Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid for GoLang v1
This library implements an Authentication handler for net/http
that provides the Akamai OPEN Edgegrid Authentication scheme.
For more information visit the Akamai OPEN Developer Community.
This library has been released as a v1 library though future development will be on the develop branch for version v3.
Announcing Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid for GoLang v3 (release v3.0.0)
The v3 version of this module is under active development and provides a subset of Akamai APIs for use in the
Akamai Terraform Provider.
New users are encouraged to adopt v3 version it is a simpler API wrapper with little to no business logic.
Current direct users of this v1.x.x library are recommended to continue to use the v1 version as initialization
and package structure has significantly changed in v3 and will require substantial work to migrate existing
applications. Non-backwards compatible changes were made to improve the code quality and make the project more
Usage of the v1 library
GET Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
config, _ := edgegrid.Init("~/.edgerc", "default")
req, _ := client.NewRequest(config, "GET", "/diagnostic-tools/v2/ghost-locations/available", nil)
resp, _ := client.Do(config, req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
byt, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Parameter Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
config, _ := edgegrid.Init("~/.edgerc", "default")
req, _ := client.NewRequest(config, "GET", "/diagnostic-tools/v2/ghost-locations/zurich-switzerland/dig-info", nil)
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("hostName", "developer.akamai.com")
q.Add("queryType", "A")
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
resp, _ := client.Do(config, req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
byt, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
POST Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
config, _ := edgegrid.Init("~/.edgerc", "default")
req, _ := client.NewRequest(config, "POST", "/siteshield/v1/maps/1/acknowledge", nil)
resp, _ := client.Do(config, req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
byt, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
PUT Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
config, _ := edgegrid.Init("~/.edgerc", "default")
body := []byte("{\n \"name\": \"Simple List\",\n \"type\": \"IP\",\n \"unique-id\": \"345_BOTLIST\",\n \"list\": [\n \"\",\n \"\",\n ],\n \"sync-point\": 0\n}")
req, _ := client.NewJSONRequest(config, "PUT", "/network-list/v1/network_lists/unique-id?extended=extended", body)
resp, _ := client.Do(config, req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
byt, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
Alternatively, your program can read it from config struct.
package main
import (
func main() {
config := edgegrid.Config{
Host : "xxxxxx.luna.akamaiapis.net",
ClientToken: "xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
ClientSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
AccessToken: "xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
MaxBody: 1024,
HeaderToSign: []string{
Debug: false,
req, _ := client.NewRequest(config, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/diagnostic-tools/v2/ghost-locations/available",config.Host), nil)
resp, _ := client.Do(config, req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
byt, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
- Fork the repository to start making your changes to the v1 branch
- Send a pull request.
Davey Shafik - Developer Evangelist @ Akamai Technologies
Nick Juettner - Software Engineer @ Zalando SE