Style map: -outercolor {active #ececec} Style map: -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: Separator.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sizegrip.sizegrip -side bottom -sticky se Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -fieldbackground {readonly #edeceb disabled #edeceb} -arrowcolor {disabled #a3a3a3} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} -background {pressed #c3c3c3 active #ececec} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled #a3a3a3 selected #ffffff} -background {disabled #edeceb selected #4a6984} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Sash.vsash -sticky ns Layout: Vertical.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Progressbar.pbar -side bottom -sticky we} Layout: Vertical.Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.padding -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side top -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe}PASS "Combobox.background" style element options: "Combobox.border" style element options: "Combobox.rightdownarrow" style element options: "ComboboxPopdownFrame.background" style element options: "Entry.background" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.slider" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Menubutton.dropdown" style element options: "Spinbox.background" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.innerbg" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.slider" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "vista" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.background -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {ComboboxPopdownFrame.padding -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Horizontal.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar -side left -sticky ns Horizontal.Progressbar.ctext -sticky nswe} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.track -sticky we Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.border -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.rightdownarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.background -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -children {Entry.background -sticky nswe -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.dropdown -side right -sticky ns Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 2}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - Layout: Spinbox.field -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.background -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.innerbg -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky nse Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky nse}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Vertical.Progressbar.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Progressbar.pbar -side bottom -sticky we} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.track -sticky ns Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} "Button.border" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.focus" style element options: "ComboboxPopdownFrame.border" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "border" style element options: "client" style element options: "downarrow" style element options: "field" style element options: "focus" style element options: "leftarrow" style element options: "rightarrow" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "slider" style element options: "tab" style element options: "thumb" style element options: "uparrow" style element options: "winnative" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} -embossed {disabled 1} Layout: ComboboxPopdownFrame.border -sticky nswe Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.border -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}} Style map: -relief {{!disabled pressed} sunken} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -fieldbackground {readonly SystemButtonFace disabled SystemButtonFace} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} -fieldbackground {readonly SystemButtonFace disabled SystemButtonFace} Layout: Labelframe.border -sticky nswe Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.indicator -side right -sticky {} Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -side left -sticky {}}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 0}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -relief {disabled flat selected sunken pressed sunken active raised} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe "Button.button" style element options: "Checkbutton.indicator" style element options: "Combobox.downarrow" style element options: "Combobox.field" style element options: "Entry.field" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Horizontal.Progressbar.trough" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.slider" style element options: "Horizontal.Scale.track" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "Labelframe.border" style element options: "Menubutton.button" style element options: "Menubutton.dropdown" style element options: "NotebookPane.background" style element options: "Radiobutton.indicator" style element options: "Scale.trough" style element options: "Scrollbar.downarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.leftarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.rightarrow" style element options: "Scrollbar.uparrow" style element options: "Spinbox.downarrow" style element options: "Spinbox.field" style element options: "Spinbox.uparrow" style element options: "Toolbutton.border" style element options: "Treeheading.border" style element options: "Treeitem.indicator" style element options: "Treeview.field" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.pbar" style element options: "Vertical.Progressbar.trough" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.slider" style element options: "Vertical.Scale.track" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.grip" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb" style element options: "Vertical.Scrollbar.trough" style element options: "client" style element options: "sizegrip" style element options: "tab" style element options: "xpnative" theme style list Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText} Layout: Treeheading.cell -sticky nswe Treeheading.border -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeheading.image -side right -sticky {} Treeheading.text -sticky we}} Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Horizontal.Scale.track -sticky we Horizontal.Scale.slider -side left -sticky {}}} Layout: Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky we -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.leftarrow -side left -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.rightarrow -side right -sticky {} Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe -unit 1 -children {Horizontal.Scrollbar.grip -sticky {}}} Layout: Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Button.button -sticky nswe -children {Button.focus -sticky nswe -children {Button.padding -sticky nswe -children {Button.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Checkbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Checkbutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Checkbutton.focus -side left -sticky w -children {Checkbutton.label -sticky nswe}} Layout: Combobox.field -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.downarrow -side right -sticky ns Combobox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.focus -sticky nswe -children {Combobox.textarea -sticky nswe}}} Style map: -focusfill {{readonly focus} SystemHighlight} -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText {readonly focus} SystemHighlightText} -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {Entry.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: Label.fill -sticky nswe -children {Label.text -sticky nswe} Layout: Menubutton.dropdown -side right -sticky ns Menubutton.button -sticky nswe -children {Menubutton.padding -sticky we -children {Menubutton.label -sticky {}}} Layout: Notebook.client -sticky nswe Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Style map: -expand {selected {2 2 2 2}} - Layout: Radiobutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Radiobutton.indicator -side left -sticky {} Radiobutton.focus -side left -sticky {} -children {Radiobutton.label -sticky nswe}} - - Layout: Spinbox.field -side top -sticky we -children {null -side right -sticky {} -children {Spinbox.uparrow -side top -sticky e Spinbox.downarrow -side bottom -sticky e} Spinbox.padding -sticky nswe -children {Spinbox.textarea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -selectforeground {!focus SystemWindowText} -selectbackground {!focus SystemWindow} Layout: -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.padding -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.focus -side top -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -side top -sticky {}}}} Layout: Toolbutton.border -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.focus -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.padding -sticky nswe -children {Toolbutton.label -sticky nswe}}} Layout: Treeview.field -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {Treeview.padding -sticky nswe -children {Treeview.treearea -sticky nswe}} Style map: -foreground {disabled SystemGrayText selected SystemHighlightText} -background {disabled SystemButtonFace selected SystemHighlight} Layout: Treeitem.separator -sticky nswe Layout: Scale.focus -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.trough -sticky nswe -children {Vertical.Scale.track -sticky ns Vertical.Scale.slider -side top -sticky {}}} Layout: Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.uparrow -side top -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.downarrow -side bottom -sticky {} Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -sticky nswe -unit 1 -children {Vertical.Scrollbar.grip -sticky {}}}PASS
Package dnscore provides a DNS resolver, a DNS transport, a query builder, and a DNS response parser. This package is designed to facilitate DNS measurements and queries by providing both high-level and low-level APIs. It aims to be flexible, extensible, and easy to integrate with existing Go code. The high-level API provides a DNS resolver that is compatible with the net.Resolver struct from the net package. The low-level transport API allows users to send and receive DNS messages using different protocols and dialers. The package also includes utilities for creating and validating DNS messages. - High-level API compatible with *dns.Resolver for easy integration. - Low-level transport API for granular control over DNS requests and responses. - Support for multiple DNS protocols, including UDP, TCP, DoT, and DoH. - Utilities for creating and validating DNS messages. - Optional logging for structured diagnostic events. - Handling of duplicate responses for DNS over UDP to measure censorship. The package is structured to allow users to compose their own workflows by providing building blocks for DNS queries and responses. It leverages the well-tested miekg/dns library for DNS message parsing and serialization.
Package micro is a pluggable framework for microservices
Package bugsnag captures errors in real-time and reports them to BugSnag ( Using bugsnag-go is a three-step process. 1. As early as possible in your program configure the notifier with your APIKey. This sets up handling of panics that would otherwise crash your app. 2. Add bugsnag to places that already catch panics. For example you should add it to the HTTP server when you call ListenAndServer: If that's not possible, you can also wrap each HTTP handler manually: 3. To notify BugSnag of an error that is not a panic, pass it to bugsnag.Notify. This will also log the error message using the configured Logger. For detailed integration instructions see The only required configuration is the BugSnag API key which can be obtained by clicking "Project Settings" on the top of your BugSnag dashboard after signing up. We also recommend you set the ReleaseStage, AppType, and AppVersion if these make sense for your deployment workflow. If you need to attach extra data to BugSnag events, you can do that using the rawData mechanism. Most of the functions that send errors to BugSnag allow you to pass in any number of interface{} values as rawData. The rawData can consist of the Severity, Context, User or MetaData types listed below, and there is also builtin support for *http.Requests. If you want to add custom tabs to your bugsnag dashboard you can pass any value in as rawData, and then process it into the event's metadata using a bugsnag.OnBeforeNotify() hook. If necessary you can pass Configuration in as rawData, or modify the Configuration object passed into OnBeforeNotify hooks. Configuration passed in this way only affects the current notification.
Package micro is a pluggable framework for microservices
Package scheduler provides a managed API to Goroutines using Lifecycles. The most basic type of management is using the Schedulable interface with a Scheduler: Schedulers terminate when all of their children exit. You can choose from three canned error behaviors for most lifecycles: ErrorBehaviorDrop, ErrorBehaviorCollect, and ErrorBehaviorTerminate. ErrorBehaviorDrop ignores errors, allowing the lifecycle to continue executing normally. ErrorBehaviorCollect stores all errors returned (potentially allowing for unbounded memory growth, so use with discretion) and provides them when the lifecycle completes. ErrorBehaviorTerminate causes the lifecycle to close as soon as it receives an error. You may implement your own error behaviors by conforming to the ErrorBehavior interface. If you have a few lifecycles that are parameterized differently and you want to manage them together, the Parent lifecycle aggregates them and runs them in parallel. This package also provides a more sophisticated lifecycle, Segment. A Segment provides a worker pool and a mechanism for dispatching work. Dispatchers implement the Descriptor interface and work items implement the Process interface. The example above could equivalently be written as follows: Descriptors are particularly useful when asynchronously waiting on events from external APIs for processing.
Package rod is a high-level driver directly based on DevTools Protocol. This example opens, searches for "git", and then gets the header element which gives the description for Git. Rod use to handle cancellations for IO blocking operations, most times it's timeout. Context will be recursively passed to all sub-methods. For example, methods like Page.Context(ctx) will return a clone of the page with the ctx, all the methods of the returned page will use the ctx if they have IO blocking operations. Page.Timeout or Page.WithCancel is just a shortcut for Page.Context. Of course, Browser or Element works the same way. Shows how we can further customize the browser with the launcher library. Usually you use launcher lib to set the browser's command line flags (switches). Doc for flags: Shows how to change the retry/polling options that is used to query elements. This is useful when you want to customize the element query retry logic. When rod doesn't have a feature that you need. You can easily call the cdp to achieve it. List of cdp API: Shows how to disable headless mode and debug. Rod provides a lot of debug options, you can set them with setter methods or use environment variables. Doc for environment variables: We use "Must" prefixed functions to write example code. But in production you may want to use the no-prefix version of them. About why we use "Must" as the prefix, it's similar to Shows how to share a remote object reference between two Eval. Shows how to listen for events. Shows how to intercept requests and modify both the request and the response. The entire process of hijacking one request: The --req-> and --res-> are the parts that can be modified. Show how to handle multiple results of an action. Such as when you login a page, the result can be success or wrong password. Example_search shows how to use Search to get element inside nested iframes or shadow DOMs. It works the same as Shows how to update the state of the current page. In this example we enable the network domain. Rod uses mouse cursor to simulate clicks, so if a button is moving because of animation, the click may not work as expected. We usually use WaitStable to make sure the target isn't changing anymore. When you want to wait for an ajax request to complete, this example will be useful.
Package glfw experimentally provides a glfw-like API with desktop (via glfw) and browser (via HTML5 canvas) backends. It is used for creating a GL context and receiving events. Note: This package is currently in development. The API is incomplete and may change.
api is a part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. api_docs.go is a part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. cli is part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This is part of the dataset package. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * config is a part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Dataset Project =============== The Dataset Project provides tools for working with collections of JSON Object documents stored on the local file system or via a dataset web service. Two tools are provided, a command line interface (dataset) and a web service (datasetd). dataset command line tool ------------------------- _dataset_ is a command line tool for working with collections of JSON objects. Collections are stored on the file system in a pairtree directory structure or can be accessed via dataset's web service. For collections storing data in a pairtree JSON objects are stored in collections as plain UTF-8 text files. This means the objects can be accessed with common Unix text processing tools as well as most programming languages. The _dataset_ command line tool supports common data management operations such as initialization of collections; document creation, reading, updating and deleting; listing keys of JSON objects in the collection; and associating non-JSON documents (attachments) with specific JSON documents in the collection. ### enhanced features include - aggregate objects into data frames - generate sample sets of keys and objects datasetd, dataset as a web service ---------------------------------- _datasetd_ is a web service implementation of the _dataset_ command line program. It features a sub-set of capability found in the command line tool. This allows dataset collections to be integrated safely into web applications or used concurrently by multiple processes. It achieves this by storing the dataset collection in a SQL database using JSON columns. Design choices -------------- _dataset_ and _datasetd_ are intended to be simple tools for managing collections JSON object documents in a predictable structured way. _dataset_ is guided by the idea that you should be able to work with JSON documents as easily as you can any plain text document on the Unix command line. _dataset_ is intended to be simple to use with minimal setup (e.g. `dataset init mycollection.ds` creates a new collection called 'mycollection.ds'). _datatset_ stores JSON object documents in a pairtree _datasetd_ stores JSON object documents in a table named for the collection The choice of plain UTF-8 is intended to help future proof reading dataset collections. Care has been taken to keep _dataset_ simple enough and light weight enough that it will run on a machine as small as a Raspberry Pi Zero while being equally comfortable on a more resource rich server or desktop environment. _dataset_ can be re-implement in any programming language supporting file input and output, common string operations and along with JSON encoding and decoding functions. The current implementation is in the Go language. Features -------- _dataset_ supports - Initialize a new dataset collection - Listing _keys_ in a collection - Object level actions _datasetd_ supports - List collections available from the web service - List or update a collection's metadata - List a collection's keys - Object level actions Both _dataset_ and _datasetd_ maybe useful for general data science applications needing JSON object management or in implementing repository systems in research libraries and archives. Limitations of _dataset_ and _datasetd_ ------------------------------------------- _dataset_ has many limitations, some are listed below _datasetd_ is a simple web service intended to run on "localhost:8485". Authors and history ------------------- - R. S. Doiel - Tommy Morrell Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ptstore is a part of the dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. sqlstore is a part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. table.go provides some utility functions to move string one and two dimensional slices into/out of one and two dimensional slices. texts is part of dataset Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Package dataset includes the operations needed for processing collections of JSON documents and their attachments. Authors R. S. Doiel, <> and Tom Morrel, <> Copyright (c) 2022, Caltech All rights not granted herein are expressly reserved by Caltech. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Package sse implements a k6/x/sse javascript module extension for k6. It provides basic functionality to handle Server-Sent Event over http that *blocks* the event loop while the http connection is opened. [SSE API design document]:
The exml package provides an intuitive event based XML parsing API which sits on top of a standard Go xml.Decoder, greatly simplifying the parsing code while retaining the raw speed and low memory overhead of the underlying stream engine, regardless of the size of the input. The package takes care of the complex tasks of maintaining contexts between event handlers allowing you to concentrate on dealing with the actual structure of the XML document.
Package rod is a high-level driver directly based on DevTools Protocol. This example opens, searches for "git", and then gets the header element which gives the description for Git. Rod use to handle cancellations for IO blocking operations, most times it's timeout. Context will be recursively passed to all sub-methods. For example, methods like Page.Context(ctx) will return a clone of the page with the ctx, all the methods of the returned page will use the ctx if they have IO blocking operations. Page.Timeout or Page.WithCancel is just a shortcut for Page.Context. Of course, Browser or Element works the same way. Shows how we can further customize the browser with the launcher library. Usually you use launcher lib to set the browser's command line flags (switches). Doc for flags: Shows how to change the retry/polling options that is used to query elements. This is useful when you want to customize the element query retry logic. When rod doesn't have a feature that you need. You can easily call the cdp to achieve it. List of cdp API: Shows how to disable headless mode and debug. Rod provides a lot of debug options, you can set them with setter methods or use environment variables. Doc for environment variables: We use "Must" prefixed functions to write example code. But in production you may want to use the no-prefix version of them. About why we use "Must" as the prefix, it's similar to Shows how to share a remote object reference between two Eval. Shows how to listen for events. Shows how to intercept requests and modify both the request and the response. The entire process of hijacking one request: The --req-> and --res-> are the parts that can be modified. Show how to handle multiple results of an action. Such as when you login a page, the result can be success or wrong password. Example_search shows how to use Search to get element inside nested iframes or shadow DOMs. It works the same as Shows how to update the state of the current page. In this example we enable the network domain. Rod uses mouse cursor to simulate clicks, so if a button is moving because of animation, the click may not work as expected. We usually use WaitStable to make sure the target isn't changing anymore. When you want to wait for an ajax request to complete, this example will be useful.
Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra driver for the Go programming language. Pass a list of initial node IP addresses to NewCluster to create a new cluster configuration: Port can be specified as part of the address, the above is equivalent to: It is recommended to use the value set in the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events. Then you can customize more options (see ClusterConfig): The driver tries to automatically detect the protocol version to use if not set, but you might want to set the protocol version explicitly, as it's not defined which version will be used in certain situations (for example during upgrade of the cluster when some of the nodes support different set of protocol versions than other nodes). The driver advertises the module name and version in the STARTUP message, so servers are able to detect the version. If you use replace directive in go.mod, the driver will send information about the replacement module instead. When ready, create a session from the configuration. Don't forget to Close the session once you are done with it: CQL protocol uses a SASL-based authentication mechanism and so consists of an exchange of server challenges and client response pairs. The details of the exchanged messages depend on the authenticator used. To use authentication, set ClusterConfig.Authenticator or ClusterConfig.AuthProvider. PasswordAuthenticator is provided to use for username/password authentication: It is possible to secure traffic between the client and server with TLS. To use TLS, set the ClusterConfig.SslOpts field. SslOptions embeds *tls.Config so you can set that directly. There are also helpers to load keys/certificates from files. Warning: Due to historical reasons, the SslOptions is insecure by default, so you need to set EnableHostVerification to true if no Config is set. Most users should set SslOptions.Config to a *tls.Config. SslOptions and Config.InsecureSkipVerify interact as follows: For example: To route queries to local DC first, use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. For example, if the datacenter you want to primarily connect is called dc1 (as configured in the database): The driver can route queries to nodes that hold data replicas based on partition key (preferring local DC). Note that TokenAwareHostPolicy can take options such as gocql.ShuffleReplicas and gocql.NonLocalReplicasFallback. We recommend running with a token aware host policy in production for maximum performance. The driver can only use token-aware routing for queries where all partition key columns are query parameters. For example, instead of use The DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be replaced with RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy, which takes two parameters, datacenter and rack. Instead of dividing hosts with two tiers (local datacenter and remote datacenters) it divides hosts into three (the local rack, the rest of the local datacenter, and everything else). RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be combined with TokenAwareHostPolicy in the same way as DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. Create queries with Session.Query. Query values must not be reused between different executions and must not be modified after starting execution of the query. To execute a query without reading results, use Query.Exec: Single row can be read by calling Query.Scan: Multiple rows can be read using Iter.Scanner: See Example for complete example. The driver automatically prepares DML queries (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/BATCH statements) and maintains a cache of prepared statements. CQL protocol does not support preparing other query types. When using CQL protocol >= 4, it is possible to use gocql.UnsetValue as the bound value of a column. This will cause the database to ignore writing the column. The main advantage is the ability to keep the same prepared statement even when you don't want to update some fields, where before you needed to make another prepared statement. Session is safe to use from multiple goroutines, so to execute multiple concurrent queries, just execute them from several worker goroutines. Gocql provides synchronously-looking API (as recommended for Go APIs) and the queries are executed asynchronously at the protocol level. Null values are are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string variable instead of string. See Example_nulls for full example. The driver reuses backing memory of slices when unmarshalling. This is an optimization so that a buffer does not need to be allocated for every processed row. However, you need to be careful when storing the slices to other memory structures. When you want to save the data for later use, pass a new slice every time. A common pattern is to declare the slice variable within the scanner loop: The driver supports paging of results with automatic prefetch, see ClusterConfig.PageSize, Session.SetPrefetch, Query.PageSize, and Query.Prefetch. It is also possible to control the paging manually with Query.PageState (this disables automatic prefetch). Manual paging is useful if you want to store the page state externally, for example in a URL to allow users browse pages in a result. You might want to sign/encrypt the paging state when exposing it externally since it contains data from primary keys. Paging state is specific to the CQL protocol version and the exact query used. It is meant as opaque state that should not be modified. If you send paging state from different query or protocol version, then the behaviour is not defined (you might get unexpected results or an error from the server). For example, do not send paging state returned by node using protocol version 3 to a node using protocol version 4. Also, when using protocol version 4, paging state between Cassandra 2.2 and 3.0 is incompatible ( The driver does not check whether the paging state is from the same protocol version/statement. You might want to validate yourself as this could be a problem if you store paging state externally. For example, if you store paging state in a URL, the URLs might become broken when you upgrade your cluster. Call Query.PageState(nil) to fetch just the first page of the query results. Pass the page state returned by Iter.PageState to Query.PageState of a subsequent query to get the next page. If the length of slice returned by Iter.PageState is zero, there are no more pages available (or an error occurred). Using too low values of PageSize will negatively affect performance, a value below 100 is probably too low. While Cassandra returns exactly PageSize items (except for last page) in a page currently, the protocol authors explicitly reserved the right to return smaller or larger amount of items in a page for performance reasons, so don't rely on the page having the exact count of items. See Example_paging for an example of manual paging. There are certain situations when you don't know the list of columns in advance, mainly when the query is supplied by the user. Iter.Columns, Iter.RowData, Iter.MapScan and Iter.SliceMap can be used to handle this case. See Example_dynamicColumns. The CQL protocol supports sending batches of DML statements (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) and so does gocql. Use Session.NewBatch to create a new batch and then fill-in details of individual queries. Then execute the batch with Session.ExecuteBatch. Logged batches ensure atomicity, either all or none of the operations in the batch will succeed, but they have overhead to ensure this property. Unlogged batches don't have the overhead of logged batches, but don't guarantee atomicity. Updates of counters are handled specially by Cassandra so batches of counter updates have to use CounterBatch type. A counter batch can only contain statements to update counters. For unlogged batches it is recommended to send only single-partition batches (i.e. all statements in the batch should involve only a single partition). Multi-partition batch needs to be split by the coordinator node and re-sent to correct nodes. With single-partition batches you can send the batch directly to the node for the partition without incurring the additional network hop. It is also possible to pass entire BEGIN BATCH .. APPLY BATCH statement to Query.Exec. There are differences how those are executed. BEGIN BATCH statement passed to Query.Exec is prepared as a whole in a single statement. Session.ExecuteBatch prepares individual statements in the batch. If you have variable-length batches using the same statement, using Session.ExecuteBatch is more efficient. See Example_batch for an example. Query.ScanCAS or Query.MapScanCAS can be used to execute a single-statement lightweight transaction (an INSERT/UPDATE .. IF statement) and reading its result. See example for Query.MapScanCAS. Multiple-statement lightweight transactions can be executed as a logged batch that contains at least one conditional statement. All the conditions must return true for the batch to be applied. You can use Session.ExecuteBatchCAS and Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS when executing the batch to learn about the result of the LWT. See example for Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS. Queries can be marked as idempotent. Marking the query as idempotent tells the driver that the query can be executed multiple times without affecting its result. Non-idempotent queries are not eligible for retrying nor speculative execution. Idempotent queries are retried in case of errors based on the configured RetryPolicy. If the query is LWT and the configured RetryPolicy additionally implements LWTRetryPolicy interface, then the policy will be cast to LWTRetryPolicy and used this way. Queries can be retried even before they fail by setting a SpeculativeExecutionPolicy. The policy can cause the driver to retry on a different node if the query is taking longer than a specified delay even before the driver receives an error or timeout from the server. When a query is speculatively executed, the original execution is still executing. The two parallel executions of the query race to return a result, the first received result will be returned. UDTs can be mapped (un)marshaled from/to map[string]interface{} a Go struct (or a type implementing UDTUnmarshaler, UDTMarshaler, Unmarshaler or Marshaler interfaces). For structs, cql tag can be used to specify the CQL field name to be mapped to a struct field: See Example_userDefinedTypesMap, Example_userDefinedTypesStruct, ExampleUDTMarshaler, ExampleUDTUnmarshaler. It is possible to provide observer implementations that could be used to gather metrics: CQL protocol also supports tracing of queries. When enabled, the database will write information about internal events that happened during execution of the query. You can use Query.Trace to request tracing and receive the session ID that the database used to store the trace information in system_traces.sessions and tables. NewTraceWriter returns an implementation of Tracer that writes the events to a writer. Gathering trace information might be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but writing traces has overhead, so this feature should not be used on production systems with very high load unless you know what you are doing. Example_batch demonstrates how to execute a batch of statements. Example_dynamicColumns demonstrates how to handle dynamic column list. Example_marshalerUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a Marshaler and Unmarshaler. Example_nulls demonstrates how to distinguish between null and zero value when needed. Null values are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string field. Example_paging demonstrates how to manually fetch pages and use page state. See also package documentation about paging. Example_set demonstrates how to use sets. Example_userDefinedTypesMap demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as maps. See also Example_userDefinedTypesStruct and examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you want to map to structs. Example_userDefinedTypesStruct demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as structs. See also examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you need more control/better performance.