Get started with GraphQL API over gRPC
Push notification example
Token Management
First, head on to our self-service API management portal (, after signing up you will be able to create long-term API keys.
Once you have this API key, call the endpoint to get a fresh Authentication Token (JWT).
payload := `{"api_key":"YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"}`
httpResp, err := http.Post("", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(payload)))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("request creation: %s", err)
defer httpResp.Body.Close()
Has documented here. The return payload is composed of a JWT token and the expiration timestamp.
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJLTVNFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NTA2OTIxNzIsImp0aSI6IjQ0Y2UzMDVlLWMyN2QtNGIzZS1iN2ExLWVlM2NlNGUyMDE1MyIsImlhdCI6MTU1MDYwNTc3MiwiaXNzIjoiZGZ1c2UuaW8iLCJzdWIiOiJ1aWQ6bWRmdXNlMmY0YzU3OTFiOWE3MzE1IiwidGllciI6ImVvc3EtdjEiLCJvcmlnaW4iOiJlb3NxLmFwcCIsInN0YmxrIjotMzYwMCwidiI6MX0.k1Y66nqBS7S6aSt-zyt24lPFiNfWiLPbICc89kxoDvTdyDnLuUK7JxuGru9_PbPf89QBipdldRZ_ajTwlbT-KQ",
"expires_at": 1550692172
When to refresh your JWT token
Tokens have a life span of 24h (that can vary) and need to be refreshed before they expire. Please see Lifecycle of short-lived JWTs endpoint is rated limited. Full documentation can be found here API key types & Rate limiting
func (jwt JWT) NeedRefresh() bool {
exp := jwt["exp"].(float64)
iat := jwt["iat"].(float64)
lifespan := exp - iat
threshold := float64(lifespan) * 0.05
fmt.Println("lifespan:", lifespan)
fmt.Println("refresh threshold:", threshold)
expireAt := time.Unix(int64(exp), 0)
now := time.Now()
timeBeforeExpiration := expireAt.Sub(now)
if timeBeforeExpiration < 0 {
return true
return timeBeforeExpiration.Seconds() < threshold
Getting the dfuse Graphql gRPC client
- Take a look at gRPC Go Quick Start
- You can retrieve
running curl -O
- execute
protoc -I bp/ bp/graphql.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:graphql
Initiating dfuse Graphql Server connection
Sever addresses can be found at dfuse enpoints !!!need to add gRPC addresses!!!
credential := oauth.NewOauthAccess(authToken)
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
grpc.WithTransportCredentials(credentials.NewClientTLSFromCert(nil, "")),
connection, err := grpc.Dial("", opts...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("run: grapheos connection connection: %s", err)
ctx := context.Background()
graphqlClient := pbgraphql.NewGraphQLClient(connection)
GraphQL query
Executing a query
queryTemplate := `
subscription ($query: String!, $cursor: String, $lowBlockNum: Int64) {
searchTransactionsForward(query: $query, cursor: $cursor, lowBlockNum: $lowBlockNum) {
trace {
matchingActions {
query := "account:eosio.msig action:propose"
vars := toVariable(query, cursor, 0)
executionClient, err := graphqlClient.Execute(ctx, &pbgraphql.Request{Query: queryTemplate, Variables: vars})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("run: grapheos exec: %s", err)
This query account:eosio.msig action:propose
will stream transactions containing action of type propose
action for the account eosio.msig
Take a look at Search query language specs for complete documentation.
Cursor and block numbers management
Complete api documentation is accessible through GraphiQL
parameter is the lower block num boundary, inclusively. A zero or negative value means a block relative to the head or last irreversible block (depending on irreversibleOnly).cursor
parameter is an opaque data piece that you can pass back to continue your search if it ever disconnected. Retrieve it from the cursor field in the responses of this call. It is safe to use the same cursor in BOTH directions (forward and backward).
The cursors are part of each responses stream from server and should always store on reception. When your process/server is restarted, you should retrieve the last cursor received from server and use it in your next query. See more
cursor := s.db.LoadCursor()
cursor := gjson.Get(response.Data, "data.searchTransactionsForward.cursor").Str
fmt.Println("Cursor:", cursor)
Reading server response
for {
fmt.Println("Waiting for response")
response, err := executionClient.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("receiving message from search stream client: %s", err)
fmt.Println("No more result available")
fmt.Println("Received response:", response.Data)
if len(response.Errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range response.Errors {
fmt.Println("Error:", e.Message)
return nil
cursor := gjson.Get(response.Data, "searchTransactionsForward.cursor").Str
fmt.Println("Cursor:", cursor)
Handling fork
see handling fork
undo := gjson.Get(response.Data, "data.searchTransactionsForward.undo").Bool()
var message string
if !undo {
message = fmt.Sprintf("Please approve '%s' proposed by %s", proposal.Name, proposal.Proposer)
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf("Proposal '%s' proposed by %s has been cancel", proposal.Name, proposal.Proposer)