<h1 align="center">IrisAdmin</h1> [](https://app.travis-ci.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin/blob/master/LICENSE) [](https://godoc.org/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [](https://codecov.io/gh/snowlyg/iris-admin) [简体中文](./README.md) | English #### Project url [GITHUB](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) | [GITEE](https://gitee.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) **** > This project just for learning golang, welcome to give your suggestions! #### Documentation - [IRIS-ADMIN-DOC](https://doc.snowlyg.com) - [IRIS V12 document for chinese](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris/wiki) - [godoc](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin?utm_source=godoc) [](https://gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) [](https://gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/iris-admin?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) #### BLOG - [REST API with iris-go web framework](https://blog.snowlyg.com/iris-go-api-1/) - [How to user iris-go with casbin](https://blog.snowlyg.com/iris-go-api-2/) --- #### Getting started - Get master package , Notice must use `master` version. ```sh ``` #### Program introduction ##### The project consists of multiple plugins, each with different functions - [viper_server] ```go package cache import ( ) var CONFIG Redis // getViperConfig get initialize config db: ` + db + ` addr: "` + CONFIG.Addr + `" password: "` + CONFIG.Password + `" pool-size: ` + poolSize), ``` - [zap_server] ```go ``` - [database] ```go ``` - [casbin] ```go ``` - [cache] ```go ``` - [operation] - [cron_server] ```go ``` - [web] - ```go // WebFunc web framework // - GetTestClient test client // - GetTestLogin test for login // - AddWebStatic add web static path // - AddUploadStatic add upload static path // - Run start ``` - [mongodb] #### Initialize database ##### Simple - Use gorm's `AutoMigrate()` function to auto migrate database. ```go package main import ( ) ``` ##### Custom migrate tools - Use `gormigrate` third party package. Tt's helpful for database migrate and program development. - Detail is see [iris-admin-cmd](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/blob/main/iris/cmd/main.go). --- - Add main.go file. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Run project - When you first run this cmd `go run main.go` , you can see some config files in the `config` directory, - and `rbac_model.conf` will be created in your project root directory. ```sh go run main.go ``` #### Module - You can use [iris-admin-rbac](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac) package to add rbac function for your project quickly. - Your can use AddModule() to add other modules . ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Default static file path - A static file access path has been built in by default - Static files will upload to `/static/upload` directory. - You can set this config key `static-path` to change the default directory. ```yaml system: ``` #### Use with front-end framework , e.g. vue - Default,you must build vue to the `dist` directory. - Naturally you can set this config key `web-path` to change the default directory. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Example - [iris](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/tree/main/iris) - [gin](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/tree/main/gin) #### RBAC - [iris-admin-rbac](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac) #### Unit test and documentation - Before start unit tests, you need to set two system environment variables `mysqlPwd` and `mysqlAddr`,that will be used when running the test instance。 - helper/tests(https://github.com/snowlyg/helper/tree/main/tests) package the unit test used, it's simple package base on httpexpect/v2(https://github.com/gavv/httpexpect). - [example for unit test](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac/tree/main/iris/perm/tests) - [example for unit test](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac/tree/main/gin/authority/test) Before create a http api unit test , you need create a base test file named `main_test.go` , this file have some unit test step : ***Suggest use docker mysql, otherwise if the test fails, there will be a lot of test data left behind*** - 1.create database before test start and delete database when test finish. - 2.create tables and seed test data at once time. - 3.`PartyFunc` and `SeedFunc` use to custom someting for your test model. 内容如下所示: ***main_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var TestServer *web_gin.WebServer var TestClient *httptest.Client ``` ***index_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var ( ) ``` ## 🔋 JetBrains OS licenses <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=iris-admin" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/panjf2000/illustrations/master/jetbrains/jetbrains-variant-4.png" width="230" align="middle"/></a> ## ☕️ Buy me a coffee > Please be sure to leave your name, GitHub account or other social media accounts when you donate by the following means so that I can add it to the list of donors as a token of my appreciation. - [为爱发电](https://afdian.net/@snowlyg/plan) - [donating](https://paypal.me/snowlyg?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC)
Package starr is a library for interacting with the APIs in Radarr, Lidarr, Sonarr and Readarr. It consists of the main starr package and one sub package for each starr application. In the basic use, you create a starr Config that contains an API key and an App URL. Pass this into one of the other packages (like radarr), and it's used as an interface to make API calls. You can either call starr.New() to build an http.Client for you, or create a starr.Config that contains one you control. If you pass a starr.Config into a sub package without an http Client, it will be created for you. There are a lot of option to set this code up from simple and easy to more advanced. The sub package contain methods and data structures for a number of API endpoints. Each app has somewhere between 50 and 100 API endpoints. This library currently covers about 10% of those. You can retrieve things like movies, albums, series and books. You can retrieve server status, authors, artists and items in queues. You can also add new media to each application with this library.
Package problems provides an RFC 7807 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807) compliant implementation of HTTP problem details. Which are defined as a means to carry machine-readable details of errors in an HTTP response to avoid the need to define new error response formats for HTTP APIs. The problem details specification was designed to allow for schema extensions. Because of this the exposed Problem interface only enforces the required Type and Title fields be set appropriately. Additionally, this library also ships with default http.HandlerFunc's capable of writing problems to http.ResponseWriter's in either of the two standard media formats JSON and XML.
Package goa provides the runtime support for goa microservices. goa service development begins with writing the *design* of a service. The design is described using the goa language implemented by the github.com/goadesign/goa/design/apidsl package. The `goagen` tool consumes the metadata produced from executing the design language to generate service specific code that glues the underlying HTTP server with action specific code and data structures. The goa package contains supporting functionality for the generated code including basic request and response state management through the RequestData and ResponseData structs, error handling via error classes, middleware support via the Middleware data structure as well as decoding and encoding algorithms. The RequestData and ResponseData structs provides access to the request and response state. goa request handlers also accept a context.Context interface as first parameter so that deadlines and cancelation signals may easily be implemented. The request state exposes the underlying http.Request object as well as the deserialized payload (request body) and parameters (both path and querystring parameters). Generated action specific contexts wrap the context.Context, ResponseData and RequestData data structures. They expose properly typed fields that correspond to the request parameters and body data structure descriptions appearing in the design. The response state exposes the response status and body length as well as the underlying ResponseWriter. Action contexts provide action specific helper methods that write the responses as described in the design optionally taking an instance of the media type for responses that contain a body. Here is an example showing an "update" action corresponding to following design (extract): The action signature generated by goagen is: where UpdateBottleContext is: and implements: The definitions of the Bottle and UpdateBottlePayload data structures are ommitted for brievity. There is one controller interface generated per resource defined via the design language. The interface exposes the controller actions. User code must provide data structures that implement these interfaces when mounting a controller onto a service. The controller data structure should include an anonymous field of type *goa.Controller which takes care of implementing the middleware handling. A goa middleware is a function that takes and returns a Handler. A Handler is a the low level function which handles incoming HTTP requests. goagen generates the handlers code so each handler creates the action specific context and calls the controller action with it. Middleware can be added to a goa service or a specific controller using the corresponding Use methods. goa comes with a few stock middleware that handle common needs such as logging, panic recovery or using the RequestID header to trace requests across multiple services. The controller action methods generated by goagen such as the Update method of the BottleController interface shown above all return an error value. goa defines an Error struct that action implementations can use to describe the content of the corresponding HTTP response. Errors can be created using error classes which are functions created via NewErrorClass. The ErrorHandler middleware maps errors to HTTP responses. Errors that are instances of the Error struct are mapped using the struct fields while other types of errors return responses with status code 500 and the error message in the body. The goa design language documented in the dsl package makes it possible to attach validations to data structure definitions. One specific type of validation consists of defining the format that a data structure string field must follow. Example of formats include email, data time, hostnames etc. The ValidateFormat function provides the implementation for the format validation invoked from the code generated by goagen. The goa design language makes it possible to specify the encodings supported by the API both as input (Consumes) and output (Produces). goagen uses that information to registed the corresponding packages with the service encoders and decoders via their Register methods. The service exposes the DecodeRequest and EncodeResponse that implement a simple content type negotiation algorithm for picking the right encoder for the "Content-Type" (decoder) or "Accept" (encoder) request header. Package goa standardizes on structured error responses: a request that fails because of an invalid input or an unexpected condition produces a response that contains a structured error. The error data structures returned to clients contains five fields: an ID, a code, a status, a detail and metadata. The ID is unique for the occurrence of the error, it helps correlate the content of the response with the content of the service logs. The code defines the class of error (e.g. "invalid_parameter_type") and the status the corresponding HTTP status (e.g. 400). The detail contains a message specific to the error occurrence. The metadata contains key/value pairs that provide contextual information (name of parameters, value of invalid parameter etc.). Instances of Error can be created via Error Class functions. See http://goa.design/implement/error_handling.html All instance of errors created via a error class implement the ServiceError interface. This interface is leveraged by the error handler middleware to produce the error responses. The code generated by goagen calls the helper functions exposed in this file when it encounters invalid data (wrong type, validation errors etc.) such as InvalidParamTypeError, InvalidAttributeTypeError etc. These methods return errors that get merged with any previously encountered error via the Error Merge method. The helper functions are error classes stored in global variable. This means your code can override their values to produce arbitrary error responses. goa includes an error handler middleware that takes care of mapping back any error returned by previously called middleware or action handler into HTTP responses. If the error was created via an error class then the corresponding content including the HTTP status is used otherwise an internal error is returned. Errors that bubble up all the way to the top (i.e. not handled by the error middleware) also generate an internal error response.
Package chimesdkvoice provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Chime SDK Voice. The Amazon Chime SDK telephony APIs in this section enable developers to create PSTN calling solutions that use Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connectors, and Amazon Chime SDK SIP media applications. Developers can also order and manage phone numbers, create and manage Voice Connectors and SIP media applications, and run voice analytics.
Package kinesisvideoarchivedmedia provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media.
Package kinesisvideomedia provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media.
video-transcoding-api HTTP API for transcoding media files into different formats using pluggable providers. ## Currently supported providers + [Amazon Elastic Transcoder](https://aws.amazon.com/elastictranscoder/) + [Elemental Conductor](https://www.elementaltechnologies.com/products/elemental-conductor) + [Encoding.com](http://api.encoding.com) + [Zencoder](http://zencoder.com) Schemes: http BasePath: / Version: 1.0.0 License: Apache 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html Consumes: - application/json Produces: - application/json swagger:meta
Package webrtc/data contains the go wrapper for the Peer-to-Peer Data API portion of WebRTC spec. See: https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#idl-def-RTCDataChannel Package webrtc is a golang wrapper on native code WebRTC. For consistency with the browser-based WebRTCs, the interface here is based loosely on: w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc The main goal of this project is to present a golang WebRTC package in the most idiomatic and simple-to-use way. However, to provide a better experience for users of this package, there are differences inherent in the interface written here and the original native code WebRTC - from the golang requirement of Capitalized identifiers for public interfaces, to the replacement of certain callbacks with goroutines. Note that building the necessary libwebrtc static library is excessively complicated, which is why the necessary platform-specific archives will be provided in lib/. This also mitigates the possibility that future commits on native libwebrtc will break go-webrtc, because the interface with the native code, through the intermediate CGO layer, is relatively fragile. Due to other external goals of the developers, this package will only be focused on DataChannels. However, extending this package to allow video/audio media streams and related functionality, to be a "complete" WebRTC suite, is entirely possible and will likely happen in the long term. (Issue #7) This will however have implications for the archives that need to be built and linked. Please share any improvements or concerns as issues or pull requests on github.
Use hypothesis.NewClient to create a hypothesis.Client that searches for annotations. NewClient's token param is optional. If it's set to your Hypothesis token, you'll search both public and private annotations. If it's the empty string, you'll only search public annotations. NewClient's hypothesis.SearchParams is likewise optional. If empty, your search will be unfiltered. NewClient's maxSearchResults param determines how many annotations to fetch. If 0, the limit defaults to 400. To search for the most recent 10 public annotations: To search for the most recent 10 public or private annotations, if your token is in an env var called H_TOKEN: To search for the most recent 10 annotations in a private group whose id in an env var called H_GROUP: To search for at most 10 public or private annotations from user 'judell', with the tag 'social media': The Hypothesis search API returns at most 200 annotations. hypothesis.Search encapsulates that API call, and returns an array of hypothesis.Row. Each Row represents one annotation. To fetch more than 200 annotations, use hypothesis.SearchAll. This test should find 2000 recent public or private annotations. For more search examples, see the Steampipe Hypothesis plugin. If you authenticate with your token you can call hypothesis.Client.GetProfile to list your private groups. Here, 'profile' is a hypothesis.Profile which includes hypothesis.Profile.Groups, an array of structs that include the names and ids of your private groups. An annotation may include an array of hypothesis.Selector. These structures define how the annotation "anchors" to the segment it refers to. See anchoring.
Package instago helps you access the private API of Instagram. For examle, get URLs of all posts of a specific Instagram user, media (photos and videos) links of posts, stories of a Instagram user, your following and followers.
Package goa provides the runtime support for goa microservices. goa service development begins with writing the *design* of a service. The design is described using the goa language implemented by the github.com/shogo82148/goa-v1/design/apidsl package. The `goagen` tool consumes the metadata produced from executing the design language to generate service specific code that glues the underlying HTTP server with action specific code and data structures. The goa package contains supporting functionality for the generated code including basic request and response state management through the RequestData and ResponseData structs, error handling via error classes, middleware support via the Middleware data structure as well as decoding and encoding algorithms. The RequestData and ResponseData structs provides access to the request and response state. goa request handlers also accept a context.Context interface as first parameter so that deadlines and cancelation signals may easily be implemented. The request state exposes the underlying http.Request object as well as the deserialized payload (request body) and parameters (both path and querystring parameters). Generated action specific contexts wrap the context.Context, ResponseData and RequestData data structures. They expose properly typed fields that correspond to the request parameters and body data structure descriptions appearing in the design. The response state exposes the response status and body length as well as the underlying ResponseWriter. Action contexts provide action specific helper methods that write the responses as described in the design optionally taking an instance of the media type for responses that contain a body. Here is an example showing an "update" action corresponding to following design (extract): The action signature generated by goagen is: where UpdateBottleContext is: and implements: The definitions of the Bottle and UpdateBottlePayload data structures are omitted for brevity. There is one controller interface generated per resource defined via the design language. The interface exposes the controller actions. User code must provide data structures that implement these interfaces when mounting a controller onto a service. The controller data structure should include an anonymous field of type *goa.Controller which takes care of implementing the middleware handling. A goa middleware is a function that takes and returns a Handler. A Handler is a the low level function which handles incoming HTTP requests. goagen generates the handlers code so each handler creates the action specific context and calls the controller action with it. Middleware can be added to a goa service or a specific controller using the corresponding Use methods. goa comes with a few stock middleware that handle common needs such as logging, panic recovery or using the RequestID header to trace requests across multiple services. The controller action methods generated by goagen such as the Update method of the BottleController interface shown above all return an error value. goa defines an Error struct that action implementations can use to describe the content of the corresponding HTTP response. Errors can be created using error classes which are functions created via NewErrorClass. The ErrorHandler middleware maps errors to HTTP responses. Errors that are instances of the Error struct are mapped using the struct fields while other types of errors return responses with status code 500 and the error message in the body. The goa design language documented in the dsl package makes it possible to attach validations to data structure definitions. One specific type of validation consists of defining the format that a data structure string field must follow. Example of formats include email, data time, hostnames etc. The ValidateFormat function provides the implementation for the format validation invoked from the code generated by goagen. The goa design language makes it possible to specify the encodings supported by the API both as input (Consumes) and output (Produces). goagen uses that information to registered the corresponding packages with the service encoders and decoders via their Register methods. The service exposes the DecodeRequest and EncodeResponse that implement a simple content type negotiation algorithm for picking the right encoder for the "Content-Type" (decoder) or "Accept" (encoder) request header. Package goa standardizes on structured error responses: a request that fails because of an invalid input or an unexpected condition produces a response that contains a structured error. The error data structures returned to clients contains five fields: an ID, a code, a status, a detail and metadata. The ID is unique for the occurrence of the error, it helps correlate the content of the response with the content of the service logs. The code defines the class of error (e.g. "invalid_parameter_type") and the status the corresponding HTTP status (e.g. 400). The detail contains a message specific to the error occurrence. The metadata contains key/value pairs that provide contextual information (name of parameters, value of invalid parameter etc.). Instances of Error can be created via Error Class functions. See http://goa.design/implement/error_handling.html All instance of errors created via a error class implement the ServiceError interface. This interface is leveraged by the error handler middleware to produce the error responses. The code generated by goagen calls the helper functions exposed in this file when it encounters invalid data (wrong type, validation errors etc.) such as InvalidParamTypeError, InvalidAttributeTypeError etc. These methods return errors that get merged with any previously encountered error via the Error Merge method. The helper functions are error classes stored in global variable. This means your code can override their values to produce arbitrary error responses. goa includes an error handler middleware that takes care of mapping back any error returned by previously called middleware or action handler into HTTP responses. If the error was created via an error class then the corresponding content including the HTTP status is used otherwise an internal error is returned. Errors that bubble up all the way to the top (i.e. not handled by the error middleware) also generate an internal error response.
Package starr is a library for interacting with the APIs in Radarr, Lidarr, Sonarr and Readarr. It consists of the main starr package and one sub package for each starr application. In the basic use, you create a starr Config that contains an API key and an App URL. Pass this into one of the other packages (like radarr), and it's used as an interface to make API calls. You can either call starr.New() to build an http.Client for you, or create a starr.Config that contains one you control. If you pass a starr.Config into a sub package without an http Client, it will be created for you. There are a lot of option to set this code up from simple and easy to more advanced. The sub package contain methods and data structures for a number of API endpoints. Each app has somewhere between 50 and 100 API endpoints. This library currently covers about 10% of those. You can retrieve things like movies, albums, series and books. You can retrieve server status, authors, artists and items in queues. You can also add new media to each application with this library.
Package subsonic implements an API client library for Subsonic-compatible music streaming servers. This project handles communication with a remote *sonic server, but does not handle playback of media. The library user should be prepared to do something with the stream of audio in bytes, like decoding and playing that audio on a sound card. The list of API endpoints implemented is available on the project's github page. The API is divided between functions with no suffix, and functions that have a "2" suffix (or "3" in the case of Search3). Generally, things with "2" on the end are organized by file tags rather than folder structure. This is how you'd expect most music players to work and is recommended. The variants without a suffix organize the library by directory structure; artists are a directory, albums are children of that directory, songs (subsonic.Child) are children of albums. This has some disadvantages: possibly duplicating items with identical directory names, treating songs and albums in much the same fashion, and being more difficult to query consistently.
Package goa provides the runtime support for goa microservices. goa service development begins with writing the *design* of a service. The design is described using the goa language implemented by the github.com/goadesign/goa/design/apidsl package. The `goagen` tool consumes the metadata produced from executing the design language to generate service specific code that glues the underlying HTTP server with action specific code and data structures. The goa package contains supporting functionality for the generated code including basic request and response state management through the RequestData and ResponseData structs, error handling via error classes, middleware support via the Middleware data structure as well as decoding and encoding algorithms. The RequestData and ResponseData structs provides access to the request and response state. goa request handlers also accept a context.Context interface as first parameter so that deadlines and cancelation signals may easily be implemented. The request state exposes the underlying http.Request object as well as the deserialized payload (request body) and parameters (both path and querystring parameters). Generated action specific contexts wrap the context.Context, ResponseData and RequestData data structures. They expose properly typed fields that correspond to the request parameters and body data structure descriptions appearing in the design. The response state exposes the response status and body length as well as the underlying ResponseWriter. Action contexts provide action specific helper methods that write the responses as described in the design optionally taking an instance of the media type for responses that contain a body. Here is an example showing an "update" action corresponding to following design (extract): The action signature generated by goagen is: where UpdateBottleContext is: and implements: The definitions of the Bottle and UpdateBottlePayload data structures are ommitted for brievity. There is one controller interface generated per resource defined via the design language. The interface exposes the controller actions. User code must provide data structures that implement these interfaces when mounting a controller onto a service. The controller data structure should include an anonymous field of type *goa.Controller which takes care of implementing the middleware handling. A goa middleware is a function that takes and returns a Handler. A Handler is a the low level function which handles incoming HTTP requests. goagen generates the handlers code so each handler creates the action specific context and calls the controller action with it. Middleware can be added to a goa service or a specific controller using the corresponding Use methods. goa comes with a few stock middleware that handle common needs such as logging, panic recovery or using the RequestID header to trace requests across multiple services. The controller action methods generated by goagen such as the Update method of the BottleController interface shown above all return an error value. goa defines an Error struct that action implementations can use to describe the content of the corresponding HTTP response. Errors can be created using error classes which are functions created via NewErrorClass. The ErrorHandler middleware maps errors to HTTP responses. Errors that are instances of the Error struct are mapped using the struct fields while other types of errors return responses with status code 500 and the error message in the body. The goa design language documented in the dsl package makes it possible to attach validations to data structure definitions. One specific type of validation consists of defining the format that a data structure string field must follow. Example of formats include email, data time, hostnames etc. The ValidateFormat function provides the implementation for the format validation invoked from the code generated by goagen. The goa design language makes it possible to specify the encodings supported by the API both as input (Consumes) and output (Produces). goagen uses that information to registed the corresponding packages with the service encoders and decoders via their Register methods. The service exposes the DecodeRequest and EncodeResponse that implement a simple content type negotiation algorithm for picking the right encoder for the "Content-Type" (decoder) or "Accept" (encoder) request header. Package goa standardizes on structured error responses: a request that fails because of an invalid input or an unexpected condition produces a response that contains a structured error. The error data structures returned to clients contains five fields: an ID, a code, a status, a detail and metadata. The ID is unique for the occurrence of the error, it helps correlate the content of the response with the content of the service logs. The code defines the class of error (e.g. "invalid_parameter_type") and the status the corresponding HTTP status (e.g. 400). The detail contains a message specific to the error occurrence. The metadata contains key/value pairs that provide contextual information (name of parameters, value of invalid parameter etc.). Instances of Error can be created via Error Class functions. See http://goa.design/implement/error_handling.html All instance of errors created via a error class implement the ServiceError interface. This interface is leveraged by the error handler middleware to produce the error responses. The code generated by goagen calls the helper functions exposed in this file when it encounters invalid data (wrong type, validation errors etc.) such as InvalidParamTypeError, InvalidAttributeTypeError etc. These methods return errors that get merged with any previously encountered error via the Error Merge method. The helper functions are error classes stored in global variable. This means your code can override their values to produce arbitrary error responses. goa includes an error handler middleware that takes care of mapping back any error returned by previously called middleware or action handler into HTTP responses. If the error was created via an error class then the corresponding content including the HTTP status is used otherwise an internal error is returned. Errors that bubble up all the way to the top (i.e. not handled by the error middleware) also generate an internal error response.
Package gupnp provides an API and GUI to control DLNA/UPnP devices like network TV and radio. Its goal is to locate media servers (with files) and media players. You can then send commands to players (volume, pause...) and let them play the selected music or video content. Can also be used as just a limited remote controler for supported renderers. A database of multimedia content, that other devices can play media from. Plays stuff, that is it makes sound and in required cases shows moving images. A device that works as a remote control, can play stop, skip, pause, change loudness, brightness etcetera. The manager keeps a server and a renderer as current target devices to use for fast user actions.
Package goa provides the runtime support for goa microservices. goa service development begins with writing the *design* of a service. The design is described using the goa language implemented by the github.com/goadesign/goa/design/apidsl package. The `goagen` tool consumes the metadata produced from executing the design language to generate service specific code that glues the underlying HTTP server with action specific code and data structures. The goa package contains supporting functionality for the generated code including basic request and response state management through the RequestData and ResponseData structs, error handling via error classes, middleware support via the Middleware data structure as well as decoding and encoding algorithms. The RequestData and ResponseData structs provides access to the request and response state. goa request handlers also accept a context.Context interface as first parameter so that deadlines and cancelation signals may easily be implemented. The request state exposes the underlying http.Request object as well as the deserialized payload (request body) and parameters (both path and querystring parameters). Generated action specific contexts wrap the context.Context, ResponseData and RequestData data structures. They expose properly typed fields that correspond to the request parameters and body data structure descriptions appearing in the design. The response state exposes the response status and body length as well as the underlying ResponseWriter. Action contexts provide action specific helper methods that write the responses as described in the design optionally taking an instance of the media type for responses that contain a body. Here is an example showing an "update" action corresponding to following design (extract): The action signature generated by goagen is: where UpdateBottleContext is: and implements: The definitions of the Bottle and UpdateBottlePayload data structures are ommitted for brievity. There is one controller interface generated per resource defined via the design language. The interface exposes the controller actions. User code must provide data structures that implement these interfaces when mounting a controller onto a service. The controller data structure should include an anonymous field of type *goa.Controller which takes care of implementing the middleware handling. A goa middleware is a function that takes and returns a Handler. A Handler is a the low level function which handles incoming HTTP requests. goagen generates the handlers code so each handler creates the action specific context and calls the controller action with it. Middleware can be added to a goa service or a specific controller using the corresponding Use methods. goa comes with a few stock middleware that handle common needs such as logging, panic recovery or using the RequestID header to trace requests across multiple services. The controller action methods generated by goagen such as the Update method of the BottleController interface shown above all return an error value. goa defines an Error struct that action implementations can use to describe the content of the corresponding HTTP response. Errors can be created using error classes which are functions created via NewErrorClass. The ErrorHandler middleware maps errors to HTTP responses. Errors that are instances of the Error struct are mapped using the struct fields while other types of errors return responses with status code 500 and the error message in the body. The goa design language documented in the dsl package makes it possible to attach validations to data structure definitions. One specific type of validation consists of defining the format that a data structure string field must follow. Example of formats include email, data time, hostnames etc. The ValidateFormat function provides the implementation for the format validation invoked from the code generated by goagen. The goa design language makes it possible to specify the encodings supported by the API both as input (Consumes) and output (Produces). goagen uses that information to registed the corresponding packages with the service encoders and decoders via their Register methods. The service exposes the DecodeRequest and EncodeResponse that implement a simple content type negotiation algorithm for picking the right encoder for the "Content-Type" (decoder) or "Accept" (encoder) request header. Package goa standardizes on structured error responses: a request that fails because of an invalid input or an unexpected condition produces a response that contains a structured error. The error data structures returned to clients contains five fields: an ID, a code, a status, a detail and metadata. The ID is unique for the occurrence of the error, it helps correlate the content of the response with the content of the service logs. The code defines the class of error (e.g. "invalid_parameter_type") and the status the corresponding HTTP status (e.g. 400). The detail contains a message specific to the error occurrence. The metadata contains key/value pairs that provide contextual information (name of parameters, value of invalid parameter etc.). Instances of Error can be created via Error Class functions. See http://goa.design/implement/error_handling.html All instance of errors created via a error class implement the ServiceError interface. This interface is leveraged by the error handler middleware to produce the error responses. The code generated by goagen calls the helper functions exposed in this file when it encounters invalid data (wrong type, validation errors etc.) such as InvalidParamTypeError, InvalidAttributeTypeError etc. These methods return errors that get merged with any previously encountered error via the Error Merge method. The helper functions are error classes stored in global variable. This means your code can override their values to produce arbitrary error responses. goa includes an error handler middleware that takes care of mapping back any error returned by previously called middleware or action handler into HTTP responses. If the error was created via an error class then the corresponding content including the HTTP status is used otherwise an internal error is returned. Errors that bubble up all the way to the top (i.e. not handled by the error middleware) also generate an internal error response.