- Swift 3
- Custom views for the card & overlay
- Generic
- Dynamically add new cards on top or on the bottom
- Lazy view loading
pod 'DMSwipeCards'
First import the module:
import DMSwipeCards
Next create an instance of a DMSwipeCardsView
can be your custom model, or just String
let swipeView = DMSwipeCardsView<Element>(frame: frame,
viewGenerator: viewGenerator,
overlayGenerator: overlayGenerator)
Views get loaded lazy, so you have to provide DMSwipeCardsView
with a ViewGenerator and optionally an OverlayGenerator.
let viewGenerator: (String, CGRect) -> (UIView) = { (element: Element, frame: CGRect) -> (UIView) in
let overlayGenerator: (SwipeMode, CGRect) -> (UIView) = { (mode: SwipeMode, frame: CGRect) -> (UIView) in
Adding cards
To add new cards, just call the addCards
method with an array of the previously defined Element
swipeView.addCards([Element], onTop: true)
has a delegate property so you can get informed when a card has been swipped. The delegate has to implement following methods:
func swipedLeft(_ object: Any)
func swipedRight(_ object: Any)
func cardTapped(_ object: Any)
func reachedEndOfStack()
The object
parameter is guarenteed to have the type Element
. Sadly generics don't work here.
For a nice working demo sample, please take a look the Example project.
To run the example, first run pod install
in the Example
Loosly based on TinderSimpleSwipeCards