ChirpStack PostgreSQL to SQLite script
This script connects to a ChirpStack PostgreSQL database, reads the data
and writes this into s SQLite database. It is intended to migrate the
ChirpStack Gateway OS (full) image from PostgreSQL to SQLite.
Usage of ./chirpstack-pg-to-sqlite:
-postgres-dsn string
PostgreSQL DSN (default "postgres://chirpstack:chirpstack@localhost/chirpstack?sslmode=disable")
-sqlite-path string
Path to SQLite directory (default "chirpstack.sqlite")
- The target SQLite database needs to be already initialized with the proper
schema. You can use the
as a skeleton. - This script will remove all data from the target SQLite database.
ChirpStack Gateway OS
In the web-interface, under System > Software, click the Upload package
button and upload the .ipk
package. This will automatically migrate the
PostgreSQL database to SQLite (leaving the PostgreSQL database as-is).
Building from source
# Build for current architecture
make build
# Build ChirpStack Gateway OS (ARMv7) package
make build-gateway-os
Initial release compatible with ChirpStack v4.9.0 database schema, ChirpStack
Gateway OS v4.5.x.
This script is distributed under the MIT license. See also LICENSE