GraphQL Server Boilerplate in golang [WIP]
We are using Github to manage the dependencies.
Install Glide
curl | shl
Install dependencies
glide install
Install Docker Compose (Optional)
Directory Structure
├── /server.go # Http Service entry point
├── /schema/ # GraphQL schema defination
├── /utils/ # Utilities
│ ├── /password.go # Password hashing via bcrypt
├── /vendor/ # 3rd-party code managed by Glide
Start a devel server via docker compose
With a single docker-compose command, we are able to start MongoDB, Redid and our graphql server. See Start devel server section.
Build the docker image of graphql server
Note: You only need to do a build when Dockerfile has changed
docker-compose build
Start devel server
docker-compose up
We are using Fresh for watching source files (*.go) changes, and restarting the graphql server inside a docker container.
You might need the setting below if you got "graphql_1 | inotify_init: too many open files"
For arch linux users, you can put this into a config file e.g. /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
Stop devel server
Ctrl - C or
docker-compose down
Add new dependency
glide get{author}/{packange_name}