This package is unreleased, alpha quality that will have API breaking changes
as we get it in shape. We'll do an official release when it is ready.
Hashicorp Configuration And Templating (hashicat) library
This library provides a means to fetch data managed by external services and
render templates using that data. It also enables monitoring those services for
data changes to trigger updates to the templates.
It currently supports Consul and Vault as data sources, but we expect to add
more soon.
This library was originally based on the code from Consul-Template with a fair
amount of refactoring.
If you have questions about hashicat, its capabilities or anything other than a
bug or feature request (use github's issue tracker for those), please see our
community support resources.
Community portal:
Other resources:
Additionally, for issues and pull requests we'll be using the :+1: reactions as
a rough voting system to help gauge community priorities. So please add :+1: to
any issue or pull request you'd like to see worked on. Thanks.