<h1 align="center">IrisAdmin</h1> [![Build Status](https://app.travis-ci.com/snowlyg/iris-admin.svg?branch=master)](https://app.travis-ci.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/github/license/snowlyg/iris-admin)](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin/blob/master/LICENSE) [![go doc](https://godoc.org/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [![go report](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin)](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) [![Build Status](https://codecov.io/gh/snowlyg/iris-admin/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/snowlyg/iris-admin) [简体中文](./README.md) | English #### Project url [GITHUB](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) | [GITEE](https://gitee.com/snowlyg/iris-admin) **** > This project just for learning golang, welcome to give your suggestions! #### Documentation - [IRIS-ADMIN-DOC](https://doc.snowlyg.com) - [IRIS V12 document for chinese](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris/wiki) - [godoc](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin?utm_source=godoc) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/iris-admin](https://badges.gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/iris-admin.svg)](https://gitter.im/iris-go-tenancy/iris-admin?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) #### BLOG - [REST API with iris-go web framework](https://blog.snowlyg.com/iris-go-api-1/) - [How to user iris-go with casbin](https://blog.snowlyg.com/iris-go-api-2/) --- #### Getting started - Get master package , Notice must use `master` version. ```sh ``` #### Program introduction ##### The project consists of multiple plugins, each with different functions - [viper_server] ```go package cache import ( ) var CONFIG Redis // getViperConfig get initialize config db: ` + db + ` addr: "` + CONFIG.Addr + `" password: "` + CONFIG.Password + `" pool-size: ` + poolSize), ``` - [zap_server] ```go ``` - [database] ```go ``` - [casbin] ```go ``` - [cache] ```go ``` - [operation] - [cron_server] ```go ``` - [web] - ```go // WebFunc web framework // - GetTestClient test client // - GetTestLogin test for login // - AddWebStatic add web static path // - AddUploadStatic add upload static path // - Run start ``` - [mongodb] #### Initialize database ##### Simple - Use gorm's `AutoMigrate()` function to auto migrate database. ```go package main import ( ) ``` ##### Custom migrate tools - Use `gormigrate` third party package. Tt's helpful for database migrate and program development. - Detail is see [iris-admin-cmd](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/blob/main/iris/cmd/main.go). --- - Add main.go file. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Run project - When you first run this cmd `go run main.go` , you can see some config files in the `config` directory, - and `rbac_model.conf` will be created in your project root directory. ```sh go run main.go ``` #### Module - You can use [iris-admin-rbac](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac) package to add rbac function for your project quickly. - Your can use AddModule() to add other modules . ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Default static file path - A static file access path has been built in by default - Static files will upload to `/static/upload` directory. - You can set this config key `static-path` to change the default directory. ```yaml system: ``` #### Use with front-end framework , e.g. vue - Default,you must build vue to the `dist` directory. - Naturally you can set this config key `web-path` to change the default directory. ```go package main import ( ) ``` #### Example - [iris](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/tree/main/iris) - [gin](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-example/tree/main/gin) #### RBAC - [iris-admin-rbac](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac) #### Unit test and documentation - Before start unit tests, you need to set two system environment variables `mysqlPwd` and `mysqlAddr`,that will be used when running the test instance。 - helper/tests(https://github.com/snowlyg/helper/tree/main/tests) package the unit test used, it's simple package base on httpexpect/v2(https://github.com/gavv/httpexpect). - [example for unit test](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac/tree/main/iris/perm/tests) - [example for unit test](https://github.com/snowlyg/iris-admin-rbac/tree/main/gin/authority/test) Before create a http api unit test , you need create a base test file named `main_test.go` , this file have some unit test step : ***Suggest use docker mysql, otherwise if the test fails, there will be a lot of test data left behind*** - 1.create database before test start and delete database when test finish. - 2.create tables and seed test data at once time. - 3.`PartyFunc` and `SeedFunc` use to custom someting for your test model. 内容如下所示: ***main_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var TestServer *web_gin.WebServer var TestClient *httptest.Client ``` ***index_test.go*** ```go package test import ( ) var ( ) ``` ## 🔋 JetBrains OS licenses <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=iris-admin" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/panjf2000/illustrations/master/jetbrains/jetbrains-variant-4.png" width="230" align="middle"/></a> ## ☕️ Buy me a coffee > Please be sure to leave your name, GitHub account or other social media accounts when you donate by the following means so that I can add it to the list of donors as a token of my appreciation. - [为爱发电](https://afdian.net/@snowlyg/plan) - [donating](https://paypal.me/snowlyg?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC)
Use hypothesis.NewClient to create a hypothesis.Client that searches for annotations. NewClient's token param is optional. If it's set to your Hypothesis token, you'll search both public and private annotations. If it's the empty string, you'll only search public annotations. NewClient's hypothesis.SearchParams is likewise optional. If empty, your search will be unfiltered. NewClient's maxSearchResults param determines how many annotations to fetch. If 0, the limit defaults to 400. To search for the most recent 10 public annotations: To search for the most recent 10 public or private annotations, if your token is in an env var called H_TOKEN: To search for the most recent 10 annotations in a private group whose id in an env var called H_GROUP: To search for at most 10 public or private annotations from user 'judell', with the tag 'social media': The Hypothesis search API returns at most 200 annotations. hypothesis.Search encapsulates that API call, and returns an array of hypothesis.Row. Each Row represents one annotation. To fetch more than 200 annotations, use hypothesis.SearchAll. This test should find 2000 recent public or private annotations. For more search examples, see the Steampipe Hypothesis plugin. If you authenticate with your token you can call hypothesis.Client.GetProfile to list your private groups. Here, 'profile' is a hypothesis.Profile which includes hypothesis.Profile.Groups, an array of structs that include the names and ids of your private groups. An annotation may include an array of hypothesis.Selector. These structures define how the annotation "anchors" to the segment it refers to. See anchoring.
Package socialmessaging provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS End User Messaging Social. messaging, is a messaging service that enables application developers to incorporate WhatsApp into their existing workflows. The Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API provides information about the Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API resources, including supported HTTP methods, parameters, and schemas. The Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API provides programmatic access to options that are unique to the WhatsApp Business Platform. If you're new to the Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API, it's also helpful to review What is Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Socialin the Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social User Guide. The Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social User Guide provides tutorials, code samples, and procedures that demonstrate how to use Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API features programmatically and how to integrate functionality into applications. The guide also provides key information, such as integration with other Amazon Web Services services, and the quotas that apply to use of the service. The Amazon Web Services End User Messaging Social API is available across several Amazon Web Services Regions and it provides a dedicated endpoint for each of these Regions. For a list of all the Regions and endpoints where the API is currently available, see Amazon Web Services Service Endpointsand Amazon Web Services End User Messaging endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. To learn more about Amazon Web Services Regions, see Managing Amazon Web Services Regionsin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. In each Region, Amazon Web Services maintains multiple Availability Zones. These Availability Zones are physically isolated from each other, but are united by private, low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant network connections. These Availability Zones enable us to provide very high levels of availability and redundancy, while also minimizing latency. To learn more about the number of Availability Zones that are available in each Region, see Amazon Web Services Global Infrastructure.
Package main NERDZ API. this application provides API for the NERDZ Social Networking Platform. Terms of Service: there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility swagger:meta
Package smartid implements an interface in Go to work with the Smart-ID API (https://www.smart-id.com). Smart-ID is used to easily and safely authenticate and sign documents online using only a smart phone. Smart-ID is a popular method in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania for authenticating and signing documents online for banks, social media, government offices, and other institutions. The bare minimum required to make an authentication request. Demonstarates synchronous way. Another example contains many more quest parameters for the signing method. Sign and Authenticate methods are similar and you can use the same AuthRequest parameters for both of them. This examples is asynchronous uses channel. Demonstration of siging with document number.
Package catena implements a simple social graph API.
Package main NERDZ API. this application provides API for the NERDZ Social Networking Platform. Terms of Service: there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility swagger:meta
package dnd is a Go Client for the DnD 5e REST API Install with the go get command View the full docs on pkg.go.dev https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/brittonhayes/dnd View the API here https://www.dnd5eapi.co/ Using the package is as easy as create client, pick the endpoint, and run the method. This applies across every data type so it is consistent across the board. Here's a simple _example of how to fetch a rule from the DnD 5e ruleset. Social image by Ashley Mcnamara https://twitter.com/ashleymcnamara 💖 If you'd like to contribute to DnD, make sure you've got mage installed: https://magefile.org