GoAsync - Flexible processes management library
Go Async is designed to simplify managing multi-process applications into easily understandable
single purpose units of work.
The Task Manager
is responsible for running and managing any number of assigned tasks
For the Task Manager to operate, each task must follow 1 of two patterns.
Long Running Task
Is expected to run for the entire process's execution.
- Each task added to the Task Manager will initialize serially in the order they were added to the Task Manager
a. If an error occurs, stop Initializng any remaning tasks. Also Run Cleanup for any tasks that have already been Initialized
- In Parallel Run all Execute(...) functions for any tasks
a. All tasks are expected to run and not error.
b. If any tasks return an error, the Task Manager will cancel all running tasks and then run the Cleanup for each task.
- When the Task Manager's context is canceled, each task process will have their context canceled
- Each Task's Cleanup function is called in reverse order they were added to the Task Manager
Task interface:
// A Task is anything that can be managed by the TaskManager and added before the taskmanager
// start running. Any errors will cause the process to exit as all tasks are expected to run without erros
type Task interface {
// Initializate functions are ran serially in the order they were added to the TaskManager.
// These are useful when one Goroutine dependency requires a previous Worker to setup some common
// dendency like a DB connection.
Initialize() error
// Execute is the main Async function to house all the multi-threaded logic handled by GoAsync.
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
// Clenup functions are ran serially in reverse order they were added to the TaskManager.
// This way the 1st Initialze dependency is stopped last
Cleanup() error
Execute Task
Can be added to a process that is already running
Exeute Task interface:
// A ExecuteTask can be added to a Task Manager before or after it has already started managin the tasks.
// These tasks are expected to already be properly Initialized and don't require any Cleanup Code.
type ExecuteTask interface {
// Execute is the main Async function to house all the multi-threaded logic handled by GoAsync.
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
Provided tasks
For a number of common basic tasks provided, see tasks directory
go get -u github.com/DanLavine/goasync
For a few simple and basic real world example check out the internal/examples
Running tests
To run all tests:
go test --race ./...
If we want to run one specific test we can use:
go test --race -run [NAME OF TEST] ./...
To ignore the test cache:
go test --race -count=1 ./...