microformats is a go library and tool for parsing microformats, supporting both classic v1 and v2 syntax.
It is based on Andy Leap's original library.
To see this package in action, the simplest way is to install the command line
app and use it to fetch and parse a webpage with microformats on it:
% go install willnorris.com/go/microformats/cmd/gomf@latest
% gomf https://indieweb.org
To use it in your own code, import the package:
import "willnorris.com/go/microformats"
If you have the HTML contents of a page in an io.Reader, call Parse like in this example:
content := `<article class="h-entry"><h1 class="p-name">Hello</h1></article>`
r := strings.NewReader(content)
data := microformats.Parse(r, nil)
enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
Alternately, if you have already parsed the page and have an html.Node, then call ParseNode.
For example, you might want to select a subset of the DOM, and parse only that for microformats.
An example of doing this with the goquery package can be seen in cmd/gomf/main.go.
To see that in action using the gomf app installed above,
you can parse the microformats from indieweb.org that appear within the #content
% gomf https://indieweb.org "#content"
"items": [
"id": "content",
"type": [
"properties": ...
"children": ...
"rels": {},
"rel-urls": {}