Some notes on using this package:
All possible smbios info is document in the spec here.
The underlying DigitalOcean smbios library provides a struct for each smbios structure with the given format below.
type Structure struct {
Header Header
Formatted []byte
Strings []string
The Formatted
section contains the entire byte slice of the structure minus the header, while the Strings
section contains a list of all strings that are provided in the structure.
Note that strings are only present if the Value
type in the specification is of type "STRING".
But this means you can easily get string values by their index, so in the example table lower in the README one can assume that Manufacturer
will be in Strings[0]
The way the Structure struct works for a given type can also be kind of confusing.
For example, in the doc, the table for system info looks like the following:
But it's important to note that if I'm after a field like Wake-up Type
, I need to keep in mind that the Formatted
byte slice is missing the first 4 bytes of the structure that are stripped out as header info.
So if Wake-up Type
's offset is 18h (which is the decimal value 24), I need to subtract 4 to get the correct offset location (which is decimal value 20).
Thus fetching s.Formatted[20]
gives me the byte that points to the wake up value, and I can cross-check that with the info from the spec.
This site was also helpful if you don't have your hex->decimal translations memorized.