PRTG Collector based on bosun/scollector
PRTG supports
custom sensors,
allowing arbitrary channels of data to be sent to the PRTG server. Bosun contains a sub-project (scollector) to collect data for OpenTSB. pcollector
brings these two together so data can be pushed into PRTG using the same framework af scollector
Usage of pcollector:
-aws="": AWS keys and region, format: "access_key:secret_key@region".
-b=0: OpenTSDB batch size. Used for debugging bad data.
-c="": External collectors directory.
-conf="": Location of configuration file. Defaults to scollector.conf in directory of the scollector executable.
-d=false: Enables debug output.
-e="": Excludes collectors matching this term, multiple terms separated by comma. Works with all other arguments.
-f="": Filters collectors matching this term, multiple terms separated by comma. Works with all other arguments.
-fake=0: Generates X fake data points on the test.fake metric per second.
-freq="15": Set the default frequency in seconds for most collectors.
-h="": Bosun or OpenTSDB host. Ex: "http://bosun.example.com:8070".
-hostname="": If set, use as value of host tag instead of system hostname.
-i="": ICMP host to ping of the format: "host[,host...]".
-l=false: List available collectors.
-m=false: Disable sending of metadata.
-n=false: Disable sending of scollector self metrics.
-p=false: Print to screen instead of sending to a host
-s="": SNMP host to poll of the format: "community@host[,community@host...]".
-t="": Tags to add to every datapoint in the format dc=ny,rack=3. If a collector specifies the same tag key, this one will be overwritten. The host tag is not supported.
-u=false: Enables full hostnames: doesn't truncate to first ".".
-v="": vSphere host to poll of the format: "user:password@host[,user:password@host...]".
-version=false: Prints the version and exits.
The major difference from scollector
is the addition of the -e
flag, to exclude collectors.