A Tiny Test Framework for Go

A tiny test framework for making short, useful assertions in your Go tests.
Assert(t, have, want)
and Refute(t, have, want)
abort a test immediately with t.Fatal
Expect(t, have, want)
and Reject(t, have, want)
allow a test to continue, reporting failure at the end with t.Error
They print nice error messages, preserving the order of have (actual result) before want (expected result) to minimize confusion.
Examples of passing tests from readme_test.go
func TestExample(t *testing.T) {
st.Expect(t, "a", "a")
st.Reject(t, 42, int64(42))
st.Assert(t, "b", "b")
st.Refute(t, 99, int64(99))
func TestTableExample(t *testing.T) {
examples := []struct{ a, b string }{
{"first", "first"},
{"second", "second"},
for i, ex := range examples {
st.Expect(t, ex, ex, i)
st.Reject(t, ex, &ex, i)
for _, ex := range examples {
st.Assert(t, ex, ex)
st.Refute(t, ex, &ex)
=== RUN TestExample
--- PASS: TestExample (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestTableExample
--- PASS: TestTableExample (0.00 seconds)
ok github.com/nbio/st 0.010s
Failing tests produce nice output:
func TestFailedExpectationMessages(t *testing.T) {
st.Expect(t, 1, 2)
st.Reject(t, "same", "same")
var typedNil *string
st.Expect(t, typedNil, nil)
func TestFailedAssertMessage(t *testing.T) {
type chicken struct{}
type egg struct{}
st.Assert(t, egg{}, chicken{})
func TestFailedRefuteMessage(t *testing.T) {
st.Reject(t, 42, 7*6)
func TestFailedTableMessages(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct{ val int }{
{0}, {1}, {2},
for i, example := range table {
st.Expect(t, example.val, 1, i)
for _, example := range table {
st.Assert(t, example.val, 1)
func TestDeeperEquality(t *testing.T) {
type testStr string
slice1 := []interface{}{"A", 1, []byte("steak sauce")}
slice2 := []interface{}{"R", 2, 'd', int64(2)}
map1 := map[string]string{"clever": "crafty", "modest": "prim"}
map2 := map[string]string{"silk": "scarf", "wool": "sweater"}
str1 := "same"
str2 := testStr("same")
st.Expect(t, slice1, slice2)
st.Reject(t, slice1, slice1)
st.Expect(t, map1, map2)
st.Reject(t, map1, map1)
st.Expect(t, str1, str2)
st.Reject(t, str1, str1)
--- FAIL: TestFailedExpectationMessages (0.00 seconds)
readme_test.go:38: Tests purposely fail to demonstrate output
readme_test.go:39: should be ==
have: (int) 2
want: (int) 1
readme_test.go:40: should be !=
have: (string) same
and : (string) same
readme_test.go:42: should be ==
have: (<nil>) <nil>
want: (*string) <nil>
--- FAIL: TestFailedAssertMessage (0.00 seconds)
readme_test.go:49: should be ==
have: (readme.chicken) {}
want: (readme.egg) {}
--- FAIL: TestFailedRefuteMessage (0.00 seconds)
readme_test.go:54: should be !=
have: (int) 42
and : (int) 42
--- FAIL: TestFailedTableMessages (0.00 seconds)
readme_test.go:64: should be ==
0. have: (int) 1
want: (int) 0
readme_test.go:64: should be ==
2. have: (int) 1
want: (int) 2
readme_test.go:68: should be ==
have: (int) 1
want: (int) 0
--- FAIL: TestDeeperEquality (0.00 seconds)
readme_test.go:83: should be ==
have: ([]interface {}) [R 2 100 2]
want: ([]interface {}) [A 1 [115 116 101 97 107 32 115 97 117 99 101]]
readme_test.go:84: should be !=
have: ([]interface {}) [A 1 [115 116 101 97 107 32 115 97 117 99 101]]
and : ([]interface {}) [A 1 [115 116 101 97 107 32 115 97 117 99 101]]
readme_test.go:85: should be ==
have: (map[string]string) map[silk:scarf wool:sweater]
want: (map[string]string) map[clever:crafty modest:prim]
readme_test.go:86: should be !=
have: (map[string]string) map[clever:crafty modest:prim]
and : (map[string]string) map[clever:crafty modest:prim]
readme_test.go:87: should be ==
have: (readme.testStr) same
want: (string) same
readme_test.go:88: should be !=
have: (string) same
and : (string) same
exit status 1
FAIL github.com/nbio/st/readme 0.012s
See package st
documentation for more detail.